Chapter 772
Xiahou Yanran snorted slightly with disdain, looked at Long Zhan and said, "I think you are really as timid as a mouse, if you are really so timid, I think I will be the captain."

Long Zhan snorted softly, and said, "I'm not a coward, I'm just worried about how we can safely pass through these orc tribes to reach this high mountain. You must know that as long as orcs find our tracks , our future will be ruined.”

Bai Yunfei directly sensed their hesitation at this time, and said to them remotely, "You don't have to worry so much, I have installed some functions to hide aura in your transforming devices, as long as you are careful, you won't be caught by those Discovered by the orcs."

Listening to the voice from the communication, all the people quickly activated their transformation devices, and ran towards the high mountain in a tacit understanding.

Mo Ziyan looked at the commandos on the screen with a little worry and said, "Judging from their current situation, I'm afraid that even if they really completed the mission, there are not many people who can come back alive. Is it really worth it?" ?”

Mo Yun snorted slightly and said, "It's not worth it or not. Their current transformation devices are all more powerful, and their strength has also become very powerful. If they can't complete the task now, that's a shame." There is no difference between them and waste. As for the dead and wounded, there is no place for the undead in war, so all of this is their fate. No one can change it. The only thing that can be changed is themselves. Just look at their willpower. At that time, we will see who of them can persevere and come back.”

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Besides, people like us, who didn't come out alive after going through bloody winds, and even if they died, they weren't really dead, so they don't have any worries at all now. There will be stronger courage, so I believe that many of them will be able to come back alive."

It took the commando Lulu three days to come to this high mountain and asked them to build the high mountain. When they went down, they found that there were many flying orcs flying back and forth on the top of the mountain.

Xia Zhu said slightly proudly, "You didn't read what I said, did you? They will definitely be engraved here in Gaoshan, and their habits will definitely rest at night. If we sneak in at night, we will be able to kill all of them." Catch them off guard, and then we can evacuate again."

Long Zhan shook his head slightly, and said softly, "Don't act rashly now, maybe this is a trap waiting for us, we should observe carefully before we strike."

Xia Houyan nodded slightly and said in agreement, "I agree with your approach. After all, we can't act rashly. If we want to act rashly, we must beat them hard to avenge blood. Wonderful."

One of the team members suggested, "I think we can contact the headquarters and ask the headquarters to send some soldiers to attack the orc tribe and give us a chance to create."

Long Zhan said slightly hesitantly, "Liu Sanbao, what the hell is your idea? Tell me quickly."

Liu Sanbao smiled and said, "We brought a lot of bombs this time. If we can lure all these flying orcs away from their lairs, we will place bombs in their lairs. When they come back again, we will detonate the bombs." , can definitely catch them off guard, and we don't have to spend so much effort fighting them."

Long Zhan nodded slightly and said, "This is really a good idea. If we do this, we can quickly evacuate and continue to attack other places. This is really a way to kill two birds with one stone."

Long Zhan immediately contacted Bai Yunfei and the others.

"I agree with your approach, you wait for now, and an opportunity will be created for you later." Bai Yunfei said lightly.

After Bai Yunfei finished answering their questions, he immediately summoned Long Kuang and waited for them to arrive.

"I believe that you should have received the latest information by now. What ideas do you have now to attract the other party's flying orcs to come to us?" Bai Yunfei said directly.

Long Kuang laughed and said, "It's as simple as sending out our flying units to attack the surrounding orcs, and their flying orcs will definitely come to support them, so that we can lure them out of their lair."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "This is really a good idea, then you should immediately contact the pilots and let them take off immediately to attack all land orcs."

All the flying units took off quickly and launched an attack on the nearest orc tribe around them. In an instant, a sea of ​​flames appeared around, and the orcs below kept throwing stones towards the sky, but they did not cause any damage. s damage.

All the flying orcs on the high mountain took off quickly. Obviously, they have now quickly gone to support the attacked tribe.

After waiting for a few minutes and seeing that no flying orcs appeared, Long Zhan quickly came to the lair of these flying orcs.

After careful exploration, they found that there were no flying orcs in their lair, and they were all empty, so they stored all kinds of bombs in these places where they usually rest, and put Their nests have been restored to their original state, so that they will never find any traces.

All the people quickly evacuated, laying in ambush far, far away, quietly waiting for the return of the flying orcs, but after waiting for a long time, they did not find the flying orcs coming back.

At this time, all the flying orcs also had some injuries. They stayed in some tribes to heal their injuries, and after a simple clean-up, they quickly flew up and returned to their lairs. All of them have suffered heavy losses, and all the orcs have gone mad.

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and counted all the people lost, and found that after this battle, tens of thousands of people were directly lost. However, the orcs did not feel well, and lost tens of thousands of people, almost 1 people. :1 ratio.Judging from the current situation, it has a great force on human beings, because the number of human beings is still much larger than that of the orcs.

(End of this chapter)

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