Chapter 723
The God of Gamblers immediately raised his eyebrows, but after doing it for a long time, he had no choice but to look helplessly.

At this time, Bai Yunfei appeared in the ruins, but he was already seriously injured, and there was a mysterious energy preventing him from recovering from his injuries.

Bai Yunfei smiled wryly, and directly contacted Lao Zhan, "Where am I now, and what's going on with me now? Why can't I recover from my injuries?"

After checking it out, Lao Zhan shook his head with a wry smile, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Master, your current injury is very bad, but it will not endanger your life. If you use any method to perform any martial arts, you can only live as an ordinary person temporarily."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "Then what world am I in now, and why can I hardly feel the aura of this world? How can I quickly recover from my own injuries?"

Lao Zhan was also helpless, shook his head and said, "Now everything can only depend on you. As for why this world doesn't have any spiritual power, I don't know why, but the only thing I know is that this world has no spiritual power at all. Without any warriors, you can be said to be the only warrior."

Lao Mo continued to say, "But you can recover your injuries here. After your injuries are fully recovered, I believe that your strength should make new breakthroughs, so this is also a good idea." It is a very good thing.”

Bai Yunfei stood up from the ruins with difficulty, and said helplessly, "This is the only way to do it now, but I didn't expect Luo Feng's strength to be so terrifying."

Lao Zhan shook his head slightly and said, "Master, you don't have to blame yourself so much, and you don't have to be discouraged. Just say that you haven't hit him this time. It's because he used the power of the big move, so you will He was beaten into what he is now, but his injuries are also very serious, slightly better than yours, but not much better."

Bai Yunfei felt a burst of exhaustion at this moment, and said helplessly, "I didn't expect that I would feel exhausted just talking to you guys. It seems that I was really injured this time, but I won't talk to you guys. Now, I have to find someone to find out what kind of world this is."

But it was a pity that Bai Yunfei fell to the ground just after walking a few meters away, unconscious.

When Bai Yunfei woke up, it was gradually getting dark, but he found himself lying in a broken room.

Bai Yunfei sat up with some difficulty, looked at some bandages on his body, and frowned slightly, obviously someone saved him.

"How could you be so seriously injured when you woke up, and you didn't know how to bandage it yourself. If we hadn't seen you, you might have died by now."

A little girl walked in with a basin of water.

Bai Yunfei looked at the little girl, smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for saving me, otherwise I would really die outside, but don't you have any family members? How could you live here?" Woolen cloth?"

The little girl shook her head slightly and said, "We are all unwanted children here. We are here to help each other to survive in this world. If we don't help each other, we will really freeze to death." Don’t you have anyone who wants to starve to death outside? Or you live here too?”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Thank you so much, what's your name?"

The little girl said innocently, "My name is A Xing, and I am the eldest sister of all the people here. I usually take them to find food and protect them. You have suffered so many injuries now. Don't worry, I will definitely do it too." will protect you."

Bai Yunfei coughed, smiled softly and said, "How can you, a little girl, be able to protect so many people? Don't you have boys here?"

The little girl shook her head slightly, put the water aside, raised her fist, and said swearingly, "I have been stronger than all human beings since I was a child, and even three or five men are no match for me." , so I can protect you."

Bai Yunfei stumbled to the side of the little girl, and touched the little girl's arm.The little girl was startled immediately, and quickly stepped back a few steps, raising her fist and staring at Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to have any bad thoughts about you, I just want to check your roots."

But the little girl didn't believe Bai Yunfei's words, instead she looked at Bai Yunfei with more vigilance and said, "Don't lie to me, I will hit you very easily, don't force me to hit you."

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly, and looked around directly, and there happened to be a stone pier beside him.

Bai Yunfei walked slowly to the side of the stone pier, and punched the stone pier, smashing the stone pier into pieces.

Bai Yunfei looked at the stunned little girl, and said with a smile, "How is it? Now you should believe my words. Although I was seriously injured, if you really wanted to do something to you, you would not There is no way to resist it, I don't have any evil thoughts towards you, I really just check your roots."

Ah Xing believed Bai Yunfei's words, and said a little puzzled, "Why do you want to check my root bone, and what is the root bone?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "The reason why I want to check your bones is because your bones are very good, and that's why you can have such great power at such a young age. In other words, the natural power is very suitable for martial arts."

A Xing shook his head in some puzzlement and said, "I have never heard of martial arts training in this world, but people who always heard about it said that there used to be, but it was done a long time ago." It’s all gone. Can I really practice martial arts?”

Although Bai Yunfei didn't know what was going on in this world, he actually let Wu directly cut him off, but since he has come to this world, he will definitely not let this world continue to have no one who knows how to practice martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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