Chapter 733 Li Mingyue

Bai Xiaoxiao giggled, and said, "Even if it's a good thing, we won't go in. Brother, you don't have to be here like this, trying to trick us into going in to suffer with you."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, looked at the people in the distance who were still laughing and laughing as always, and said slightly, "You may not know, but in fact, the laughter of human beings is the best and the most beautiful in the world, so in order to be able to Let everyone keep their smiles, countless people sacrificed themselves, some even don't even want their own souls, just to make the people behind him full of laughter, everyone did this There is no regret for everything, this is the responsibility."

Lao Mo nodded slightly and said, "You are right. Your human emotions are the most precious thing in this world, but they are also the most elusive thing."

Bai Yunfei stopped talking suddenly, looked at a young man with a very bad complexion but a very energetic face in front of him, smiled slightly and said, "I won't chat with you for now, I really didn't expect to meet the city lord of this city here." , It's really good, I'll go and tease him."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly ran towards the man, immediately knocked the man down to the ground, and quickly helped the man up again.

"I'm really sorry. I was thinking about something, so I didn't see you. I'm really sorry. You didn't suffer any injuries. Why do you look so bad? Could it be that you were injured? I'll take you to the hospital to have a look now."

The man shook his head slightly, coughed heavily and said, "I'm not in the way, why are you so anxious? Could it be that something happened to your family, but your face is very strange, it shouldn't be from our city People here, is there something urgent for you? Tell me and I can help you. "

Bai Yunfei looked at the man, and smiled at her slightly, because he could tell that this man sincerely wanted to help him, and the city lord who was worthy of everyone's praise said with a light smile, "I am indeed I want to find someone, and the person I am looking for is Li Mingyue. I often hear people say that he is a hypocrite, so I plan to meet him and see if he is a real hypocrite."

Li Mingyue was not angry at all, instead she said with a faint smile, "You are talking about the Lord of our Qingfeng City, but why has no one here ever said that he is a hypocrite? I don't know where you heard the rumor information."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "It doesn't matter what others say, it mainly depends on what he thinks. If he thinks he is a gentleman, then he is a gentleman. If he is If he thinks he is a villain, then he is a villain, and it all depends on how he thinks and how he does it."

After thinking for a while, Li Mingyue said with a slight smile, "If all the people in this city can live and work in peace and contentment, I believe he would rather be a villain than a gentleman."

Bai Yunfei nodded in satisfaction, and said softly, "It's just a pity that he can't do what he says. He will always be a gentleman, and there is no way to turn himself into a villain, so I have to test it." He, let's see if he can become a villain while being a gentleman."

Li Mingyue shook her head and said, "Although I don't know how to distinguish between a gentleman and a villain, I believe that the city lord will definitely be a gentleman to the people and a villain to the enemy."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "I really didn't expect you to know your punishments so well. It seems that you are the one who often serves her next to your city lord, so what you say is completely unbelievable. You must see it." Only in person can I be sure what kind of person he is."

Li Mingyue chuckled, pointed to herself and said, "I don't know this gentleman, what kind of person do you think I am?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You are a real hypocrite. You were seriously injured, but you just pretended that nothing happened and didn't seek medical treatment. Who are you if you are not a hypocrite? If you are really a hypocrite For a gentleman, he should treat his illnesses as soon as possible to make himself healthy, so that he can truly make better contributions to all the people instead of dying young."

Li Mingyue laughed and said, "Sir, what you said is reasonable, but it's a pity that no one can heal my illness, because I have visited all the famous doctors, and all of them gave me the judgment that there is no life span of three years." Anyone can change it."

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "You just believe that what these quack doctors say is all bullshit in my opinion, what is incurable, what is three years of life left, then do they know what disease you are suffering from? "

Li Mingyue shook her head slightly and said, "No one knows what kind of disease I suffer from at all. All they know is that I have suffered internal injuries, and this internal injury cannot be suppressed at all, because it has already hurt the internal organs, so it is There is no other way."

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly and said with disdain, "Don't tell me you're so stupid to believe what they said. You were indeed seriously injured, but you should know how you got hurt. You should know it in your heart. Could it be that you Have you thought of any other remedies?"

Li Mingyue sighed slightly and said, "I know what you are talking about, but if I want to kill him, I am afraid that many soldiers will need to be sacrificed, and the entire army may even be wiped out. It is impossible for my soldiers to take such risks." , I can’t risk dozens of lives for one of my own.”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Interesting, you are indeed very interesting, but your kindness has won you a chance to survive, and your success has made me appreciate you even more. Don't worry, the injuries in your body will be covered by me. There's a way to do it for you without sacrificing anyone's life."

Li Mingyue looked at Bai Yunfei curiously and said, "You can really heal the wounds in my body, how is this possible, this is an internal injury, only the legendary warriors can heal it for me, but they are all extinct, There won't be any warriors at all, how will you solve it for me? Could it be that you plan to go to the damned monster in Lieshan?"

(End of this chapter)

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