Chapter 712
Zi Yan'er sighed slightly and said, "I really don't know when the outside will be truly quiet. I'm afraid it will not be completely quiet here in a few days like this."

Guo A Niu smiled slightly and said, "Sometimes don't think things so badly, everything should look good, and don't worry, it won't take a few days, they are just some killers, after killing them, find them I'll leave in a moment, don't worry, there won't be any big problems."

Zi Yan'er sighed slightly and said, "I hope so."

The killing outside has gradually stopped, those killers have all been dealt with, and everyone has quickly evacuated the town.

Qin Jian smiled slightly, and said directly to Guo Aniu in the house, "Brother Guo will not bother you, don't worry, no one will come to disturb your quietness recently, as for your house, someone will come over later." repair."

Seeing Qin Jian and Guo Aniu who had already left standing on the roof and looking at Liuxi Town, which had regained its calm again, he shook his head slightly, because he knew that this town could no longer survive, because what happened here was not Anyone can expose it.

Sure enough, countless soldiers quickly entered the town and searched from house to house, but when they found that there were no villagers, they all left quickly.

However, these soldiers all had a tacit understanding and did not go near Guo A Niu's house. Obviously, they should have been entrusted by others, so he was very peaceful here and was not affected in any way.

Zi Yan'er came to Guo Aniu's side slightly worried, looked at the situation outside and said, "I'm afraid there will be a real bloody storm next."

Guo A Niu sighed and said, "What can we do? In the end, it is the innocent people who suffer. I really don't know when this troubled world will end."

Zi Yan'er also sighed slightly and said, "Now the emperor's health is getting worse and worse, and some people are now coveting the throne, including those families. They are also staring at it. I am afraid that when the emperor dies, The world will fall into real chaos."

Guo A Niu sighed slightly, nodded helplessly and said, "Yes, these people are all ready to go, ready to show their fangs at any time."

Zi Yan'er sighed slightly, looked at the distance, frowned slightly and said, "Everyone is active now, so I don't know how the road will go in the future."

After thinking for a while, Guo Aniu looked at Zi Yan'er seriously and said, "Qin Jian left me a piece of information when he left, about your family."

Zi Yan'er was taken aback immediately, and said anxiously, "What information? Did an accident happen to them?"

Guo A Niu shook his head slightly and said, "Some small accidents happened, but there is no big problem for now, but they may become Qin Jian's enemies now."

Zi Yan'er frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that they plan to write about the battle for the throne first? Didn't they already tell them not to get involved, why didn't they follow my advice?"

Guo Aniu nodded slightly and said, "That's because your parents have been imprisoned by them now, and it's not your father who is in charge of the house now, but your uncle Ziyuan."

Zi Yan'er breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If that's the case, then I don't have to worry too much, because they won't do anything to my parents, and it won't be life-threatening, but we must Find a way to rescue them quickly, otherwise they will also be implicated."

Guo Aniu nodded slightly and said, "Tomorrow we will go directly to your family, just leave your parents, and then take them out of here together."

Zi Yan'er heard some different meanings, she frowned slightly and looked at Guo Aniu and said, "Brother Niu, what do you mean? Are you leaving me?"

Guo Aniu shook his head slightly, and said softly, "It's not that I intend to leave you, but I owe someone a favor, and I always have to repay it."

Zi Yan'er looked at Guo Aniu with tears streaming down her face and said, "I'm sorry, if it weren't for my family, I would never have let you fall into the current predicament? What exactly does he want you to do? Will it be life-threatening?"

Guo Aniu shook his head slightly, and said softly, "It's not a big problem, I just promised her to fight in a ring, as long as she wins the opponent."

Zi Yan'er suddenly panicked and said, "This is not acceptable, you don't know, he must be planning to let you participate in the Tianlong Lingde ring. This matter can be said to be a near-death event, and you must not participate."

Guo Aniu smiled freely and said, "Don't worry, there's not much danger, and it's still early, at least two or three years have to wait. I'm afraid give me another two or three years. I will definitely be able to improve again, don’t worry, I will be sure.”

After thinking for a while, Zi Yan'er made a major decision, looked directly at Guo Aniu and said, "Brother Niu, you're going to want me tonight."

Guo Aniu froze on the spot, shook his head resolutely and said, "After I finish, I will definitely marry you when I come back, but now I can't harm you."

Zi Yan'er directly took out a dagger, put it on her neck and said, "If you don't agree now, I will commit suicide in front of you."

Guo Aniu shook his head with a wry smile, and said helplessly, "Why are you doing this? Is there no other way? You have to do this. Do you know that once I want you, you will never Maybe married. In case something happens to me, doesn't it mean that I really hurt you?"

Zi Yan'er looked at Guo A Niu seriously and said, "If something really happened to you, then you have thought about what will happen to me, do you think I can still live after leaving you?"

Guo A Niu was a little moved and said, "Can you put down the dagger first? I promise you it's not enough."

Zi Yan'er did not put down the dagger, but looked at Guo A Niu seriously and said, "Don't think that nothing happened by coaxing me now, I have plenty of ways to kill myself."

(End of this chapter)

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