Chapter 732 Qingfeng City

When Bai Yunfei came to Qingfeng City, he really found that the soldiers around him were very polite to the people coming and going around, and they didn't look arrogant at all.

It was a soldier who blocked Bai Yunfei's way and asked, "Little brother, what are you going to do in the city? Shopping or strolling? If you plan to live with us for a long time, I suggest you You can go there to see if there is a suitable house to buy."

Seeing such enthusiastic soldiers and Bai Yunfei smiled amicably and said, "I'm not sure now, but I just plan to take a look at your place. I have always heard that your place is very peaceful and there is no major war. So I want to take a look here, if it is really good, I will live here with you."

The soldier smiled slightly and said, "I didn't mean to boast that our place is indeed very good, and it is very suitable for you to live here, and it is true that our place is even better, and everyone is very happy." Friendly, we are generally unwilling to go outside to fight with people, so we come here to settle down, and our strength here is very strong, and we will not be afraid of foreign enemies, so living here is very suitable .”

Bai Yunfei looked at the soldier with some differences and said, "It can be seen from your attitude that your city is indeed very good. I have traveled to many cities and all their soldiers are very cruel to the people. Why are you so kind?"

The soldier smiled honestly and said, "In fact, we used to be no different from other cities, but after our current city lord took office and gave us a profound education, we realized that in fact we are not superior to others. We should protect them, so we shouldn't be so rude to all the people"

Bai Yunfei said curiously, "Your city lord is really powerful, and he can see it so clearly. It seems that your city lord is really a very good city lord. I really don't know if there is a chance to get to know your city lord. "

The soldier shook his head slightly, and said with a soft smile, "If you live here for a long time, you should be able to see our city lord, but if you play here, I'm afraid you will have no chance." I saw our city lord, because he handles a lot of affairs every day, and rarely comes out to hang out."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "How do you know that I won't live here forever? I'm just here for inspection. If it's really good, I really plan to live here forever, by the way , what is the name of your city lord? I really don't know?"

The soldier said proudly, "Our city lord is called Li Mingyue."

"Qingfengmingyue is really a good match, it seems that he is really a natural city lord." Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said.

The soldier didn't care about Bai Yunfei's rude words, but pointed to the street behind him very friendly and said, "You can go shopping in the back by yourself, I can't accompany you if I still need to execute here, I hope you can live here in the future, we could be neighbors."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I hope."

Bai Yunfei was walking on the street, seeing all the people around him laughing and laughing, he smiled slightly, and said to Lao Zhan, "I really didn't expect that there is such a humane place in this world, it's really good, This is the second time to see such laughter after Ah Xing and the others, and it's really good."

Lao Zhan agreed and said, "Yes, master, everyone in this city is smiling from the bottom of their hearts. It's really good, but master, when are you going to leave this world? Your injuries have almost recovered. Yes, you can now restore the strength of the Martial King level. If you want to leave this world, you should still be able to do it. You should be able to better improve your strength in the outside world. Why bother to continue in this world? What about the torment?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "You don't understand, if you don't deal with this world, this world will always be in a state of curse, and there may even be other situations, how can I ignore it when I encounter it, you know I intend to allow all human beings to develop freely, and if I leave you alone, the human beings in this world will never have their day."

Lao Mo shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Because your arrival has begun to awaken the ferocious beasts unique to this world, I am afraid that it will not take long for ferocious beasts to find your position. Just be careful."

Bai Yunfei really didn't take it to heart, instead he said lightly, "If it really comes sometime, that's really good news. Their meat will be of great help to my recovery of strength, and I wish they could come more Woolen cloth."

Bai Xiaoxiao said in a puzzled way, "Brother, why didn't you just call out your army and let them deal with this incident? Their strength hasn't been severely damaged, and they can still display their strength at the level of a martial artist. It should be easy for them to take action." Why do you bother to defend yourself here to settle the matter here?"

Bai Yunfei called lightly, stretched out his hand and said, "Don't you feel that the current appearance is very good, as if it is a kind of training, this kind of opportunity is very rare, how can I let go of such an opportunity, If there is no way to see you can come in, I definitely want you to experience it inside."

Liu Xuexing shook his head slightly, and said softly, "We still don't need to continue to suffer this crime, we haven't improved our own strength yet, we will improve our own strength right now, and you will slowly improve your own strength." Let's play inside."

Bai Yunfei shrugged helplessly, and said lightly, "I really don't know what you guys are thinking, why don't you come in to experience such a good opportunity, maybe you can all break through your current strength, which is rare Look at how well I am doing here now, maybe I can eat better meat in the future, my saliva is about to flow out when I talk about it, you don’t know how good the animal meat here is It's delicious, all of them are very exciting, it's a pity that you didn't eat them."

(End of this chapter)

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