683 Escort

Bai Yunfei said thoughtfully, "It seems that the people I met before are also the so-called dark mice. But why did they only shoot some ordinary people instead of sending some warriors? Is it to deceive people? ?”

Cheng Tian nodded slightly and said, "That should be the reason, but now there is a different voice in the entire empire, and I'm afraid it's their fault, so the most urgent thing now is to escort the prince back to the palace."

Li Mu frowned slightly and said, "But I really want to know, if I am really the prince, then why am I outside, and why my mother has been suffering outside, what is the reason for all this?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "I'm also more interested, why the majestic crown prince is living in the rivers and lakes, and may face people's pursuit at any time, but the current emperor has not taken any action."

Cheng Tian shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know the specifics. I just received an imperial decree to find His Highness the Crown Prince as quickly as possible and come to help His Highness return to the palace. As for the other things, I'm afraid I don't have any information." way to interpret it.”

Bai Yunfei looked at Li Mu with pleading eyes, obviously hoping that he could escort him back to the palace and learn the truth of everything.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I can promise you, but you have to be prepared to bear it yourself, because there may be accidents that you don't want to know at any time, and it may overturn all your previous thoughts, so Are you really going to continue?"

After thinking for a while, Li Mu said, "No matter what, I must understand the truth of this matter. Even if it overturns everything before me, I still want to understand him, because I want to avenge my mother."

Bai Yunfei looked at Li Mu appreciatively and said, "Okay, since you plan to do this, then I will help you, don't worry, I will definitely save your life, but you need to avenge yourself, I will not help you of."

Li Mu said seriously, "Thank you sir, as for revenge, I will definitely be able to do it myself."

Li Mu turned his head and said to Cheng Tian, ​​"General, I promise to go back to the palace with you to find out the truth about everything. Now let's set off."

Bai Yunfei called Xiao Er directly, and after preparing some ingredients, he followed behind the army, personally protecting Li Mu and heading to the palace.

The army quickly marched directly and quickly because the palace is still some distance away from here. Even if they drive overnight, it will take them a month to reach the palace. But people are not machines after all, so they need to rest from time to time, so this journey takes two people. month or so.

Bai Yunfei was sitting on the carriage, drinking lightly, smiling slightly at the nervous Li Mu, and continued to look at the scenery outside.

Soon they came to a relatively narrow canyon, looking at the towering sides, Cheng Tian frowned slightly.

The army stopped immediately, and dozens of soldiers quickly climbed up to the two sides and began to check the military situation on both sides.

Bai Yunfei nodded his head slightly, and said calmly, "I never thought that General Cheng would really have such skills. He seems to be a rare good general."

Li Mu was a little puzzled and said, "Why? She just took pictures of some soldiers to check the two sides. Why can she judge that he is a rare good general based on this?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a soft smile, "Did you know that when you encounter such a canyon, under normal circumstances, you can't enter it, because people are most likely to be ambushed on both sides, and now this is what we must pass through. The chance of ambush is even higher, but the general sent soldiers on both sides, and sent another group of soldiers to carefully pass through the middle. If there is really danger, I am afraid they will all pay attention to it. In the middle, he didn’t expect soldiers to enter twice, and the soldiers on both sides are very sharp and able to deal with many things, this is his good point.”

Li Mu said in puzzlement, "But if they also ambushed people above, I am afraid that these soldiers will only die if they go up, and will not solve any problems at all."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "Then you are wrong. If there is really an ambush above, they will definitely fight the opponent directly and quickly. As long as there is a fight, they can directly fight with the fastest rushed over at the speed."

Li Mu nodded thoughtfully and said, "This can be said to be the best solution for both worlds, but if the other party completely blocks the canyon, what should we do?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "This is the matter of the people who investigate all the way in the middle. Don't worry, they will definitely not have any problems with their investigations, and there will be no enemies throughout the afternoon because I am already too old." It's almost clear that there won't be any enemies here, but the necessary exploration is still needed."

At this moment, a very sharp whistling sound was suddenly heard from a distance.

Cheng Tian smiled slightly, and waved his hand quickly, and the army began to formally march again.

The army passed through the canyon very smoothly, but when the army relaxed a little, countless arrows suddenly appeared on both sides.

Cheng Tian's expression changed, and he shouted loudly, "Enemy attack!"

All the soldiers quickly set up their shields for defense, but because of the sudden attack, dozens of soldiers died directly.

Bai Yunfei flicked his sleeve lightly, only to see that all the arrows around him fell down, without hurting the carriage at all.

"Attention everyone, there is only one way for you now, hand over the crown prince to spare you from death, if you don't hand over, then all of you will be buried here today." A man in a black robe said lightly.

Cheng Tian's face changed slightly, and he said, "I really didn't expect that you would lead the team yourself. This really doesn't look like your style."

The man sneered and said, "Although it's really not my style, there's nothing I can do. I can't disobey the boss's order, so I advise you not to resist today, and I'm in a good mood, so I don't ask you If you are really stubborn, then don't blame me, Mingshu, for being rude to you."

Cheng Tian took a deep breath, and said lightly, "It's my mission to protect the prince, even if I risk my life, I will never back down, so come if you have the ability."

(End of this chapter)

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