Chapter 769 Flying Combat
The commandos had all assembled, and 1000 commandos quickly surrounded all the orcs in the tribe.

The commando captain frowned slightly, because he suddenly discovered something unusual, that is, all the orcs in this tribe were all armed.

The commando leader knew that he couldn't wait any longer, so he ordered all the commandos to activate their transformation devices, rushed over quickly, and caught those orcs who were in a hurry to take up their weapons by surprise.

When the remaining orcs reacted and wanted to resist, it was too late. The commandos quickly killed all the orcs, dissected all their corpses, put away some of the more precious supplies, and quickly evacuated.

When the commandos left here quickly, they saw a large number of orcs rushing over, but after they found that the place was in ruins, they all screamed towards the sky frantically.

Some dog-like orcs took a quick sniff and then quickly chased all the orcs in the direction of the commandos.

But when these orcs chased halfway, they fell into the trap, and each of them suffered heavy damage, and those orcs who were stronger than their height immediately kicked angrily. After the dog-like orcs, all the authorizations were quickly evacuated. They didn't dare to continue chasing, because they didn't know if there would be new traps waiting for them.

When all the commandos quickly returned to the fort, all the people cheered excitedly, because this was considered a very good victory.

Mo Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally all the people came back safely, without embarrassing him.

"It's really good. All of them are indeed the most elite troops of our human beings. As long as their strength is improved, they can play an even stronger role." Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said.

Mo Ziyan snorted softly and said, "What is this? Next time, let our female commando team show you how good we are."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't be too happy now, I'm afraid the next battle will be the most difficult. The opponent will never see us winning so easily, and will definitely find us some Troublesome, even if they organize an army to attack now, it will really pose a big threat to us."

At this moment, the siren of a sudden air raid sounded.

Mo Yun frowned slightly and said, "I just didn't expect that these damned orcs would come here to make trouble so quickly. We must be careful to deal with the first air raid now. If we don't handle it well, I'm afraid it will really happen." Many people will die."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "We have already made preparations for the air strike, but to what extent they can achieve it, we can only see what they can do. I believe they should not let us Disappointed."

At this moment, a large number of soldiers quickly flew into the sky, all of them were flying soldiers, and they were constantly attacking the orcs flying in the sky with long-range weapons.

However, after a bloody fight, the two sides withdrew separately, but there were already many corpses on the ground, including beastmen and humans, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

But after everything calmed down, a soldier reported the number of injuries this time. Even if he didn't need to report, Bai Yunfei and the others could tell, because the numbers on the big screen told them how much they had lost this time. people.

The human side lost a total of 5000 soldiers, while the orcs lost 3000 soldiers.

Mo Yun frowned slightly and said, "How do you plan to pay the loss? The number of people is more than that of the orcs. Is our overall strength so weak?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "The main reason is that they haven't experienced actual combat. Many of them flew into the sky hastily, forgetting to attack at all, or in other words, they didn't attack at all. They are too adapted to fighting in the sky, so they lost so many people, this is the reason, so I hope you can use all your skills to train them and let them adapt to fighting in the sky."

Mo Yun nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will control them, and I will definitely make them all become qualified fighters, able to fight more perfectly in the sky."

Mo Ziyan asked with some doubts, "Why don't we women have such equipment? Why don't I know that there is equipment that can fly into the sky to fight? Brother Bai, are you looking down on our women?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "It's not that I look down on you, but the battle in the sky is not suitable for you at all, because there are many, many conditions to be considered, and there are many, many obstacles, it is not you at all. You can control it, so you can obediently defend in the rear or fight in the front army, but only in the battle in the sky, you have no way to intervene at all."

Mo Ziyan snorted slightly and said, "If you don't try, how will you know whether we can fight in the sky? You are hegemony."

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly and said, "Everything I told you is serious, and I don't mean to belittle you at all. Now you are not suitable for fighting in the sky at all, because there are things that need to be considered when fighting in the sky. There are too many, and what is bigger is your body, and you are not allowed to fight in the sky. If you fight in the sky toughly, it will only become a burden to your comrades in arms."

After Mo Ziyan was silent for a while, she looked at Bai Yunfei seriously and said, "I believe we will be able to do as well as you. If you really don't believe me, you can give me 100 places, and I will definitely let them You'll be amazed."

After Bai Yunfei was silent for a while, he looked at Mo Yun at the side, frowned slightly and said, "Do you think it's necessary to give them such an opportunity? Or should we just follow the original plan?"

Mo Yun looked at his angry younger sister, slightly changed his tone of speaking, and said very gently, "I think we should really try it, maybe we can really give us a new one." Surprise, after all, if we die now, we can use more people to fight Zhejiang, which is very good news."

(End of this chapter)

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