Chapter 684
After Mingshu smiled, he said lightly, "Since this is the case, you can do it yourself. I hope you can stand firm for a few days and let me have a good time."

Looking at the mouse that had already left, Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said to Cheng Tian who was frowning, "Do you know what the mouse is capable of just now, that it made you so irritated?"

Cheng Tian sighed and said, "If other mice lead the team, I'm not too worried, but what I'm most afraid of is this ghost mouse, because every time this person appears, it means death and he is very perverted." , He can be said to be proficient in all the methods that can kill people."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Could it be that you can't take him directly? I think his martial arts are not too high, and should be on par with yours. If you fight to the death, you should be able to take him down. You Why are you so afraid?"

Cheng Tian sighed slightly and said, "I have fought against him twice, but it's a pity that every time it was a disastrous defeat. If it weren't for the sudden help of these brothers behind me, I'm afraid I would have been killed by him long ago." Can you imagine it? You have to pay attention to the surrounding environment when you are fighting with him, because if you are not careful, you will fall into his trap."

Bai Yunfei nodded thoughtfully and said, "So that's it. It seems that he is more suitable for killing people by using the surrounding environment, but if that's the case, then I have an idea that can be done once and for all."

Cheng Tian looked at Bai Yunfei with some differences and said, "Sir, what can you do? If you can really completely eliminate the threat of this ghost mouse, then we can really return to the palace safe and sound."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Even if this ghost rat is wiped out, there may be more powerful rats waiting in secret, so it's best not to act rashly now, after all, on the bright side The enemy is much easier to deal with than the enemy in the dark."

Cheng Tian suddenly nodded with some comprehension, and said thoughtfully, "So, it seems that they should have stopped around us. The real killing move, when we wholeheartedly deal with the ghost rat, I'm afraid it's time for them to succeed."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I believe the next journey will be full of various surprises, but now I will teach you a few methods, I believe you can definitely make that ghost mouse suffer a bit."

When the night slowly fell, all the soldiers began to patrol normally, and Bai Yunfei and the others began to rest in the tent.

Just at this time, a click sound was suddenly heard, and dozens of people in night clothes fell into a huge pit.

All the soldiers quickly shot into the deep pit with bows and arrows, only to hear the screams inside, and then they became quiet about everything, and all the men in black inside were dead.

When all the people were resting, there was a strange sound again, accompanied by screams, obviously some people accidentally fell into the trap and died completely in it .

After dawn that day, Cheng Tian took a count of the remaining number of soldiers in the army, heaved a sigh of relief, and said happily to Bai Yunfei, "No soldier was injured last night, but the other party's assassins were completely left behind." Betting more than 100 people will definitely make the other party heartbroken."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "The days ahead won't be so easy, it just caught them off guard, and they will have to be more careful in the days to come, and the plan I gave you must be Close things, and must be kept secret, ordinary soldiers, don't spread it casually."

Cheng Tian nodded understandingly, and said with a mysterious smile, "Don't worry, sir, the few people I'm looking for are all my most trusted brothers, and all of them are our brothers who crawled out of the dead man's pit, so they will definitely not would betray me."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Don't be careless, because you know the methods of these mice, maybe they will use some despicable methods, so you can't be careless."

Cheng Tian smiled softly and said, "I absolutely believe that my brothers will be able to keep them going back and forth tonight."

After a day's journey, everyone continued to set up camp and rest.

Li Mu didn't show any unnecessary expressions at this time, but was in a daze when he saw the sky. Obviously, he was also thinking about how to walk his future road.

Bai Yunfei sat next to him, and said lightly, "Haven't you thought about it yet? Since you have chosen this path to go back, it is full of blood and wind after all. This is inevitable. Are you really scared now?"

Li Mu said blankly, "Sir, I'm not afraid, but I really can't understand why those people must prevent me from going back, and let me kill at any cost. Is my life really so valuable?" Why? Then why didn't they kill me before, they had to wait until now that my identity was exposed before trying to kill me."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Actually, they just didn't take you seriously at the time. When they found out that you had posed some threats to them, they killed you in such a big way. In fact, there is a certain reason." The meaning is that they want your father, who is now the Holy One, to be completely desperate, and this is what they want to do."

Cheng Tian sat aside, nodded in agreement and said, "His Royal Highness, sir, what he said is not wrong at all, they just want to make the Holy Majesty completely desperate, so that our country will collapse directly."

Li Mu said a little puzzled, "Don't tell me he doesn't have any other children? Why do you have to make me the crown prince? Isn't this intentionally putting me on the cusp of the storm?"

After Cheng Tian hesitated for a while, he said directly, "That's because you are the only real flesh and blood so far, and the princes in the palace are all puppets, and all of them are puppets of the enemy."

Li Mu suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief and said, "What's going on? Could it be that this is a deliberate attempt to deceive the people of the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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