Chapter 865 Li Tiankui

As time passed, the four of Bai Yunfei and the others had gradually entered the final stage, making breakthroughs quickly.


These four of them all quickly broke through their current strength, and Bai Yunfei successfully entered the strength of Wuling level.And all three of them have already possessed the strength of Wu Zun level.

Bai Yunfei moved his hands and feet, smiled slightly and said, "Finally, I can really protect myself now, and all my martial arts can be truly displayed. It's really good news."

Guo Tian said with some joy, "I really didn't expect that I can still be so powerful. Now I can deal with them alone. Let's continue to search for materials now. I want to become stronger now. "

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said lightly, "I'm afraid it will be very difficult to continue to become stronger, so let's wait slowly. If I could have become stronger quickly at that time, I wouldn't have waited until now and see you." Until you have to thoroughly lay the foundation of your own martial arts."

The four of them left here quickly and embarked on a new journey again. As they continued to walk, they gradually arrived at a camp in two months.

Zhuge Tianming frowned slightly and said, "It's really strange, this camp is intact, how can there be no one in it, can't everyone go out?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "It's impossible for all of them to go out. I'm afraid they've all encountered accidents now, but it's really strange why this camp is playing so well. We all need to be more careful."

The four of them entered the camp directly and quickly, and searched slowly. At this moment, there was a sudden clicking sound.

Bai Yunfei and the four of them dodged quickly, and saw many hidden weapons, all of which were shot towards the position of the four of them just now.

Zhuge Tianming frowned slightly and said, "Damn it, why are there so many traps here?"

Gao Yan stood up and inspected it and said, "Someone should have set this up here on purpose. Why did they set up traps in the camp?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "I'm afraid they are ambushing someone here, or these people should be watching us around now."

Guo Tian was a little puzzled and said, "What are they doing? Could it be that they are ambushing us, but we have no grievances with them, why are they ambushing us?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said flatly, "They didn't intend to deal with us, but someone else. It's just that we walked in one step ahead of time, so we fell for their hidden weapon."

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came quickly, and many people rushed in quickly, pointing their weapons at Bai Yunfei and the others.

"It's you lunatics who dare to snatch our camp. It's a big deal." A strong man pointed at Bai Yunfei and the others with a big ax and said loudly.

Guo Tian snorted and said, "Please, who wants to rob your camp? We just came to you, and we thought that we would be hit by your hidden weapon as soon as we came in. If it weren't for our strength, I'm afraid we would have died It's in your hands."

The strong man roared angrily, took out a letter, and said coldly, "Isn't this letter written by you? Could it be the challenge you issued that made us hand over the camp today, or we will die without mercy?" A place of burial."

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly, and said softly, "Please read it first, who gave you this letter, okay? How can you be sure it's us?"

At this moment, suddenly many arrows flew out from a distance quickly.

Fang Tian's painted halberd in Bai Yunfei's hand flew out quickly, blocking all the arrows in an instant.

The strong men looked at the dead people in the distance with lingering fear, and said with some puzzlement, "Why did you save me? Aren't those outside your people?"

Bai Yunfei looked at these people with some helplessness and said, "If they are ours, then why don't you think about why I want to save you and kill them."

The strong man breathed a sigh of relief at this time and said, "It turns out that we really misunderstood you. I'm really sorry. We were also scared by them. After all, our strength is weaker than theirs, so we are like this." I'm really worried, but you are really powerful, you just waved them lightly, and they all died."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile, "It's just a little effort, but why are you guys so weak? It's been 10 months, and your strength should have improved a lot." Little, why is it still at the level of a Martial King?"

The strong man smiled wryly and said, "There is no way to do this, because the beasts on our side are all of such strength, and there is nothing too strong around them, so it is good to be able to improve the current strength."

Guo Tian smiled lightly and said, "What's your name is really interesting, and your luck is very good."

The strong man smiled slightly and said, "My name is Li Tiankui. But as you said, our luck is indeed very good, at least we can live here for such a long time."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "Didn't you guys say you were going to leave here? Do you know that your current strength is already too low, and you will have no way to resist in the future."

Li Tiankui shook his head slightly, and said, "On the contrary, we should be able to live well here, because the enemies here are not too strong, so we can develop our little family here safely, and we can live in peace and stability." This is our home and we will not leave here."

Gao Yan sighed softly and said, "We live here, and we will leave here after a certain number of years. Do you really regard this place as your real home? Waiting for you to leave here , I'm afraid you can't bear it anymore."

Li Tiankui shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I know, there are still 99 years before we open here, but for an ordinary person, living 99 years can be said to be 10 points too long."

(End of this chapter)

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