Chapter 729 Enemy Attack
Ah Xing's eyes widened, and he said in a puzzled way, "Could the high priest lie to us? It shouldn't be. The high priest is the most admired person in our entire path. He predicted at that time that as long as the mainland is unified , will usher in real destruction."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "Then where is your high priest? But I've been here for such a long time, and I haven't seen your so-called high priest. Where is he?"

Ah Xing sighed slightly, and said with some fascination, "The high priest has returned to the embrace of heaven and earth, but the wise man who is the most unified and admired on our road to preparation, this prophecy was spoken by him when he died."

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, he said thoughtfully, "It seems that your world is really full of all kinds of weird things, but it's not an exaggeration to say that your world is cursed. But if you really disagree, then the war you are looking forward to will never stop."

Ah Xing said helplessly, "This is simply an unsolvable problem, because if you want to have no real words, you must unify, but if you unify, you will face some crises. How can this be done?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Now is not the time to think so much, and you don't have the heart to fight for hegemony, so why should you care about disagreeing, as long as you do what you work hard on. "

Ah Xing smiled slightly, touched his head, and said slightly, "It's such a big thing, and it's not about me as a little girl. Why do I bother to think about it here?"

At this moment, the little girl Xingsi ran out quickly, and said to Bai Yunfei and the others anxiously, "It's not good, brother Bai, sister A Xing has already had a huge war outside, what should we do?" what should I do?"

Bai Yunfei looked at the anxious Xing Si, squatted down, smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to be so anxious, let's go and see now."

Ah Xing and Bai Yunfei quickly came to the beach, and they found dozens of warships appearing on the sea, directly destroying their big ship completely, and then landed forcefully.

Ah Xing gritted his teeth and said, "These damn invaders dare to destroy our ship. I must teach them a lesson and let them know that this place is not something they can get their hands on."

Ah Xing directly and quickly came to the place where the stones were placed, picked up a stone and threw it towards the warships.

I saw huge stones flying into the sky, and quickly fell towards the warships.

As I said before, there are no warriors in this world at all, so they have no way to defend against these falling stones. They can only dodge quickly by manipulating the warship, but they have no time to dodge at all. The stone hit the ground, and all the warships suffered heavy losses in an instant. Only the last warship remained unchanged and was not affected in any way, because it was relatively far away, so it was not hit.

And the soldiers who had gone ashore all frantically rushed towards Ah Xing, because in their view, as long as they killed Ah Xing and his compatriots, they would not encounter any danger again.

Ah Xing took out the weapon that Bai Yunfei had prepared for him, and quickly charged forward with a sledgehammer, crushing all those soldiers to death.

Looking at Ah Xing who had turned into a killing machine, Bai Yunfei sat aside and watched her quietly, without any thoughts, nor did he have any intention to stop Ah Xing from continuing to fight there.

Lao Zhan smiled slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Master, why don't you go and make a move? Maybe if you kill their people, there will be some unexpected gains?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "I know what you're talking about, and I also understand those martial arts, but I can't use them, because these martial arts can indeed restore my strength, but it can only be done by relying on human blood. Yes, if I did show it, I wouldn't be a real person."

However, Lao Mo disagreed and said, "You can quickly restore your own strength, and you can also improve your own strength. Why do you care about these, and you can't say that you are not human anymore if you absorb their blood."

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "Yeah, absorbing the blood of my companions to improve my strength is indeed human on the surface, but my heart has become a demon. Then what is the difference between me and those demon cultivators?"

Old Zhan coughed lightly and said, "I see, the master will not remind you of such things in the future, but I also suggest you to help this little girl, her strength may be exhausted soon."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and found that Ah Xing was already out of breath at this time. She had used the greatest strength to do all her homework because of anger before and could still cause the current battle situation, and the intruders she killed were shit. But it also consumes a huge amount of power. This place is not more beautiful than the outside world. It can only rely on rest or eating to slowly recover its strength.

After Bai Yunfei slowly looked around for some sundries, he directly found a very thick piece of wood.

Bai Yunfei dragged the log up with one hand, and flung it towards the furthest warship.

Because the most well-preserved warship at the farthest point kept shooting bows and arrows at Ah Xing at this time, which seriously interfered with some of Ah Xing's actions.

This is when all the people on the entire warship watched the huge log fly towards them, and immediately used their bow strings in panic to stop the huge log, but it was a pity that all the arrows were shot. It didn't have any effect on the wood, and the huge wood still bumped towards them so lightly.

After hearing a rumbling sound, the warship was directly smashed into pieces by the huge wood, and all the people fell into the sea. By the time they climbed to the sea, they were exhausted and were killed by the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time. All were caught.

Looking at the sea that has turned into a red sea, Ah Xing frowned slightly, stomped his feet angrily, and said coldly, "These damned guys always bring us such a big trouble, I want Knowing which city came to trouble us, I will definitely give them a good look."

(End of this chapter)

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