Chapter 768 Commando Action

There were 1000 of Mo Yun's vanguards in total, all of them were dispatched quickly, left the city, and quietly walked towards the tribe where the orcs were.

The vanguard quickly came to a small orc tribe. Since they became wise, they knew that they would build a small tribe to rest and live. In fact, this was an evolution for them who used to be monsters, but it was also It gave the vanguard a very good opportunity.

The captain of the vanguard waved his hand slightly, and several team members quickly took out the daggers in their hands, activated their transformation, and instantly killed the two orcs guarding the gate at the fastest speed. Directly, the size became huge in an instant, but this kind of movement quickly attracted everyone's attention, including those orcs who had also noticed the situation here.

The vanguards all quickly evacuated, and ambushed in the next place, waiting for the arrival of the orcs, but they really didn't expect that they would directly return to their original form after they died. This is good news, but it is not Good news, because it's not easy to sneak attack later on.

At this moment, many flying orcs suddenly appeared in the sky. They quickly searched for traces of the vanguard, but the vanguard had already prepared, so they were not found by them.

A team member looked at the flying flying in the sky with some lingering fear, and the orc said, "Fortunately, we made preparations in the first year, otherwise our tracks would be discovered by them, but why can't we sneak attack them and let them It’s really not easy for us to fly back and forth in our sky like this.”

The captain of the vanguard team said helplessly, "If we were to fight head-on, that would be fine, but we are fighting behind enemy lines, and we cannot reveal our current position at all. Once our plans are revealed, all our plans will directly and completely fail. "

One of the team members frowned slightly and said, "If we gather all the people together, we will forcefully attack one of the tribes and kill them completely. This should be more convenient."

Several other team members also agreed and said, "Yes, if we really kill all of Buluo and hold their bodies, we can just replenish food for us, because we don't know how to deal with this battle yet." How long does it take to fight, so we have to save time and food, which can be said to be a good way to kill two birds with one stone."

The captain frowned slightly, a little unsure, and then contacted Mo Yun directly and quickly.

Mo Yun thought for a while, nodded, and agreed with the commando team.

All the 1000 commandos gathered quickly. They had already selected the target to attack, and they were just waiting for everyone to gather.

Bai Yunfei, after hearing that the other party has finished contacting, smiled slightly, and said to Mo Yun, "It seems that we should be able to make the next defense system now, and they have become nothing like normal people. There is a difference, so it is better to use against them. Before, if they were still that size, some of our defenses would not have any effect on them at all, but now they can be used."

Mo Yun frowned slightly and said in disapproval, "But I think it's too early. If these defense systems are used now, I'm afraid it will only work for a while, and it won't work later. It’s easy to deal with them.”

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "This is just a simple passive defense, and the situation you said will not happen, because there are even more terrifying defenses, and I haven't released them yet, but now is not the time to just release them." It will definitely give the opponent a very heavy blow, and now we also need some small means to restrain them, and we cannot let them attack us at will."

Mo Ziyan said helplessly, "This is something I really don't understand. Why are there so few human beings left? You must know that there are at least 60 billion to 100 billion human beings in an ordinary world. Why are there so few in this world?" There are only more than one billion human beings left?"

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and said, "That's because of the particularity of this world, because this world is not like other worlds that can be in an era of peace at any time. People in this world will face mass death at any time, and these monsters will always Attacking humans, tens of thousands of people will die once they attack, so the number of people has always been the biggest weakness in this world."

Mo Yun frowned slightly and said, "I'm afraid there is another very important issue that none of you have thought about, that is, although there are so many equipment and weapons, but they can really deal with these orcs, they are not the ones before. Monster beasts, now they all have their own wisdom, and it is still growing, I am afraid that the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to deal with."

"And the latest information shows that they can transform at any time. If this is the case, it will be more difficult to deal with than before. If they sneak into our place, their sudden transformation may catch us by surprise. "

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "This is indeed a very big problem, but this problem is easy to deal with. Now there is actually a very serious problem, that is, how many of your 1000 commandos can have?" People come back alive."

Mo Yun smiled lightly and said, "I believe they can all come back intact, because they all used the most sophisticated transforming devices, and everyone's strength is at the level of a military commander, and they all attacked suddenly, so they will definitely be able to come back." Take down this tribe, and then return in triumph."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, looked at the sky outside and said lightly, "I hope they can bring us good news. They are our most elite troops, and there must be no losses. After they come back We are trying to find ways to improve their strength so that they can have stronger strength."

Mo Ziyan was a little unconvinced and said, "Who said they are the most elite troops? Our women's commando team is also the most elite. It's just that we haven't had a chance to use them yet. When we play, we will definitely let you Eye-catching. I hope you will not be intimidated when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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