Chapter 724 Island City

Thinking of this, Bai Yunfei looked at A Xing in front of him, and said with a slight smile, "Of course I can teach you martial arts, and I will also make you become like me, very powerful, so that you can truly protect you , those who want to protect, can even let them live a good life.”

After hesitating for a while, Ah Xing raised her head, and said nervously, "Can you also give it to my younger brothers and sisters? They are all poor people like me. We are all abandoned by our parents. People, I want them to be as strong as I am, not to be bullied by anyone."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Of course, as long as they are willing to learn, I am willing to teach you. Don't worry, I am not as stingy as you think."

Ah Xing raised his head in confusion and said, "But why do those storytellers say that people who practice martial arts are very stingy and never teach their martial arts to others, unless they are about to die? , I will never teach my martial arts to others until the moment of death, uncle, are you going to die?"

Bai Yunfei suddenly shook his head speechlessly and said, "Don't think I'm the same as they imagined, okay? I'm not going to die because I'm living a good life. How can I die? Don't curse me here, okay? I just want to die." But there is no sect opinion, if you want to pass on your martial arts, you can pass on your martial arts, it's as simple as that."

"Really? Great, I'll call them right now." Ah Xing ran out quickly.

Bai Yunfei suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, obviously when he exerted all his strength just now, he affected the wound on his body, so he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Bai Yunfei shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't expect that his school work was so serious, and that damned weird energy on the street was preventing him from recovering from his injuries.

Fortunately, there are no warriors in this world at all, so he doesn't have to worry about any physical problems for the time being, but this is not a long-term solution after all. He must eat some great tonics to recover from his injuries. Otherwise, I don't know what year and month will be able to completely heal the wound on my body.

At this moment, a burst of children's laughter ran in quickly. Before that, seven or eight children followed Ah Xing.

A Xing pointed to the seven or eight children, and said with a smile, "They are all my younger brothers and sisters. I brought them back from places where no one wanted them, and I raised them all."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "Then do they have their own names?"

Ah Xing nodded, "They all have the names of their mobile phones, but I don't know how to name them, so I called them Xing [-] Xing [-] Xing San."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said to those poor children, "Thank you so much. If it weren't for you little guys, I'm afraid I would really spend the night outside. As a reward, I can teach you martial arts so that you can You have the strength to protect yourself, but you remember that the people outside are sinister and cannot easily teach martial arts to anyone. Can you do it? And you must remember that you must never hand me over to you Wu Gong went outside to do evil."

Ah Xing innocently blinked his eyes and said, "Don't worry, we will never go out to do evil, because we know that there are still many businessmen in this world, and we have a lot of food given to us by them. Being able to live here is also the place they helped us find. It is too late for us to thank them, how can we do evil? And we will definitely not pass on the martial arts you gave me to other people easily."

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, he said with a slight smile, "I'm just afraid that some bad people will go around doing evil after learning your martial arts. Then you are saying that you are helping bad people to do evil things."

Ah Xing nodded quickly, and said seriously, "I know, uncle, I will never let my younger brothers and sisters teach others the martial arts you gave me."

Bai Yunfei touched A Xing's head with some sighs and said, "I really don't know what your parents think, why did you ask you to abandon such a cute and sensible child like you, I guess many people can't ask for them , It’s really useless to be so unappreciative.”

Ah Xing didn't feel any sadness, blinked her big eyes and said, "I don't hate them at all, because the outside world is so chaotic, so maybe they have no choice, and they may even have died completely. So I don't blame them."

Bai Yunfei asked curiously, "Is the outside world very chaotic now?"

Ah Xing nodded slightly and said, "Right now, there is a lot of chaos outside, and everyone is fighting non-stop. Almost none of the cities are safe, so our place is relatively safe and there is no chaos."

Bai Yunfei asked curiously, "Why don't you have any chaos here? Are there any strange places here?"

A Xing shook his head slightly and said, "The most important thing is that we are surrounded by water, so they have no way to work directly here, so our place is still a pure land on earth for the time being, and because of this, we are here. It can make us orphans survive, otherwise, if there is a real war here, how can we survive?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Yunfei said, "Then which country do you belong to?"

A Xing shook his head in confusion and said, "We don't have any country here at all, only some city lords, but a few days ago, I heard Mr. Shu said that many city lords outside have died, and all the city lords have died. Everywhere."

Bai Yunfei frowned and thought about it. He didn't expect that there is no country here, but a system established by cities and cities, and each of them is in a state of hostility. This is really confusing.

Bai Yunfei coughed lightly, and said flatly, "We live on an island now, so where does your main food come from?"

Ah Xing didn't have any doubts, and said directly, "We are all self-sufficient here. We can grow our own vegetables here, and we can raise them ourselves, so we don't need to communicate with outsiders at all, so we are here. will be free from war."

(End of this chapter)

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