Chapter 704
The God of Gamblers chuckled slightly and said, "This is really interesting. To confuse us with some illusory things here and then try to sneak attack us is really a naive trick. It seems that the opponent really underestimates us."

Bai Yunfei glanced at Yang Xi thoughtfully and said lightly, "Yang Xi, do you already know what this is? Otherwise, why would you suddenly stop everyone? What else do you have to hide from everyone? Say it all now."

Yang Xi was stunned for a moment, touched her head in embarrassment and said, "Brother Bai, you really think highly of me, how can I understand these things, if I really know, how can I hide it from everyone. "

Bai Yunfei shook his head, sneered and said, "Ever since you came to this world, you already know what's going on here, and what's going to happen here, do you really think you can hide it from everyone? ? It’s just at home, you just want to see what kind of tricks you play, I advise you to recruit it yourself, otherwise, it will be your end if you disappear.”

Luo Feng and the others surrounded Yang Xi tacitly. Obviously, they had been wary of Yang Xi for a long time, but they didn't take any action, just wanting to see what kind of tricks he played.

Yang Xi didn't pretend to be cowardly and pitiful at this time, but burst out with domineering aura, looked at Bai Yunfei coldly and said, "How did you find out my abnormality? I should perform perfectly, even myself I believe in myself so much, how can you expose me?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "It's all just your own self-importance. Do you really think that all of us are fooled by you like fools? What is the purpose of you making everyone base on this world? And also imitating the Flower of Creation to attract us, do you really think you can keep us all here?"

Yang Xi laughed wildly, a very strange black smoke erupted from his body, and then he appeared in the distance of everyone.

"Want to know how I keep you here? Then I can give you a good demonstration and let you see how I stay here with all of you."

I saw the black smoke on Yang Xi's body directly and quickly merged with the ground, and after a while a black flower appeared in front of everyone and merged with Yang Xi.

Feeling the power in her body, Yang Xi said lightly, "Now you should be able to feel my terrifying power. Next, I will teach you to kill one by one and absorb the power from you."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It's just that I didn't expect that the flower of creation would be completely demonized and then undergo a mutation. It's really amazing. How did you do it?"

Yang Xi sneered and said, "I don't need to tell you how I did it. Now you know that you are my rations."

Mo Yun shook his head slightly, and said a little boringly, "I really didn't expect the final result to be like this. It's really disappointing. I thought it would be fun. This is too disappointing."

Luo Feng said coldly, "I thought it was something great, but it turned out to be just a wishful thinking, so I should destroy it quickly, I don't have so much time to waste here."

The God of Gamblers also said with a little disappointment, "I really didn't expect that after wasting such a long time here, I saw such an idiot. It's really disappointing."

Seeing that everyone looked down on him even more, Yang Xi immediately waved his fist towards everyone as if possessed by a demon.

But when his fist was halfway through the attack, he was caught by the mad god, and he was thrown into the distance like a sack in an instant, and hit the ground heavily.

Mad God spit on the ground directly, and said with some disdain, "You dare to act wild here with your two-legged cat skills. I really don't know where your confidence comes from. Let's get rid of you and leave here. If I have the time to play with you here, I might as well find some masters to compete with."

Yang Xi stood up quickly from the ground, and a very weird spear appeared in his hand, and said coldly, "It's really abominable, you have completely angered me, do you really think that you will not be affected by anything if you are superior? ? Then you really underestimated me, I will let you know your carelessness, it will kill you."

Bai Yunfei glanced at Yang Xi with some interest and said, "The spear in your hand is really interesting, please lend it to me."

Bai Yunfei shot directly, snatched the gun from Yang Xi's hand in an instant, and said with a faint smile, "This gun is really good. It can be used for collection. It's a waste to put it in your place anyway, so give it to me." gone."

Yang Xi stood in a mess, looking at her empty hand in disbelief, and seeing the gun in Bai Yunfei's hand, she didn't know what to say.

The God of Gamblers smiled slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei, "You see, you have frightened the children so silly that you don't know how to continue talking."

Yang Xi pointed at Bai Yunfei tremblingly and said, "How is this possible? Why is your speed so fast? Why can't I see your movements? This is impossible. How can I be so far behind you?"

Luo Feng said with some boredom, "Do you really think that we are all warriors at the level of Valkyrie? You really underestimate us, forget it, and you won't understand after talking to you so much, you'd better be obedient Let your soul fly away."

Luo Feng directly threw a punch at Yang Xi, Yang Xi screamed, and a strange light began to radiate from his body.

What's even more frightening is that the weird light began to erode the world continuously. The originally intact heaven in this world was directly destroyed, and what was even more frightening was that the whole world also began to be continuously destroyed.

Mo Yun said speechlessly, "Can't you just destroy it? Why do you want to destroy the whole world?"

Luo Feng said lightly, "There is no need for any existence in this world anymore, let them be destroyed, so that they can be truly reborn, so this world must only be destroyed in order to be truly reborn. This is their mission and mine. .”

Mo Yun sighed slightly and left here directly, and other people also left this world quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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