Chapter 730 Solving the Strange Fish
Bai Yunfei looked at the sea with some huge waves indifferently, and said lightly, "Let everyone leave the shore quickly, some big fish have come here, but the food has finally been delivered, which is considered a good one." information."

I saw many strange fish all swimming towards this side quickly, and what is even more strange is that they all rushed out towards the shore without stopping.

A Xing said with some puzzlement, "Brother Bai, there are some problems with these strange fishes, it seems that someone has controlled them."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it should be controlled by someone, but I didn't expect that someone could control these fish, and I don't know how he did it, but let's dispose of these fish first. This is a rare delicacy, eating these can improve one's own strength, and it can be regarded as a delicacy sent to us by the other party."

Ah Xing said worriedly, "But I'm exhausted now, and I'm afraid I won't have much strength to deal with him. What should I do?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Don't worry, you can just rest with me, and I can just go out for these little fish."

Not far from them was a very huge strange fish, on which was a very young man, but the man's face was very pale.

"There are so many people on this island, they will definitely let my treasures have a good meal, and then all my treasures will improve their strength. I see who else is my opponent in the world."

Apparently this young man was the one who controlled the strange fish.

Bai Yunfei looked in this direction thoughtfully, and suddenly found traces of the young man, raised his brow slightly, threw a wooden board, stepped on it, and quickly moved towards the young man. People rowed over.

At such a moment, Bai Yunfei came to the side of the young man, looked at the huge strange fish under the young man's feet, nodded slightly and said, "Who are you? It seems that these strange fish should be you controlling."

The young man glanced behind Bai Yunfei with some differences, and found that all his strange fish turned over and died. Killed, it can be said that he has never encountered such a thing.

"Who are you? How can there be such a powerful person in this world? It's impossible. This is simply impossible. How did you do it?"

Looking at the young man with an incredulous face, Bai Yunfei said calmly, "You can control these strange fish, so why can't someone kill them? You really are a bit of a spectator."

The young man said to Shi with a ferocious face, "Even if you kill those little ones, what's the use? I'll let you see what is called real terror today."

The huge strange fish under him instantly opened its huge mouth full of fangs, and bit towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei threw a throwing knife very flatly, and pierced the strange fish in an instant.

The young man also stopped in place immediately, because the throwing knife also passed through his body, completely finishing him off.

The young man stared at the sky with his eyes widened unwillingly, because he really didn't think of himself, he just came to find food for his baby, but he didn't think that he would die here, his overlord He was very unwilling that the dream had ended before it even started.

Bai Yunfei directly threw the strange fish onto the beach, Ah Xing quickly brought the strange fish back, and the other strange fish also brought back to where they lived one after another.

At this moment, a soldier quickly ran over and whispered to Ah Xing, "Girl, our city master wants to ask if we can share some of the meat?"

After thinking for a while, Ah Xing said lightly, "Of course, we can't eat so much fish anyway, but we have to exchange it with other things."

The soldier nodded in embarrassment and said, "Then can you let me go back and report to the city lord to see what I need to exchange, do you think it's okay?"

Ah Xing waved his hand and said that the soldier had gone to report.

After the city lord received the soldier's report, he slapped the table angrily, and said loudly, "There is no law of the king. These damn untouchables dare to make conditions with me. I have taken a fancy to their meat. That's right." It's a blessing for them to actually dare to bargain with me, I think they really don't want to live anymore."

But after a while, the city lord sighed slightly, looked at the soldiers around him and said with a cold snort, "It's been so long, haven't you just heard why they can have such strength now?"

The surrounding soldiers shook their heads slightly, and their faces were a bit ugly, because they had inquired these days, but they didn't receive any useful information. They only knew that they had something to do with Bai Yunfei, but they were even more afraid to go to Bai Yun Fei was in trouble, because Bai Yunfei had already shown his strength, and they were even more afraid.

The city lord sighed slightly, looked at a group of soldiers who stopped talking, and said even more angrily, "You bastards who only know how to eat but don't know how to work, don't you have anything to do? If this continues, I'm afraid My position will be taken away by them."

A soldier said in a low voice, "City Master, do you think it has something to do with these strange fish? They all say that eating these fish can improve their own strength and enhance their strength. Is it because they eat this kind of meat that they will change?" so powerful?"

The city lord snorted slightly and said, "If you can increase your strength by just eating some meat, then we eat a lot of fish. Why are only a few people able to increase their strength a little bit, while others don't have any?" What is the use of it? Or is our fish different from theirs?"

A middle-aged man said in embarrassment, "City Master, I have made some small discoveries after looking up the information these days, but I can't guarantee it."

The city lord frowned slightly and said, "What information? Tell me quickly!"

The middle-aged man said quickly, "Judging from their performance, they are very similar to the legendary warriors, like the extinct warriors who fly into the sky."

The city lord's eyes widened immediately, and he said in a screaming voice, "This is impossible, how could there still be warriors, have they all been destroyed? How could they still appear?"

(End of this chapter)

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