Chapter 703 Strange Things

The God of Gamblers smiled lightly and said, "You are right, it is true that it has no effect on us, but don't forget, he has a great effect on our subordinates. You must know that each of us has It's not just one person, all of them are family members, so if you can improve the strength of your subordinates, do you want to fight or not?"

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly, and said, "It's true that we need to fight, but this game is really useless to me. I would rather suggest seeing him fall. After all, treat a person as a person." Isn't it too cruel to use supplements to make offerings, and I'm sorry for my beliefs as a human being."

The God of Gamblers laughed and said, "I am not mistaken. You are not my brother. It is really good that you can still retain your human nature until now. You must know that many people will never be a god after becoming a god." They will admit that they are human beings, and they will also forget that they were human beings before, calling their own kind as ants."

Bai Yunfei snorted lightly and said, "Such a person is a real ant, because he is not worthy of being a human being at all. If he even forgets the fact that he is a human being, then what face does he have to continue living? Then he and the beast what differences are there?"

The God of Gamblers smiled slightly and said, "It's a pity that there are very few people who think like you now, because if everyone thinks like you, there won't be so many killings in this world." .”

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, frowned and said, "Brother, do you want to get that thing? Or do you want to destroy that thing?"

The God of Gamblers smiled slightly and said, "Of course I plan to destroy that thing, because although I am good at gambling, I don't want to bet on myself. Can I bear its temptation?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Since that's the case, I'll help Big Brother completely destroy it. Don't worry, there's nothing that I can't destroy."

The God of Gamblers smiled and said, "That's right, I almost forgot, you are called a person who only destroys, but I'm really curious, how did you start to destroy?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Although I don't know who it is, who actually said that I am destroying, but I have never been destroying, and I have always been saving, but I have seen a lot of destruction." I have always wondered why so many people are willing to destroy this world?"

The God of Gamblers said seriously, "That's because destruction is a very beautiful firework, a very beautiful thing, which can make people addicted to it, and this is the charm of destruction."

"What the hell is this thing? Why does it look so weird? Could it be that this thing is attracting us?" Mad God suddenly said in surprise.

Bai Yunfei and the others looked over curiously, and all of them frowned immediately, because a very dark mass appeared in front of their eyes, which didn't look like anything, but was very weird.

Lao Mo was also a little puzzled and said, "No, this is not the Flower of Creation. It's really strange. What the hell is this? How can it have the same effect as the Flower of Creation? It's so strange?"

Bai Yunfei was slightly stunned for a moment, and said flatly, "Old Mo, you mean that this is not a flower of creation at all, so what the hell is this? Don't you have any records?"

Lao Mo shook his head regretfully and said, "There is no record at all and there is no mention of such a weird thing at all, but I am afraid that the current situation is not the same as the previous guess. You must careful."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Don't worry, I will be careful, but what we are most worried about now is not this, but how to solve this mission satisfactorily, this damn thing is probably It’s not so easy to be destroyed.”

Lao Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Master, you don't have to worry so much about having them around. You can see how they will deal with it. You just wait by the side."

Mo Yun circled the dark mass with some interest, and after turning around, he said, "I've never seen such a weird thing before, and it's different from what I imagined, but I'm afraid this appearance won't be recognized." Destroy it, Luo Feng, haven't you always wanted to destroy him? You can try it, if you want to destroy it, then destroy it, if you can't, then I will find a way to collect it."

Luo Feng snorted slightly, and after a quick check, he frowned, and said in a puzzled way, "It's really strange, there has never been such a weird thing, how did such a strange thing come into existence, And without any awareness? Forget it, no matter what weird thing you are, just destroy you directly."

Yang Xi suddenly said at this time, "I think we should not act rashly. What if we can't destroy it and cause other impacts instead, what should we do? We'd better be careful and make plans after observing and observing."

However, the Mad God couldn't bear it at this moment, and directly snorted disdainfully, and quickly swung the ax in his hand, slashing towards the black mass.

I saw that the black thing became tens of times in an instant, without any sign of healing, it was slowly floating there, but it was not really destroyed.

Mad God said with some surprise, "It's really strange. Just now it looked like it was cut on cotton, and I didn't feel anything. It's really strange. What the hell is this? Even my aura can't shake it away."

Luo Feng stretched out his right hand, and quickly grabbed half of the black thing, but it was strange that he grabbed the black thing without any room for resistance, but Luo Feng Feng exerted a slight force, and these things actually divided into several petals again and drifted away.

Bai Yunfei narrowed his eyes slightly, because he found something not quite right, that is, these dark things were not the real body at all, his body was just hidden.

"Be careful, everyone. These things are not real. They are just supposed to attract our attention here. His body must be nearby. Don't let him sneak attack you." Luo Feng said flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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