Chapter 771 Looking for Flying Orcs
After all the more than 2000 commandos were in place, they set off quickly to avenge this bloody sea of ​​revenge.

Looking at the commandos who had already left, Mo Ziyan sighed slightly and said, "I really don't know how many of them will come back alive."

Bai Yunfei walked to her side, and said lightly, "There is no way, but now I feel that we should quickly train the next batch of team members is the most important thing, because war is such a war of attrition, Either you die or I live, so now there is no time to sigh here."

Mo Ziyan nodded slightly, and finally looked around Bai Yunfei curiously, but she didn't see her brother, and said curiously, "It's really strange, usually my brother is always with you, why isn't he here now?" Did you see that he is with you? Could it be that he has something to leave long ago? "

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "You really know your brother well, he is indeed busy, but he didn't leave directly, but went to search for those young children."

Mo Ziyan's eyes widened immediately, and she said angrily, "It's really abominable, the damned brother is able to get ahead of me, it's so abominable, I want to go too."

Bai Yunfei stood alone on the high city wall, looking at the endless forests and plains, and the ocean in the distance, sighing slightly.

Because he really doesn't know when this war will end. It's not easy to kill all the opponents. You must know that the opponent also has mysterious masters who are constantly designing strategies for them and providing them with help. It is in an unknown state, and now it is just a small area of ​​confrontation. When the real strength of the other party is known, it will be the time of real war.

The 2000 commandos had all gone deep behind the enemy at this time, and their speed was so fast that no orcs noticed them, so they quietly inserted behind them.

The captain of the commando named Long Zhan is the son of Long Kuang. He is very forthright and has a very delicate mind. He can observe some information that ordinary people cannot observe. The reason for the last war was because he observed it in advance. All are free from the danger of being discovered.

The deputy captain of the commando named Xia Houyan is also a very powerful woman. Her strength is comparable to that of Long Zhan, but because it was established a little late, she was named the deputy captain.

After Long Zhan checked the map, Wei Wei said to all the people around him a little seriously, "We are almost within the encirclement area now, because there is also a tribe of orcs on the top, and there are all of them on the left and right below. As long as we have If you are not careful, you will be discovered by them, tell me what should we do now?"

Xia Houyan frowned slightly and said, "There are so many tribes, which tribe is the target we are looking for? It may be very difficult to find, and the flying orcs should be a tribe that they attach great importance to, so their defense should also be very strong." I'm afraid it's not easy for Yang Mi to go in."

One of the team members said helplessly, "It would be great if we could disguise ourselves into their tribe, but it won't work at all. We have no way to pretend to be like them."

Xia Houyan frowned suddenly and said, "I think we should be able to walk in the north direction because the traces of orcs over there are a little rare, and I'm afraid it will not be easy to reveal our position."

Long Zhan thought about it and said, "Other things are easy to talk about, but now there is one most serious thing, that is, we need to beware of the noses of some orcs. Their noses are very sensitive and can smell us. If they are really caught If they find out, then we will all be exposed, and we will definitely not be able to complete the mission by then."

Xia Houyan nodded in agreement, then looked at the map carefully, and said angrily, "It's really disgusting, if only we could know their exact location, we don't have to be so passive like we are now, really I don't know how to find their location, if I can really find their location, I must kill all these damned beasts."

Long Zhan shook his head slightly, and said with some helplessness, "Now we have no way to get useful information here. We can only take one step at a time. If it doesn't work, we should evacuate temporarily. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

Xia Houyan frowned immediately, stared at Long Zhan and said, "Even if we die, we absolutely cannot retreat. If we retreat without gain like this, you will make everyone look down on us. Besides, what good is death? I'm afraid, if you really can't complete the task, you say none of us have the face to stand in front of our family."

Long Zhan frowned slightly and said, "But you have to be clear, we are the most elite soldiers among human beings, we can't end our lives so hastily, we have to play our best role."

"Two captains, stop arguing for now. I have a little speculation. Do you want to listen to it?" Xia Zhu said quickly.

Xia Houyan frowned, looked at Xia Zhu and said, "If you have any speculation, tell me quickly, what are you doing here?"

Xia Zhu shook his head helplessly and said, "You also know that what I liked most before was to collect some information about flying monsters. According to the information I collected about flying monsters, they all like to stay on high mountains. Build a place to live for yourself, even if they have all turned into flying orcs now, but I think their habit should not change."

Long Zhan nodded slightly, and said with some joy, "You are right. This is indeed very good news. They may really be staying in the surrounding mountains. As long as we find the high mountains, maybe we can find these Damn flying orcs."

Xia Houyan quickly searched the map, then pointed to one of the highest mountains and said, "If the speculation is correct, these damn bastards must be staying on this mountain, because only this mountain can live, and these The flying orcs will definitely be in there, but we still need to get closer and take a closer look."

Long Zhan said slightly worried, "But now there is still a problem, that is, this mountain is 100 miles away from us, and it is difficult for us to avoid being discovered by the orcs within such a long distance."

(End of this chapter)

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