Chapter 833 The Strange Bell

After half a day of hard work, Bai Yunfei left here contentedly, because his current strength has improved a lot, and what is even better is that his defense has also improved. Only now can he be more confident and continue to survive in this world down, and then returned to the camp.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly threw some materials to Gao Yan, and then returned to his room directly and quickly.

"Boss, what did you do? Why didn't you call me? Did you go out to find materials by yourself again? Has your strength improved again? I feel that your aura seems to have become stronger again."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "It's really good luck. I met some good things, but it's just a little improvement. Now you have completely completed your cultivation. Judging by your current aura, it won't take long. Then you can become a strong man at the Martial King level."

Guo Tian also said slightly happily, "Yes, I will be able to break through in a short time, and I should be able to protect myself in this world by then, no matter how big the catastrophe is, it shouldn't be so exaggerated, we should There is still a lot of time to continue practicing."

Bai Yunfei also said happily, "Yes, we should be able to buy more time for ourselves now, but we can't be too careless, because no one knows what will happen, so we must Be more careful."

Guo Tian nodded slightly and said, "Yes, you must be more careful, in case there are any new mistakes, it will be really difficult."

Ding dong ding dong ding dong, ding ding dong!
Bai Yunfei frowned, looked outside with some puzzlement, and said, "It's strange why there are these strange bells coming from outside? It's really weird who can ring the bell."

Guo Tian shook his head slightly and said, "But the voice doesn't seem to come from inside the camp, it seems to come from outside."

All the people walked out of the tent and quickly looked towards the sound of the bell. A tall man was covered with bells, and he kept turning back and forth there.

A soldier quickly ran up to the tall man and asked loudly, "Who are you? Why are you making noise here? Don't you know that everyone needs to rest? Which camp are you from? Why are you so unqualified?" ?”

The tall man glanced at it, and the soldier showed an evil smile, and shook the bell in his hand vigorously, only to see that the soldier turned slowly as if fascinated.

Guo Tian frowned slightly and said, "There seems to be something wrong with the boss, why does that person feel so weird? And you see, that soldier seems to be fascinated by him."

Gao Yan frowned slightly and said to everyone, "Everyone, plug your ears, and be careful that those bells have the function of confusing. Once you are confused by its bells, you will be like him."

Gao Yan sternly shouted at the tall man, "I don't care who you are, but if you plan to make trouble here, then you will have to pay for what you did."

It's just the sound of jingle bells, jingle bells, that answered Gao Yan.

Gao Yan was a little annoyed and directly took out the weapon in his hand, like a roaring lion, he quickly slashed at the tall man.

But it was a pity that a very fast bell hit his knife, knocking Gao Yan back several steps.

Gao Yan panted and frowned at the tall man, and now he looked at the tall man with some taboo.

Because he really didn't expect that he would be defeated by others with a single move.

Such a result made him a little bit hit, he really didn't expect that he would be so vulnerable.

Guo Tian wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Bai Yunfei.

Facing Guo Tian's doubts, Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Even if you make a move, you will definitely not be his opponent, because this is not his real body, but just a servant controlled by the bell."

"You human beings are really fragile. You didn't expect to defeat you all so easily. It really made me feel so unfulfilled. Although it's not the time for me to appear on the stage, there is nothing wrong with it. The rules restrict us, but we don't even bother to do anything to you human beings like ants. It is an insult to us to do it to you. Next, you will taste the fear we have prepared for you. We will show you well fear."

A strange voice emerged from the tall man's mouth, but everyone could clearly feel that this was not the original voice of the tall man.

Guo Tian frowned slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei angrily, "Isn't the boss going to make a move now? Let him continue like this, and everyone will be hit by him without any will to fight. Then they think If you want to survive, then there is no possibility."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said directly to the tall man, "It's fun to play tricks, right? If that's the case, then I'll play with you and see if you can break my attack."

Bai Yunfei quickly shot seven throwing knives at the tall man, only to see that all of these throwing knives turned into flying wolves and quickly rushed towards the tall man.

The tall man frowned immediately, but then quickly waved the bell on his body to block the throwing knives.

Just when he let go, a flying wolf fell from the sky, hit his wrist in an instant, and knocked a bell in his hand to the ground.

What everyone didn't expect was that this tall man, although he didn't suffer any injuries on his body, made a scream, as if he had been stabbed in his body by a weapon.

Bai Yunfei quickly performed lightness kung fu, and in an instant came to the tall man's side, and punched him fiercely, only to hear the bells on his body making a shocking sound, but then all of them disappeared. It fell to the ground with a clatter.

I saw this tall man fell to the ground in pain, rolling back and forth. After a while, some black blood began to appear on his body, and those bells also began to slowly become very pitch black, as if they had been caught by someone. It was as if it had been burned, and when everyone went to look at it again, the tall man and those bells had all disappeared, leaving only a pile of black water.

(End of this chapter)

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