Chapter 686: Catching the Mouse
The mouse opened his dead eyes, and said with a blank face, "How did you find me? I shouldn't have any flaws, and the number of deaths of your soldiers is better. How did you find out?" Know I have a problem."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "That's because your death posture is very wrong, so it's the details of this point that exposed all your problems, so I know that you are the dead body waiting for the opportunity to assassinate the prince. "

The mouse suddenly showed a fierce expression, broke free from the soldiers' arms, and was about to attack Bai Yunfei, but it was a pity that before he could take a few steps, he was directly stabbed to death by the soldiers behind him.

Cheng Tian said with a little worry, "My mother will have a hard time for us in the future. This damn description is full of insidious and despicable designs, which is really annoying."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Where is this? There are more surprises waiting for us. If you think it's just such a small surprise, then I'm afraid you underestimate this ghost mouse. You can do what you did before."

Cheng Tian nodded slightly and said, "I have ordered the people below to do it, but if we do this, will it be too cruel, and may cause some adverse reactions, really intend to do this Do it?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "If you want to get rid of this mouse thoroughly, you must use this method, otherwise you will never catch him."

Li Mu looked at the two with some puzzlement and said, "What's the matter? Did the two of you design a new mechanism? Or did you have a new plan, why didn't you tell me?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Kids, don't ask around here. If you have this spare time, you might as well think about how you can avenge your mother in the future. The information you have obtained so far should make you already Know what kind of enemy you will face."

Li Mu nodded slightly sadly, and walked aside, and began to talk about how he should avenge his mother.

Cheng Tian was a little puzzled and said, "Sir, why didn't we tell the prince about these plans? If we told the prince, our next actions should be more controllable."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile, "Because only these can make it maintain its original nature forever, and not produce unnecessary things due to some background changes."

Cheng Tian slightly sighed and said, "It's just that I didn't expect that Mr. is really well-intentioned. When the prince becomes the emperor in the future, he will definitely understand what you taught him now, and he will definitely repay you."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said a little playfully, "It's not necessary. I want to know that mouse even more now. If he knows all the settings I gave him, what kind of expression he will have."

Cheng Tian smiled slightly and said, "I believe his performance has been perfect, and I'm afraid he will absolutely be dumbfounded watching all this happen."

At dawn the next day, the army continued to march again. After three days and three nights of driving, they arrived at a forest before dark, but this forest was really bare, without any The leaves are visible.

Everyone stopped and set up camp, and began to continue to rest. Now there is only more than a month left to arrive at the palace, but for everyone, they can really breathe a sigh of relief.

When the night slowly fell, Bai Yunfei led Li Mu, Cheng Tian and the army to rescue directly and quickly, and left the place where they camped silently.

Because when he came, he had already officially issued his first order to all the soldiers, that is, when questioning, if someone dared to make a loud noise, someone deliberately wanted to remind others to know, then Just shoot and kill.

After the army had completely evacuated from the woods, Cheng Tian took a deep breath and waved at all the soldiers.

I saw that all the soldiers shot into the sky quickly.

Countless rockets fell directly and quickly around their barracks, only to hear the screams of many people around their barracks, and the ghost mouse was among them, but they have no way out now, because they Already surrounded by the raging fire of the operation.

Cheng Tian looked at the severely burned Mingshu inside with a sneer and said, "If you surrender now, I can still make the decision to save your life. If you dare to continue to resist, I'm afraid you will lose yourself .”

After Mingshu laughed wildly, he said lightly, "I want to know who is behind your backstage right now, because you have no way of top-secret plans like this, because you are too indecisive, and you will never come up with one. Such a perfect plan, can you let me see who designed it?"

Bai Yunfei walked out directly, and said with a soft smile, "I'm afraid I've disappointed you, I designed all of this, so it suits your taste, or does it need to be more tragic to be more serious?" suit your taste."

Mingshu took a breath, and said lightly, "Do you really think that this will make us all lose in it? Then you really underestimated us. The future will be long, and I will definitely make you pay the price."

Mingshu directly and quickly took out a few weird hidden weapons, and immediately threw them out in Bai Yunfei's direction.

However, Bai Yunfei showed a look of disdain, a few stones appeared in his hand, and he threw them out in an instant, hitting those strange hidden weapons, knocking them to the ground directly.

Those strange hidden weapons exploded in an instant, and all the mice fell to the ground with screams, including the ghost mouse, there was no one who was good standing in place, and all of them fell to the ground well .

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a sneer, "This is called self-indulgence. You never thought that your best hidden weapon would fail like this. It must be very pleasant to be hurt by your own hidden weapon."

Mingshu didn't have any intention of continuing to talk to Bai Yunfei, because he was already in pain, so he was distracted quickly, bit the poison in his mouth, and committed suicide completely.

(End of this chapter)

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