Chapter 727 Weird Fish

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said lightly, "Don't be so careless, you must know that there are still many, many realms ahead, if you dare to relax now, then you will not achieve much in your life , and the war is coming soon, don't you dare to relax like this?"

Ah Xing shook his head in confusion and said, "There shouldn't be any great danger, and isn't the so-called war just those people killing each other? I can beat them 100 or 1000 by myself. What's the matter?" Are you scared?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "It is true that the strength of all the soldiers is very low now, but with more, you can have four items. How many people do you think you can kill with your current strength? You can kill them." More than 1000 people, but what about 1 people, 10 people, can you kill them?"

Ah Xing said with some embarrassment, "Brother, I was just joking with you, why are you so serious?"

Bai Yunfei sighed and said, "Whether you are joking or not, you must remember that you have not become a real military commander, so don't be careless, because any carelessness will cost you your life."

A Xing nodded seriously and said, "I see, Brother Bai, I will not be careless, I will be more careful, let's go to the seaside to see the big boat now."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and settled on it. Now that he came to the beach, he nodded slightly when he saw the boat designed according to his drawing.

"The construction is not bad, but I don't know how it is in other places, and I don't know how long it can sail. All of this has to be determined by testing."

A Xing said with some joy, "Don't worry, Brother Bai and the others have finished the experiment. Now the ship has sailed a long way before returning. There is no problem, and the speed is very fast. If we want to reach land , it only takes a month to reach the opposite land safely."

At this moment, the waves on the beach suddenly became bigger, and only a strange fish in the sea swam towards the boat quickly. Obviously, his goal was to sink the boat.

Ah Xing's face changed, and he sent out a signal directly and quickly, and all the soldiers on the boat also noticed that the strange fish quickly threw out its weapon, trying to stop the strange fish, but the strange fish swayed directly. Tail knocked out all those weapons.

And at this moment, Ah Xing had already rushed out, with an extra spear in his hand, jumped up quickly, and ruthlessly stabbed towards the strange fish.

But what surprised her was that the long spear in his hand actually missed it directly, because when the tip of her spear touched the body of the strange fish, it slid directly to the side.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a huge force hitting his body, apparently hitting her body with his body, knocking her into the air, and smashing her heavily to the shore.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei jumped up quickly, grabbed the tail of this strange fish, threw it viciously to the shore, then raised his fist and hit it on the head, completely beating him died.

Bai Yunfei took a short breath, and coughed up a mouthful of blood again. It was obvious that he had used strength beyond the level of a general just now, which caused another injury on his body.

Ah Xing stood up quickly, came to Bai Yunfei's side, and said worriedly, "Brother Bai, are you okay?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just that the injury on my body is involved again, but this strange fish is really good, I believe that if I eat his meat, it should be able to do some good for my injury , carry this strange fish back, we will have a whole fish feast today."

And all the soldiers on the ship cheered, calling A Xing's name and Bai Yunfei's name, obviously Bai Yunfei and A Xing had established a prestige among their people.

At this moment, an old man suddenly blocked Bai Yunfei's path.

"You can't take this fish's body away. If you let it go, it will arouse the anger of the Sea God, and it will attract more messengers of death to attack us."

Bai Yunfei looked at the old man indifferently and said, "So, you should know these fish. If so, you have to tell them when you go, don't let them attack us."

Bai Yunfei grabbed the old man's clothes and threw him into the sea.

Seeing the old man who had become a drowned chicken, Ah Xing giggled, and said worriedly, "Will we cause some trouble by doing this? You know that this old man is a nobleman. If he acts like a city lord, I'm afraid the city lord will It can't protect us either."

But Bai Yunfei snorted slightly, and said with some disdain, "Take you as an example, you can break the gate of this city with one punch. If you want to become the lord of the city, you only need to kill Just get over the past, are you still afraid of anyone now?"

A Xing nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully, "Brother Bai, you are right, we already have such a strong strength now, there is no need to look at these damned guys anymore, if If they really dare to be unfavorable to us, give them a head-on blow and make them obedient, and if they are not obedient, they will not be able to be city lords at all."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "But you can't kill them all with one shot. Some people are good people and some people are bad people, so you need to argue for yourself, who should be beaten and who should be saved. "

After Bai Yunfei and the others returned to the house, they quickly called all the people to dissect and cook the huge strange fish.

When Bai Yunfei took a bite of the fish, his eyes widened immediately, because he didn't expect that the fish could recover its wounds quickly. He still had some uncomfortable body, but he also started to heal.

After eating all the fish, Bai Yunfei exhaled slightly. He didn't expect that after eating this fish, he would be able to display his strength at the level of a military commander.

Bai Yunfei said curiously to Lao Zhan and Lao Mo, "It's really strange, what's going on? Why can this fish restore my strength? Could it be that all the animals here can quickly restore my strength? One person's injury?"

(End of this chapter)

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