Chapter 799 Nalan Purple Pearl
On the second day, Bai Yunfei got up quickly in the morning. He left the inn again and started wandering on the street. At this moment, he heard someone calling him, but Bai Yunfei didn't stop and continued walking forward.

The people behind didn't expect that Bai Yunfei ran over quickly without turning around, blocked Bai Yunfei in front, and said out of breath, "I said, brother, why are you running so fast? I was calling you just now, didn't you hear me?" ?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled lightly and said, "I said, little girl, look at the people around you, who knows who you are calling, and you don't know me, what's the matter if you call me?"

The little girl patted her chest and said, "Of course I have something to do with you. Didn't you order a lot of hidden weapons at the blacksmith shop yesterday? Those shops belong to my family. My father asked me to find you, saying that they got If you buy a very powerful material, it can also help you create a more powerful hidden weapon, but you need more money, so I ask you if you need it."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Go and tell your father that I don't need it. I just need some hidden weapons made of ordinary materials. As far as the very powerful materials you mentioned are very powerful, they are completely useless to me." It doesn’t have much effect, because it’s hard to get back the hidden weapon after throwing it out.”

The little girl smiled slightly and said, "You are wrong when you say this. You must know that a good hidden weapon can save your life. Your ordinary hidden weapons can't kill people at all, so you should make some good ones." Hidden weapon, isn't this your trump card?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, looked at the little girl and said, "Although I don't know where I got the news, I ordered some hidden weapons in the blacksmith shop, but it seems that you didn't get the information clearly. The top hidden weapon, so your so-called high-quality material, do you think I will believe it?"

The little girl's eyes widened immediately, she looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "What do you mean by that? Do you think I'll lie to you? Or let's confront each other now?"

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "There is no need to confront, because I don't have that much time to play with you here. If you want to lie to me, please come up with a better idea. This idea is really not a good idea, you'd better leave obediently, otherwise I will blame you for being rude to you."

Bai Yunfei left directly, and the little girl flushed with anger, and finally beckoned to two men in black, who quickly ran over with two huge knives in their hands.

The little girl immediately said angrily to the two men in black, "You two damned things, do you think that I, Nalan Zizhu, are so easy to bully? How dare you lie to me with some fake news? Looking for death?"

After the two men in black looked at each other, they quickly shook their heads and said nervously, "Miss, the two of us really didn't say anything, and really, we found out that he just ordered a batch of hidden weapons. any mistakes."

Nalan Zizhu knocked on the two men in black angrily, and said in a frenzy, "But you two idiots didn't tell me that all the hidden weapons he ordered were top-notch hidden weapons."

After the two men in black looked at each other, they all said incredulously, "That's impossible. Those blacksmiths clearly said that they were ordinary hidden weapons, but why did they become top-level hidden weapons? Miss, you were killed by him!" tricked?"

Nalan Zizhu got angry immediately, snorted and said, "This damn bastard dared to lie to me. When I meet him again, I must teach him a lesson."

At this time, Bai Yunfei didn't know that he was being targeted by a stingy woman, but at this moment he was still drinking wine and strolling around the small street in a very chic way.

Bai Yunfei, who was enjoying his drink, suddenly heard a movement behind him, quickly grabbed the back with his right hand, and a hidden weapon appeared in his hand.

Bai Yunfei looked at the hidden weapon in his hand, hehe, and sneered, "You should return this hidden weapon to yourself if you dare to come out to make a fool of yourself."

I saw the hidden weapon in his hand return directly and quickly, only to hear a scream from a tree not far away, a man fell down.

After falling from the tree, the man quickly stood up again, but fled away in a bit of embarrassment.

Bai Yunfei didn't kill them all, because that person didn't have any malicious intentions, he just gave him a warning, and he also gave him a warning, so Bai Yunfei let him go.

Bai Yunfei frowned suddenly, because he suddenly felt a murderous aura around him, this was not a prank just now, but someone really wanted to kill her, but he didn't offend anyone in this city, I don't know why Someone will try to kill him.

However, this person chose the timing very accurately, because Bai Yunfei had already taught one of them a lesson, so he relaxed his vigilance, and if he wanted to assassinate directly at this time, the success rate would probably be 80.00%.

But Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, directly and quickly took out a throwing knife, and shot it out quickly.

The person hiding in the dark, his eyes widened and he fell to the ground in disbelief. He couldn't understand until he died that he hadn't done anything yet, why he was killed directly?

Bai Yunfei didn't want to know why he came to kill him, because no matter what the reason was, he was always here to assassinate him, so he was the most reassuring when he died. If he asked about other things, he might get into some trouble again. There is no need to lie to me. He just intends to have a good time in this world, so he doesn't want to go through all kinds of useless things.

After what happened just now, Bai Yunfei had completely lost interest in continuing shopping. He was just about to leave, but he ran into that little liar Nalan Zizhu again.

Nalan Zizhu looked at Bai Yunfei with a smile and said, "Looking at you, you must be in a bad mood. Why are you being bullied? If you can give me some benefits now, I can guarantee that you will not be in a bad mood in this city." Let anyone bully you, how to think about it."

Bai Yunfei, heh heh, smiled and said, "The guy who put the hidden weapon just now is probably your subordinate, but his ability is really weak, and he ran away like a shit, didn't he tell you? If he told you You, you will definitely not be ashamed of coming here."

(End of this chapter)

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