Chapter 822 Explosive Fist

At this moment, the general in the camp directly said loudly, "Everyone pay attention, and I will announce some rules about the camp."

"Everyone should know that as long as we hunt those strange beasts outside, or find some materials, we can refine some magical martial arts to improve our own strength, but this often represents various dangers, so Everyone must play by ear, and everyone is not allowed to achieve in the camp, once someone fights privately in the camp, shoot and kill!"

After the general completed all the rules, everyone disbanded the free movement. Guo Tian wanted to find out about the situation with Bai Yunfei, but he found that Bai Yunfei had been lost.

Guo Tian shook his head slightly, but he had no choice but to discuss with the survivors alone.

Bai Yunfei had already left the camp at this time, because now he knew that he must improve his strength quickly, otherwise he would have no way to meet the next battle.

Just as Bai Yunfei was leaving, there was a sudden swishing sound from the grass behind him.

A leopard appeared directly behind him silently, walked towards Bai Yunfei quietly, jumped up, and bit towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei had expected it a long time ago, and immediately dodged and quickly used the split tendons and broken veins. With only a click, the leopard fell directly to the ground, and all the tendons on his 4 legs had been taken away by Bai Yunfei. , Truncated and completely lost the ability to act.

Bai Yunfei looked at the leopard struggling on the ground, shook his head slightly, and took his life directly and quickly.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly dismembered the leopard's body, and after dismembering it, he discovered that some materials could actually form new martial arts again.

What Bai Yunfei lacks most now is these new martial arts, so he quickly completed the combination.

Flying leopard legs, the legs run as fast as a leopard, can attack the opponent instantly while running, or quietly appear behind the opponent, it is a very powerful leg and body technique.

At the same time, Bai Yunfei felt the energy in his body, which was growing rapidly, directly growing from a martial apprentice to a junior martial soldier.

Moreover, Bai Yunfei also clearly felt that the strength of his body has increased a lot again. Obviously, he can already be said to be very strong now, stronger than other people, because other people have the most energy in his body Growth, but the physical body may not be able to grow much, but he is different, his physical body and energy grow at the same time.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because he heard some movement again just now, so he quickly hid his tracks.

A person surrounded by fire elements all over his body quickly appeared on the spot, but he didn't look at other places, but walked directly to the place where the leopard died, and then quickly left here.

Curious, Bai Yunfei quickly followed the burning man, wanting to see what was going on.

As he kept walking, Bai Yunfei was gradually surprised to find that this burning man actually appeared in a very huge volcano, and there were more such burning men around the volcano.

But seeing this, Bai Yunfei already knew that they were also the enemies of human beings, and I am afraid that human beings would also be attacked by them.

However, Bai Yunfei saw that the fire men on the outermost perimeter were not too strong, they were all at the military level, so if he made a surprise attack now, he should be able to deal with a few of them.

However, Bai Yunfei didn't wait here to die, but went directly and quickly to find other prey, because if he waited here, it would probably take a long time before he could sneak attack.

As time passed by, Bai Yunfei had been here for a week, but during this week, he didn't hunt any Burning Man, but all the strange beasts around him.

However, his achievements are very rich, but he did not rush to synthesize new martial arts, but all of them are flowing, ready to synthesize a more powerful martial arts.

Bai Yunfei waited slowly, because he was going to deal with one of the Burning Man now, and saw that the Burning Man was already a single Burning Man, and his strength was relatively low, so he happened to be hunting with Bai Yunfei.

This Pyroman didn't notice the danger around him, and he was still playing there to his heart's content, because the strange beasts around here didn't dare to approach them at all, they were almost the nemesis of all the strange beasts, and they almost belonged to the overlord level.

Bai Yunfei took advantage of the fact that he was playing with his flying leopard legs and quickly ran towards the burning man. He quickly kicked the burning man on the top of the burning man's head with his two legs, killing him instantly. up.

After the burning man died, a red spar was exposed and appeared in place.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly took the red spar in his hand, and quickly left here. Not long after he left, the burning man broke out immediately, and they all searched quickly, wanting to Find the murderer of their people.

Bai Yunfei appeared in a very mysterious cave. This cave was discovered by her accidentally. It is very secret. Under normal circumstances, no strange beast or Pyroman would be able to come here.

Bai Yunfei quickly put all the materials together and began to fuse into a ball of light.

I saw that this light exuded fire-like heat, which was obviously very unusual.

Bai Yunfei put his hand on the disc, and instantly the entire light cluster merged into Bai Yunfei's body. A flame erupted from Bai Yunfei's body, and it was burning continuously, but Bai Yunfei didn't feel any pain. Pain, but there is a trace of enjoyment.

Explosive Flame Fist, when activated, both fists will burn with a very strong flame, and anyone who is burned by his flame will be directly turned into ashes.

At this time, Bai Yunfei paid more attention to his own strength, and it really didn't let him go to waste, he directly became the strength of generals.

"Finally, I have been promoted to general. Now I should be able to protect myself, and I should go back to the camp to have a look. Otherwise, they will think that I am dead." Bai Yunfei said lightly.

Bai Yunfei left here directly and quickly, running towards the direction of the camp. His current speed is a bit faster than before, so he returned to the camp very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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