Chapter 840 New Camp
Just as the three of them were talking and walking, they all stopped suddenly, and they didn't say anything anymore, they all carefully hid aside.

After a while, I saw a very tall strange beast coming here quickly, and saw that this strange beast was like a big toad magnified n times.

I saw that the big toad stopped in place, but his eyes were looking around, obviously looking for some abnormalities.

Guo Tian frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Boss, his strength seems to be at the level of a Martial King. Why do we hide? It shouldn't be long before we can beat him."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It is true that she can be easily killed, but there is a hidden killer behind, which is what we have to deal with, so wait here and see the two of them how to fight."

Gao Yan didn't say anything all the time, but his eyes quickly looked around, obviously wanting to find the existence hidden in the dark.

Suddenly Gao Yan frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Although there is something wrong, it seems that there is a very huge snake over there, is he going to do something to this big toad?"

Guo Tian quickly saw the big snake following Gao Yan's instructions, but he said in a puzzled way, "The strength of this big snake is only at the level of a military commander. He is the opponent of that big toad, and he is probably delivering food." Bar."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Don't underestimate this big snake, although his strength is a bit weaker than him, but if he attacked suddenly, this big toad might not be his opponent. .”

At this moment, the big snake directly and quickly attacked the big toad.

The big toad also noticed this, and directly and quickly stuck out its tongue, attacking the big snake.

However, the big snake was obviously faster than the big toad, and it directly avoided his tongue, and instantly entangled the big toad.

Although the big toad wanted to break free, it found that there was no way to break free from the entanglement of the big snake. On the contrary, the road was getting tighter and tighter. After a while, the big toad actually started to appear stiff state.

Guo Tian frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled, "This big toad was actually poisoned. What's going on? I didn't see the snake attacking it. How could it be poisoned directly?" gone?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "He spit out saliva when he launched an attack, and its saliva did not appear from his mouth, but flowed out of his body, so that big toad would I got hit by this trick."

Gao Yan said with some emotion, "This is the real way to defeat the strong with the weak. This master is really powerful enough. It's really extraordinary that he can successfully hunt and kill one level behind."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and directly and quickly shot a throwing knife, stabbing the big snake seven inches in an instant.

Bai Yunfei and the others quickly collected the bodies of the big snake and the big toad, and left here after collecting the materials.

The three left the forest. Fortunately, they found a camp again. This camp was very tall and the guards inside were very tight. Obviously this camp had experienced many battles, and all the strength of the people inside They are all at the Martial Commander level.

After the three of them observed outside for a while, Guo Tian suggested, "Should we go in directly? Anyway, we are all the same survivors, and there shouldn't be any hatred between us. If we go in, it shouldn't do us any harm." influence?"

Gao Yan said worriedly, "But they are very disciplined, obviously there must be a leader inside, and judging by their current appearance, I'm afraid they don't like outsiders too much."

Bai Yunfei frowned and said, "And didn't you find out? All the people in them seem to be very united, otherwise they would not have built such a large camp, and they would not have survived here quickly. If we rashly If you join, I'm afraid they really won't like it."

Guo Tian said helplessly, "We finally found a camp where we can take a break. Should we just give up? Besides, it doesn't matter if they unite again. Anyway, our strength is here. At worst, we will fight them. Who is afraid of whom."

Gao Yan said helplessly, "Can you be more thoughtful when you think about things, don't want to do anything, just think about doing it recklessly, it won't do any good."

Bai Yunfei thought about it for a while and then said softly, "I have a way. Let's hunt down a strange beast at the level of a Martial King and bring his body here, and give them a big blow. If you are afraid, you won't have some bad thoughts towards us like this."

Guo Tian smiled slightly and said, "This method is really good. It can give them a chance to stop them from being so rampant, and we can go in justifiably, so that we can not only gain their respect, but also be at ease." It was a great break."

Gao Yan said worriedly, "But will this cause the fear of the highest commander in their camp?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "It will definitely cause it, but the problem is not too big. After all, we won't stay with them for too long, we just have a little rest here, so there is no need to worry about it at all. What the hell is he thinking?"

Gao Yan nodded slightly and said, "That's what we have to do. After all, we are only here to rest, not to survive here, so if possible, use this method."

Guo Tian looked at Gao Yan with a slight smile and said, "Don't you think about it again? Do you want to take back this camp?"

Gao Yan shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "I just stood in my previous position and thought about it. Don't make such a fuss, can you do well? I already know that my previous thinking was wrong. "

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "He was just joking, but your idea is really correct, but if we live here often, then we really have to be careful, but we are only in their After resting in the camp, I will continue to go on the road, so there is no conflict of interest, so there is no need to worry too much."

(End of this chapter)

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