Chapter 839 Search
After Bai Yunfei and the others rested in the camp for a day, they embarked on a new journey again.

The three of them quickly shuttled through the forest, constantly hunting some strange beasts, but the strength of these strange beasts was very weak, and they could not meet their requirements for improving their own strength, so they had no choice but to continue to move quickly. Find some mighty alien beasts.

"It's unbelievable. We've been searching for such a long time, but we haven't found a single beast above the general level. Where are these damn high-level beasts? Why can't we find them?" Guo said. Tian said a little depressed.

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "This kind of situation can only make me think that it is very likely that there is a camp nearby that is going through disaster."

Gao Yan frowned slightly and said, "If there is really a camp that is going through the catastrophe, then they should be going through the catastrophe in February now, but their luck is really good, and they were able to survive the disaster in the last few days." Catastrophe, their strength should have been greatly improved."

Guo Tian smiled slightly and said, "If that's the case, that's great. We can search for it quickly. If we can find it, we will definitely be able to improve our strength, and maybe we can be in their camp." Have a good meal inside."

Gao Yan rolled his eyes, and said helplessly, "If you really want to go, I'm afraid they will treat you as an enemy, because you are not going to help them at all, but to snatch their chance to become stronger, so they Absolutely will hate you."

Guo Tian was a little puzzled and said, "How could this be? We're not helping them, so why would they hate us instead? This is simply unreasonable. Do you have some malicious guesses about others?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "It's not that what Gao Yan said is exaggerated, it's the fact. If you can treat them when their lives are in danger, they will of course be grateful to you, but if they don't have any life at all Help them in times of crisis, but they will see you as trying to take credit from them.”

Guo Tian shook his head slightly, and said with a sigh, "I really didn't expect it to be so complicated, so should we still look for it? Why don't we go to other places to find other strange beasts and improve our strength."

Gao Yan thought for a while and said, "I think it's okay to check it out, because if they really encounter a life crisis, we can help them obtain some materials. If they can get through it, we will leave Not too late."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "This is a good way. We can take a look at it from a distance. If they are really facing extinction, then we will help them. If not, we will leave."

Gao Yan smiled slightly, checked the surrounding traces, and said softly, "They all walk in the northeast direction, we can definitely see them as long as we head in the northeast direction."

The three of them rushed towards the northeast direction and quickly infected the past. It took a day to finally arrive, but when they arrived, they found that they were already late, and all the strange beasts had already stepped through the walls of the camp in front of them. People have all been killed.

Bai Yunfei sighed softly and said, "It's a pity that I came a step too late and killed all these damned beasts. It can be regarded as revenge for these people."

Guo Tian and Gao Yan rushed forward without saying a word, and the three of them quickly killed all the strange beasts around them, because the highest strength of these strange beasts was only at the level of a military commander. It is not the opponent of the three of them.

After killing all the strange beasts around, Bai Yunfei sighed softly, quickly collected all the surrounding materials with everyone, and then buried all the dead bodies and left here, continuing Walk forward.

On the way, Guo Tian said with some emotion, "I really don't know, will we be like them one day, unable to stop the attacks of these strange beasts, and die completely?"

Gao Yan also sighed softly and said, "Our strength is really too weak. There is no way to compare with those powerful alien beasts. They are uniquely rich, and their strength is very strong."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "But we have a very powerful advantage over them, that is, we can infinitely combine martial arts to improve our strength, while it is very difficult for them to improve their strength. This is the turning point between us. As long as we can Find more materials and improve your own strength."

Gao Yan nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Yes, we only have this unique advantage that we can use. If we didn't have such an advantage, I'm afraid we would have been completely killed long ago. It's a pity that there are fewer and fewer high-level alien beasts, how can we quickly improve our strength?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, as long as we continue to move forward, I believe there should be many strange beasts that can improve our strength, but we haven't encountered them yet, don't give up just because of this, continue Just wait, and even when we cross the catastrophe, many high-level beasts will appear, and they are all opportunities for us to improve our strength."

Guo Tian said with some excitement, "I really can't wait now. I really hope that we can meet those high-level alien beasts one day earlier, and our strength can be improved faster. At that time, I must kill these damned alien beasts." Kill them all to the brim."

Gao Yan frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled, "Mr. Bai, how can you be sure that you will meet those high-level alien beasts by walking straight forward? Have you found any clues?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile, "Of course I found some new clues, didn't you guys find out? There are fewer and fewer low-level alien beasts around here, and there are many more on the ground." There are a lot of excretions from alien beasts, and what's more interesting is that those low-level ones have already scared away before approaching, which only shows that there must be powerful alien beasts ahead."

Gao Yan said thoughtfully, "This should be their so-called territorial concept. Powerful alien beasts always have their own territories, and other alien beasts are not allowed to invade."

(End of this chapter)

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