Chapter 726

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You don't have to be so curious. I naturally have a way to know what happened here. It's not appropriate to say more here now. Go back immediately."

Xiaoxing nodded slightly. These days, she has been learning everything beside Bai Yunfei. Now he is not as naive as before in handling things. He knows that some things are very important, so he follows Bai Yunfei without saying a word. Behind Bai Yunfei, they went back to their dilapidated house.

Bai Yunfei said to the little guys with some seriousness, "The reason why the city is so serious today is because some soldiers found traces of many broken ships on the sea. It is obvious that a battle took place. These ships can already sail in the sea. , that means that war may come at any time, so you must practice martial arts quickly to enhance your strength, otherwise, I am afraid that all of you will be in danger."

At this time, Ah Xing said loudly to all the children, "We all have our own power now, and we are no longer the kind of people who are bullied, but our current ability is not enough to protect ourselves, not enough to protect others." There are many people, so we have to train harder, and strive to keep all people away from the war, and we cannot let those innocent children no longer have parents like us."

The other little guys all nodded seriously, and they were all orphans left over from the war, so what they hated most was war.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei circled around, nodded slightly and said, "It's not an option for you to stay in this place now, you must find a way to find a place that can be more stable, but this is an island after all, no matter how big it is, The place is only so big, there is no way but to find a way to resist foreign enemies."

A Xing said slightly worried, "But how can only us, Brother Bai, truly defend against foreign enemies, and there is nothing we can do. Otherwise, we are recruiting some other people to teach them martial arts. At that time, everyone can Let's defend our homeland together, okay?"

Bai Yunfei sighed, patted Ah Xing's head, looked at some innocent little girls in front of him and said helplessly, "Your strength is still weak now, and you can't stand the charge of the army at all. Once you are attacked by some people On the premise of knowing that you know martial arts, I am afraid that you will also provoke a lot of people or so you must go in without guaranteeing your own safety, and you cannot let anyone know that you know martial arts."

Xing Yi said curiously, "Then when will we be able to let people know that we know martial arts? Have we been practicing secretly like this?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, you just need to wait a few more days. When you break through to the level of generals, you will be able to show your strength openly and protect yourself, because generals The level of strength can make you no longer afraid of any danger."

A Xing said with a sad face, "Then how long will it take us? I am afraid that even if we are given a few more years of work, we may not be able to become a strong military commander, let alone we have not reached the military level yet."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "Your world is really too weird. If it were in other worlds, I could make you generals within a year, but in your world, I would You really don’t have any confidence, you can only rely on yourself.”

Ah Xing and the others didn't say anything, but went directly to practice their martial arts quickly, because they also wanted to quickly improve their strength before the war came.

Bai Yunfei sighed softly, he was really helpless, because if it was in other worlds, he could use various methods to help them improve their strength quickly, but it happened to be this damned cursed world, There is no way to use his methods at all.

Even when they improve their strength, they can only practice a few kinds of martial arts. They can't use many martial arts at all, including momentum. They can't burst out here, and they can only fight with their bodies. To a certain extent, their strength is limited.

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, he directly found many stones, and quickly placed them all in some obvious places, because if he encountered danger, he could rely on his own powerful strength to throw these stones go out.

As time passed slowly, the surrounding things became more and more tense. Ah Xing and the others were forced to rely on their own strength to salvage some mistakes in the sea. Fortunately, their strength was relatively strong, so the fish they salvaged were very good. many.

However, Bai Yunfei's injuries haven't really made any progress, and he still maintains a moderate state, which makes him a little helpless. Right now, he can only display his general-level strength at most, which is really a handicap for him.

After these few years, Ah Xing has become a big girl, and because of her martial arts practice, she is very beautiful, but no one dares to take her idea, because everyone knows that she is very strong, and she is also very beautiful. It was very barbaric, so I didn't encounter any harassment for a while.

The other little guys have all grown up, and they have taken in some new orphans, and they have all given martial arts to them, and all of them have become warrior-level strengths. .

Bai Yunfei looked at Ah Xing who was bouncing back, and said with a slight smile, "Why are you so happy today? Could it be that there is a new harvest or is there any good news?"

Ah Xing nodded slightly, and said happily, "Of course, Brother Bai has good news. The construction plan of the big ship you proposed before has now been built, and we can go fishing at sea." , so that everyone can have more food.”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "This is really good, but your recent strength is a bit behind, if you don't work hard, I'm afraid you will be surpassed by your younger brothers and sisters, then you will really lose face .”

Ah Xing curled his lips, pouted and said, "I am now a strong general at the general level, and there is no one in the whole city who is my opponent, except of course you, Brother Bai."

(End of this chapter)

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