Chapter 711
Qin Jian looked at Guo A Niu with a slight smile and said, "I just didn't expect you to be able to block my aura so easily. You really are a hero born out of a young man. I wonder if you are interested in coming to my house as a guest."

Guo Aniu shook his head slightly and said, "I'm very sorry, I don't have any interest. I just like to set up a small stall here to sell some steamed buns, and I have no other ideas."

Qin Jian frowned slightly and said, "Isn't it a pity that you don't use your good skills in this life to serve the country and stay here? Don't you have a sense of the overall situation?"

Guo Aniu shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "What you mean by serving the country, is that serving the country or you personally?"

Qin Jian looked at Guo Aniu with some puzzlement and said, "What do you mean by that? What do you mean by working for yourself?"

Guo Aniu said indifferently, "If it's not for personal service, then can you tell me why so many people were killed by those aristocratic families, but the government didn't dare to seek justice for them?"

Qin Jian suddenly said angrily, "Such a thing happened, tell me who it is? I will definitely give justice to those innocent people."

Zi Yan'er frowned slightly, pulled Guo Aniu quickly, and said in a low voice, "Brother Niu, there is no need to talk to him about these useless things, no matter how much you say, it is useless, they will only talk to him face to face." One set is followed by another, so it is of no use at all."

Guo A Niu patted Zi Yan'er's hand, and said softly to Qin Jian, "Although I don't know whether what you said is right or wrong, but I just want to say something to you, that is, if you really If you have that idea, you should set an example first, and then try to win over other people."

After Qin Jian frowned slightly, he said with a slight smile, "I really didn't expect to meet a confidant here, but it's a pity that you don't want to do things for me. Don't you worry that I will retaliate against you in the future?" ?"

At this moment, a man in black suddenly rushed in, but before he could make a move, Guo Aniu punched him and flew him out.

"I'm not afraid that you will take revenge on me. If you really plan to take revenge on me, I will definitely wait here. If I am afraid, then I am not an upright man."

Looking at the domineering Guo A Niu, Qin Jian showed a hint of admiration, nodded and said, "You are so angry, don't worry, I will never let anyone harass you, but I will deal with the matter of the aristocratic family you mentioned Yes, no matter how powerful they are, I will never let them do evil to my people."

Guo Aniu smiled slightly and said, "When you leave, remember to leave some maintenance costs for my shop."

Qin Jian said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will never pinch your shop, just put it here, I will fix it for you, wait here slowly, I will ascend to that high position, and I will definitely let you You came to help me."

Guo Aniu didn't speak, just smiled and shook his head, then returned to his room.

Zi Yan'er also walked in thoughtfully, and said seriously to Guo Aniu, "Brother Niu, are you really planning to help him? Judging by his ambition, I'm afraid he will really climb up the ladder." Get to that high position."

Guo Aniu shook his head slightly and said, "This is just a ploy to slow down the troops. When he ascends to that high position, my strength is now able to protect myself, so I will never be afraid of them again. Now my strength is simply not enough to survive their collision, so I have to say such a bad strategy, that is, there is no way."

Zi Yan'er shook her head in confusion and said, "But isn't your method too risky? As long as one of them is not good, I'm afraid it will be chased by other people. Wouldn't it be more dangerous."

Guo Aniu smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, there will never be any danger, I will never let you face any danger, I just want to give you some time, don't you I found out that the reason why those Ximen’s family didn’t bother us is that they came to trouble them.”

Zi Yaner's eyes widened immediately, and she said in disbelief, "Could it be that they have already targeted all the families? Isn't this a bit too bad? Then, is our Zi family also in their hands?" within the blow?"

Guo Aniu frowned slightly, nodded and said, "If your family does some evil things, I'm afraid it will be under their attack, unless your family can quickly stand in line , if I stand wrong, I am afraid that it will really be wiped out."

Zi Yan'er suddenly said anxiously, "This is impossible, I must hurry up and save my family, I can't see them directly getting into big trouble."

Guo Aniu sighed slightly and said, "After the outside quiets down, I'll take a look with you. Maybe I can help you a little bit, or you won't be able to do anything with your strength."

Zi Yan'er said anxiously, "This is the only way to do it now, but I really don't know what is going on with my family now. I asked why no one came to contact me in the past six months, and no one came out to look for me. They're all in trouble now."

Guo Aniu said comfortingly, "Don't worry so much, don't worry, seeing the quiet state now, there shouldn't be any danger for the time being, but if my guess is right, the killers outside should be your aristocratic families. The killer who came here. But I just don’t know if people from your family are involved? If they are involved, even if you go back, there is nothing you can do.”

After Zi Yan'er thought for a while, she shook her head and said, "Our family should not be involved, because they are all targeting business, so they will not participate in these at all, there is no need for it, so suicide should be related to Our family has nothing to do with it."

Guo Aniu nodded slightly and said, "Since that's the case, then you don't have to worry so much. As long as your family is not involved, there will be no danger for the time being. After the place calms down, we will go to your family immediately. .”

(End of this chapter)

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