Chapter 800 Assassin
Nalan Zizhu's eyes widened immediately, and she said incredulously, "What do you mean by that? Why did you beat my subordinates away just now? Why didn't this damn guy tell me and make me feel ashamed here? Go back Do I have to peel off his skin?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It turns out that he is really your subordinate, but he is really weak enough to throw even a hidden weapon, and you dare to send him out. Aren't you afraid that he will hurt someone?"

Nalan Zizhu pointed at Bai Yunfei angrily and said, "You lied to me again, why do you like to lie so much?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Did I lie to you? It's you who have been trying to find me to lie to you, and besides, I don't know you at all, it's you who came to me all the time Please, don't talk about yourself so nicely, okay?"

Nalan Zizhu shook her head slightly, snorted softly and said, "Anyway, I don't care if you want to hang out in this city, then you have to give me benefits, if you don't give me benefits, I will ask you If all the people come to trouble you, then you won’t be able to get along here at all.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Who said that I must stay here with you? I will leave this city after shopping here. Why do I have to give you benefits? You are really a person." Some unreasonable little girls, I advise you to go wherever you are, don’t be ashamed of yourself here, if it wasn’t for your family background, I’m afraid you would have been beaten to death long ago.”

Nalan Zizhu snorted slightly, took out his two very delicate daggers, looked at Bai Yunfei firmly and said, "Then you don't want to leave here today, I must teach you a lesson you."

Nalan Zizhu quickly stabbed at Bai Yunfei's thigh and arm with the very delicate dagger in his hand.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and instantly two flying knives appeared in his hands, quickly blocked Nalan Zizhu's dagger, and with a light effort, he quickly snatched the dagger away, gently He smiled and said, "Now that you don't have any weapons, you should be able to calm down completely now. I really don't know who would like you for a domineering woman like you, so I'd better leave before I get angry. Here, otherwise, be careful and I will teach you a lesson."

Bai Yunfei directly threw the two daggers in his hand to Nalan Zizhu, and then left here.

Nalan Zizhu watched Bai Yunfei leave in shock, and after holding her dagger in her hand, she looked at Bai Yunfei with a trace of admiration.

Nalan Zizhu quickly followed behind Bai Yunfei and said loudly, "Master, take me as your apprentice. If you can teach me martial arts, I will definitely become even more powerful. Don't worry, Master, I I will never bully those ordinary people, I bully those who are rich and unkind, you must believe that I am my disciple."

Bai Yunfei didn't say anything, but walked quickly, completely treating the Nalan Purple Pearl as air, and ignored it.

Nalan Zizhu didn't show any anger, instead she smiled even more.

But when the two men in black in the dark saw their lady calling Bai Yunfei, the master immediately showed a little shock, and then quickly looked at each other and ran back home to report the letter.

Bai Yunfei walked slowly towards the inn, and Nalan Zizhu kept saying some inexplicable words beside him, generally wanting Bai Yunfei to accept her as his apprentice.

In this world, suddenly many people have returned to their homes, and the entire street has become silent.

Bai Yunfei stopped in his tracks, smiled softly, and said to Nalan Zizhu next to him, "You've talked all the way, don't you feel any thirst?"

Nalan Zizhu swallowed her saliva, nodded slightly in agreement and said, "I'm really thirsty, master, wait for me and go buy some fruits now."

But Nalan Zizhu looked around, and suddenly found that the street was empty, and anyone who sold things had disappeared, so she was a little curious.

"Master, why is there suddenly no one on the street? Why do you feel that the surrounding atmosphere is not quite right? Is there something unclean around here?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Didn't you notice it until now? I'm afraid someone is coming for you. At this time, your guards have probably left your side. I'm afraid they will show up later." Come to attack you, you should ask for more blessings yourself."

Nalan Zizhu frowned and said in thought, "There should be no one so bold as to dare to do anything to me in this city. You must know that my father is the lord of this city, so I don't believe that they dare to do such a thing." Big, I'm afraid they are not coming for me, but for you."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "Then you are wrong, I can feel that their murderous intent is all on you, not on me, so this matter has nothing to do with me. relationship, they are coming for you."

As soon as Bai Yunfei finished speaking, countless men in black quickly jumped down from the roof, all of them holding short knives, and attacked Nalan Zizhu.

Nalan Zizhu was frightened immediately, and ran to Bai Yunfei's back and said loudly, "Master, help, master, you won't do nothing, will you? These people are really scary, the murderous aura on them is so strong, so scary!" .”

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly, looked at the assassins and said lightly, "If I say that I am not his master, do you believe it or not?"

After the assassins looked at each other, the leader pointed at Bai Yunfei and said coldly, "It's not impossible to believe you. If you kill him now, we will believe your words and let you join us."

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "It's a good idea for you to let me kill him, and then let me take the blame for you. Your idea is too perfect, but it's a pity that I just don't want to cause trouble, but you guys But it has already provoked me, so you can't blame me."

Those assassins suddenly didn't understand what Bai Yunfei said, but when they wanted to continue their attack just now, they suddenly found several bright lights hitting their bodies.

The assassins suddenly widened their eyes, looking at themselves, their pierced bodies fell silently to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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