Chapter 823
When Bai Yunfei returned to the camp, he realized that there were actually a lot fewer soldiers in the camp, and there were even a few fewer survivors.

After many inquiries, I found out that when Bai Yunfei was hunting the strange beast outside, other soldiers and survivors also had the same idea and went hunting alone, but they didn't expect to be killed instead of hunting. .

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly. To do such a thing without such strength is purely asking for death, and he can't blame anyone.

Guo Tian looked a little complicated, looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "I'm afraid your strength has improved after you have been outside for a week. Although I have no way to see your current strength, I can infer that you should have at least already Reached the strength of the military level."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, looked at Guo Tian and said, "Aren't you too, your current strength has become the strength of a military soldier, why are you still not satisfied?"

Guo Tian said with a wry smile, "Perhaps what you said that day was correct, because I thought I could be regarded as a master in this camp, but what made me despair was the general in this camp, he is a real general. Strength."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "So what? Even if the opponent's strength is stronger than yours, so what? Wouldn't it be enough if you can recover sooner or later? Why bother to make you so depressed now?"

Guo Tian sighed slightly and said, "There are too many unknowns in this world. Yesterday I clearly saw a soldier who was very weak, but he was very lucky to co-create a very powerful book." The strength of martial arts has improved too much in an instant."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Then you can also choose to synthesize martial arts yourself. I believe you should have combined a lot, otherwise your strength will definitely not improve. Why are you not satisfied with the martial arts you synthesized?"

Guo Tian nodded slightly, and said with some frustration, "You are right. I am indeed very dissatisfied with myself and my martial arts, because all my martial arts are useless. They can only strengthen my strength at most. My strength, but it can't enhance my combat power, what's the use of it? It's just that the wax of the silver spear doesn't have any effect."

Bai Yunfei was stunned for a moment, she didn't know how to persuade her, but she finally thought of something, smiled slightly and said, "Actually, you can go out and hunt by yourself, if you can hunt some strange beasts , should be able to combine the martial arts you are satisfied with."

Guo Tian shook his head slightly and said, "I've tried the method you mentioned, but it's still just some ordinary martial arts, and all of them are martial arts that are not worthy of me, so I'm really serious now. Some of them are desperate."

Bai Yunfei really doesn't know how to persuade Guo Tian now, because he doesn't have the real qualifications to teach others now. Although his current strength is indeed quite strong, everyone's starting point is the same, and they are all important to this world. Very ignorant.

In the early morning of the second day, Bai Yunfei embarked on a new journey again, but Guo Tian also followed behind Bai Yunfei at this time.

Bai Yunfei looked at the arrogant Guo Tian with some differences and said, "Why don't you act alone now? Did you suffer a lot yesterday?"

Guo Tian said with a little embarrassment, "Boss, don't hit me. Now I deeply realize that as long as I follow you, I can definitely get along well in this world."

After chatting yesterday, Guo Tian has now fully recognized the reality, and is willing to follow Bai Yunfei to be his little brother, because he knows that only in this way can he truly survive, which is why he, who has always been arrogant, can say so big change.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, he fully appreciates Guo Tian's appearance, and Guo Tian is not the kind of opportunistic person, but a person who knows current affairs.

The two walked quickly in the jungle, and now they planned to continue hunting more strange beasts to strengthen Guo Tian's strength.

After two days of searching, it was finally determined that a trace of a strange beast was a group of wild wolves.

Moreover, in the 4 weeks of these wild wolves, there are still a lot of materials that can be used to synthesize martial arts. It can be said that directly disposing of these wild wolves can have rich harvests.

Guo Tian frowned slightly, looked around and said, "There will be no surprises in the surrounding situation, only these wild wolves exist, but there are too many of them, how can we kill them?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, it's our chance when they're looking for their prey. When they're catching their prey, they'll all be dispatched. As long as they find the single ones, we can solve them one by one."

Guo Tian nodded slightly, and continued to wait slowly. At this moment, the wolf king directly raised his head to the sky and howled, and then all the wolves were dispatched.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, looked at the wolves at the back, and said softly, "This is my chance, I'm going to kill the wolves at the back now, if there's anything abnormal, you will replace them." I attract."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly unleashed the flying leopard legs.Running as fast as a cheetah, those wild wolves didn't notice that a big killer was coming behind them, instead they were still rushing towards a larger beast in groups.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly performed the Dividing Tendons and Broken Pulses.

I saw the wild wolf behind fell directly to the ground without making any sound, because he had completely lost the opportunity to speak.

Guo Tian watched from the side very excitedly, because he didn't expect Bai Yunfei's assassination skills to be so superb. If so, he could slowly kill all the wild wolves one by one.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because he found that two wild wolves had discovered his existence, but they didn't howl, but rushed towards Bai Yunfei with grinning teeth.

However, Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and quickly went up to meet them, only to see that the two wild wolves, before they could react, actually found flames on their bodies and burned them to ashes.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because if this was the case, he really wouldn't be able to use the Exploding Flame Fist, because once he used it and burned them to ashes, there would be no materials to speak of.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly threw his muscles at the other wolves, or with the flying leopard's kick for a while, these wolves had already been hunted and killed half of them by him.

(End of this chapter)

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