Chapter 682 Li Mu
Bai Yunfei coughed lightly and said, "But even leaving here is difficult for you now, and you are a powerless person, how can you seek revenge from those people?"

The little boy shook his head slightly, and said with a serious face, "Although I, Li Mu, are indeed powerless, I have great confidence because I am still young. As long as I can escape from this city and visit everywhere Famed teacher, I will definitely be able to avenge my mother."

Bai Yunfei said with some interest, "Visiting a famous teacher is like some famous knights. If you want to worship them as a teacher, they may not be able to accept you as an apprentice. Are you so sure that they can teach you martial arts? "

After thinking for a while, Li Mu said seriously, "I believe that there is true love in the world, as long as I use my sincerity, I will be able to impress them."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Your idea is really good enough, but for the sake of being so sincere, I can help you and let you visit famous teachers, but whether you can feel successful is up to you .”

Li Mu immediately saluted Bai Yunfei with some excitement and said, "Li Mu thank you sir, and if Li Mu really has some achievements in the future, I will definitely thank you sir."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "It's not necessary, I just want to help you because you are relatively small, and you don't have to take it to heart."

At this moment, the sound of people rushing suddenly came from downstairs.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said to Xiao Er, "What's going on outside? Why is it so lively?"

Xiao Er said with a look of horror, "Many soldiers suddenly appeared outside, and they have put the entire city under martial law. I am afraid that no one will be able to leave this city today."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said somewhat differently, "What's going on here? How could there be so many soldiers coming out, and how could there be a sudden martial law?"

Xiao Er shook his head and said, "This little one doesn't know either. But judging by their appearance, they seem to be searching for some kind of person."

At this moment, several officers and soldiers suddenly walked into the inn quickly, and began to investigate one by one.

At this time, Li Mu looked at Bai Yunfei slightly worried and said, "Why do I feel that they seem to be coming after me, or else I'll hide in another place now, and I can't implicate you, sir."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Your premonition is quite accurate, they are indeed here for you, because I saw a portrait in their arms that is you, but don't worry, they don't have any malicious intentions, let's go!" One step at a time, you just need to know that I can guarantee your safety."

Li Mu sat on the side in fear, not in any mood to continue eating, always looking nervously at the officers and soldiers.

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly, looked at the nervous Li Mu, and smiled faintly.Sure enough, he was still a child. No matter how mature he was before, he would still panic when encountering real danger.

At this moment, those officers and soldiers had already walked to Bai Yunfei's table, took out the portraits in their hands, compared them carefully with Li Mu, and immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "See His Royal Highness, the last general will come to save you!" I beg the prince to forgive me for being late."

Li Mu was startled, hid behind Bai Yunfei, and said tremblingly, "Did you recognize the wrong person? I'm not the prince you say, I'm just a commoner."

Those officers and soldiers stood up quickly, and one of them ran outside quickly. After a while, a general walked in quickly and said to Li Mu very happily, "His Royal Highness, you must not do this. We don't have any malicious intentions, I am the general defending the city here, and my name is Cheng Tian."

Li Mu looked at Cheng Tian worriedly and said, "Did you recognize the wrong person? How could I be your Highness the Crown Prince? I'm really just a commoner."

Cheng Tian smiled slightly and said, "Your Highness, don't worry so much, we don't have any malicious intentions, and you will know the truth when you meet the Holy Majesty."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, they don't have any malice towards you. If they had any malice towards you, they wouldn't reveal your identity in public."

Cheng Tian immediately bowed happily to Bai Yunfei and said, "And even if we really have malicious intentions towards you, with Mr. Bai around, no one would dare to do anything to you. With Mr. Bai's protection, I am afraid that there will be no one in the world." People dare to be your enemy."

Bai Yunfei looked at Cheng Tian with a little surprise and said, "Oh, you know me, I probably haven't met you before, how do you know my existence?"

Cheng Tian was worried that Bai Yunfei might have misunderstood something, so he quickly said, "Mr. Bai, you must not misunderstand, we have not conducted any investigation on you, but we know of your existence because we saw your demeanor from Tie Kuangsheng. "

Bai Yunfei said with a faint smile, "It seems that you have contacts with people in Jianghu."

Cheng Tian quickly said with an apologetic smile, "You also know what kind of things these people in the Jianghu will do, so we dare not have any slack. We must control every move in the entire Jianghu. Only in this way can we ensure the peace of the country."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Don't worry, I don't have any prejudice against you, you have your responsibilities. But what I want to know more is, what is going on with this little guy, if he If it is really the prince you speak of, then why would it end up in the rivers and lakes and be hunted down by people."

Cheng Tian frowned suddenly, and said in a cold voice, "I really didn't expect that these damned mice would dare to come out, and even dare to attack His Royal Highness, they really deserve death."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "However, the strength of those people is very poor, and they can't get on any stage at all. They just belong to the level of ordinary people. If the mice hiding in the dark in your mouth , Then some experts should be sent out, but not some ordinary people to deal with."

Cheng Tian sighed slightly and said, "People from the Dark Rat Organization act very secretly, and no one knows their true faces. The only thing they know is that they can only know their identities after they die. As long as they are alive, It will never let anyone know their identity."

(End of this chapter)

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