685st charter home
Cheng Tian shook his head slightly and said, "This is not to deceive the world, but it is just to ensure your safety, so I dare not act rashly. Because all the princes who are still a few kilometers away from you today have been dropped, if it is not because of you If you are still alive, I am afraid that the whole world will already be in chaos."

Li Mu said a little puzzled, "Then why are you suddenly calling me back now? Doesn't this mean that I am more dangerous?"

Cheng Tian shook his head slightly and said, "Suddenly asked you to go back because the Holy Majesty does not have long to live, so now you must be enthroned to protect your safety."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Does that mean that all the puppets in the palace have been killed?"

Cheng Tian looked at Bai Yunfei with some differences and said, "Sir, how did you guess it? There shouldn't be any news coming out now, how do you know that all those puppets have been killed?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, pointed to his head and said, "It's too simple, just analyze it a little bit."

Li Mu said slightly puzzled, "In this case, why did they just use some ordinary people to come and arrest me before, as if they didn't really want to kill me, but now they seem to be called to really kill me, what is going on? ? Is this also their strategy?"

Cheng Tian smiled slightly and said, "That's because they also planned to use Li Daitao's stiff strategy. But they forgot their original plan a few episodes after they saw me, and killed us all with all their might."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "If this is the case, there may be real chaos in the palace now. Are you sure you want to go back and ascend the throne safely?"

Cheng Tian smiled slightly, and said, "As long as he is still alive, there will be no chaos, because this is the rule, and there is no rule that anyone can break. As long as the throne is passed on to the crown prince before the Holy One dies, It will all be done in its own way and there will be no more troubles."

Li Mu hesitated slightly, and said, "You mean, if I don't get the throne for a day, then I will be in danger for a day, is that the reason?"

Cheng Tian sighed slightly and said, "Yes, that's the reason, so you must ensure your own safety now, Prince, and you must not die, because now only you can accept the real throne. If you appear If there is any accident, the world will be in chaos that day, because there will be no heir, and when the Holy Majesty has completely returned to heaven, that will be the time when the entire empire will be in chaos."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Which family or power do you belong to? How can you analyze it so thoroughly?"

After Cheng Tian frowned slightly, he said calmly, "I am a child of the Cheng family. Our Cheng family has always taken protecting the country as our duty, so we will not betray the emperor."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "So that's the case, no wonder you are so confident that you can welcome the prince back, but there is one thing you probably haven't figured out, that is, not everyone thinks like you, just Including in this barracks, there are some outlaws inside now, who are sharpening their knives and wanting to kill the prince."

Cheng Tian shook his head slightly and said, "Of course I know there will be some spies in my military camp, but I don't take them seriously because they won't know my real strategy at all, even if there are any problems , I can safely escort the prince back to the palace."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It seems that you really can say that you have already thought of a perfect plan, but aren't you afraid that there will be some abnormalities in your intermediate plan, and that will really fall short."

Li Mu was also a little worried, looked at Cheng Tian and said, "General, do you really have a better way to send us safely to the palace? Then why don't you start your safest strategy instead of taking such a risk now? "

Cheng Tian shook his head slightly and said, "Because it is the last way out, so it cannot be used easily, and with Mr. Bai around, I believe it will be safer than my way out."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "You must not bring me your high hat, I can't afford it, I can only guarantee his safety, but I can't guarantee that he can reach the palace, do you understand that?"

Cheng Tian laughed and said, "As long as the crown prince's safety can be guaranteed, that's enough, and even the strategies that Mr. made before can be said to have been implemented. I believe it will definitely surprise those damn rats." .”

While the three were talking and laughing, there was another loud noise from inside the barracks. When the three walked over, they found that there were dozens of soldiers inside, completely dead.

Cheng Tian said to the surrounding soldiers with a gloomy expression, "What's going on? Why did they suddenly lose it? Can you see who the murderer is?"

A soldier said tremblingly, "We don't know how they died, we just rushed over after hearing a scream, only to find that they had all fallen to the ground , and we didn’t move any of their bodies, it’s what they looked like when they died.”

After Bai Yunfei squatted down and inspected carefully, he smiled slightly and said, "They all died when someone quickly slid a sharp knife down their throat."

Cheng Tian said angrily, "These damned rats, don't let me meet them. When I meet them, I will ask them to ask about dismembering the corpse, and let them know what real terror is."

Bai Yunfei looked at a corpse not far away, sneered and said, "Now you have a chance to cut him into pieces."

Cheng Tian followed Bai Yunfei's gaze, and at this moment he also found the corpse, and waved at the surrounding soldiers.

The surrounding soldiers took out their weapons very quickly, and walked slowly towards the corpse. When the corpse wanted to jump up and escape, the soldiers collectively knocked it down with their weapons and pressed it to the ground.

Cheng Tian walked in front of the corpse, and said coldly, "Pretend to be a ghost, that's what you bloody rats are willing to do."

(End of this chapter)

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