Chapter 834 Awakening
Gao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time said to Bai Yunfei with some puzzlement, "What's going on? Why did he suddenly die like this? Wasn't he very powerful just now? Your strength has already surpassed our imagination?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Actually, things are not as complicated as you think, so his strength doesn't call you too much, it's just that you have all been under his illusion, so you have the illusion that it is very powerful. "

Gao Yan was a little puzzled and said, "This is impossible, I have blocked my ears just now, why am I still influenced by him?"

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Do you think things are really that simple? Do you think you can block their influence just by plugging your ears? Then you really underestimate them, their ringtones can pass through If your soul affects your soul, it is useless to block your ears, only a powerful soul can block his illusion."

Guo Tian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I said why I was so angry when I heard him speak. It turned out that I was influenced by him, but how could you not be affected, boss? Or are you already Know how to defend."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It's because your own will is too weak, and you are easily influenced by others. It's just such a simple thing, and don't you realize that the other party didn't dare to enter the camp at all. This means that the camp is still safe and not in a state of catastrophe, so as long as you stay in the camp, it is very safe. Any attack from them will not have any effect, and all of you have walked out of the camp. So it will be affected."

All the people looked towards 4 weeks in some mood, only to realize that they had all walked out of the camp at some point at the gate of the camp, no wonder everyone was affected by him.

Everyone returned to the camp again, but at this time everyone knew that the camp was very safe, so they all relaxed and rested.

Gao Yan still had some incomprehension and said, "How do you know that the camp is very safe now? What else do you know? Why do I feel that you seem to know more than us?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "As for why I know more than you, it's because I'm good at observation, but you haven't had time to observe the environment for four weeks, and you haven't observed the differences for four weeks. You can also find such news if you observe with your heart.”

Guo Tian said curiously, "Boss, please tell me quickly, how did you judge that the camp is very safe now."

"When I was resting in the camp before, I found that all the strange animals around the camp were far away from the camp, so I left quickly, and I never dared to step into the camp. All the animals in that area were all the same, so from From there, I can deduce that the camp is very safe and they dare not approach it, and the camp will lose its function only when there is a catastrophe."

Gao Yan frowned slightly and said, "If this is the case, wouldn't it be that we don't need to build those walls in the camp at all, because these are of no use at all, and we can just stay here and wait? Is it okay? Everyone can also use all their energy to improve their strength?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "The camp doesn't need to be affected by the outside world, that's what your camp does after it's been repaired. If the camp is still dilapidated, it shouldn't be called a camp, but be called a camp." Call it a ruin."

Gao Yan sighed slightly and said, "This is finally good news. At least we can rest and improve our strength before the disaster comes."

Guo Tian did say a little pessimistically, "But now January has passed and February may break out at any time, so we don't have much time now."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said softly, "I don't think there are so many problems. Right now, we should improve our strength first. Here we still focus on strength. If you don't have strong strength, no matter how much you build here It's of no use."

February came quietly like this, and the comfortable life in January has let everyone know that they will face disaster again.

All the people are busy quickly, and they quickly practice all their weapons and martial arts, ready to deal with the imminent catastrophe at any time.

Guo Tian said with some headaches, "When I think that we still have 99 years of catastrophe to go through, my head hurts very much. I really don't know when it will be a head."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "The more you think like this, the more uncomfortable you will be. Now think about it, isn't it good that you can quickly improve your verse here? If you break through your own When you leave this world, you have truly broken through your own limit, this is a rare opportunity, you should hope that the more catastrophes there are, the better, so that your strength will become stronger and stronger."

Guo Tian suddenly said with some admiration, "I really didn't expect you, boss, to be so enlightened and thoughtful. No wonder your strength will improve faster than ours."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, snorted softly and said, "You have always said that you are a very smart person in your world, but now your thoughts have not turned around, as long as you completely change your mind If you turn around, you will find out how ridiculous you were before, so staying here is a very good exercise for you, allowing you to improve your strength very quickly."

Gao Yan sighed slightly and said, "Now I really feel that I was 10 points ridiculous before. I really didn't expect to take such a big danger for some unsatisfactory things. Now it seems that only I am strong. It is the most important thing, relying on others is of no use.”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, he didn't expect Gao Yan to see it so clearly now, but it doesn't mean it's too late to see it now, it means he still has a chance to save.

"The fact that you can think like this now means that you have realized your own shortcomings. As long as you redouble your efforts, you will definitely be able to improve again."

(End of this chapter)

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