Chapter 866 Mysterious Forces
Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Everyone has their own way of living, since you are willing to live like this, then live like this, no one can dictate your life, I just hope that you will never regret it in the future. "

Li Tiankui shook his head slightly and said, "We won't regret it, and it's not that our strength doesn't improve, it's just that we don't improve as fast as you. We only need to protect ourselves, we don't need anything else."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "We need to rest in your camp for a few days. You haven't seen it, is it possible? If not, then we should leave here now."

Li Tiankui smiled slightly and said, "Of course, you can rest here as you like."

After Bai Yunfei and the others rested in this camp for two days, they went on the road again without staying here, because they had supplied a lot of food here to allow them to walk again for another month to two months.

Not long after Bai Yunfei and the others left the camp, a large number of men in black quickly visited the camp again.

Li Tiankui fought bloody battles and beheaded many men in black, but he had already been stabbed several times, and the blood continued to flow.

But all the other people in the camp had died.

Li Tiankui looked a little crazy, looked at those men in black and said, "Who are you guys? Why did you kill us?"

The man in black said coldly, "If you want to know about going to hell, go."

At this moment, countless arrows quickly fell from the sky.Those men in black lost a lot in an instant, and the living men in black looked around in horror.

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "I forgot one thing, I never expected to see such a good show."

The man in black looked at Bai Yunfei coldly and said, "Why did you come back again?"

Guo Tian sneered, appeared behind the man in black, patted her on the back, slapped him to the ground, stepped on him, and said lightly, "Actually, I also want to know why you You must kill him, and you also sue them, which should not hinder you, why do you have to kill him?"

The man in black struggled for a long time, and found that he had no way to struggle, so he stopped struggling and said with a smirk, "None of you will leave alive. This world will be destroyed sooner or later. We can only destroy them completely. Only then can we truly obtain eternal life.”

Li Tiankui, holding the ax in his hand, directly and quickly slashed at the men in black who fell on the ground, killing them all in a short while.

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and said, "I'm really sorry, we are late, if what we did was to be faster, wouldn't such a thing happen to you?"

Li Tiankui fell to the ground, shook his head slightly and said, "Now I really understand what you are talking about. Weakness is the original sin."

Guo Tian looked at Li Tiankui with some puzzlement and said, "It's not too late for you to understand now, why do you look so weak now?"

Bai Yunfei sighed softly and said, "That's because he has no life force now, he is just hanging on to his life with one breath, no one can save him."

Li Tiankui smiled calmly and said, "I already know my end, I can say that I have completely let go of it now, but it is a pity that you came too late, if you had come a few months earlier If we came here, maybe we would not end up like this.”

Looking at the dead Li Tiankui, Zhuge Tianming sighed slightly and said, "Let's call it a thick burial. I really didn't expect that he would have died after meeting him."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said softly, "Sometimes life is so fragile, and if you don't want to die like them, you have to constantly improve your strength. Only by constantly improving your strength can you truly living in this world.”

Gao Yan sighed softly and said, "What should we do next? Should we just abandon this camp and leave here?"

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes and said, "What? Are you still planning to live here for a long time? This is how it is here."

The four of them left the camp directly, but they didn't really leave. Instead, after turning around, they hid in the dark and slowly observed the camp.

Guo Tian was a little puzzled and said, "Boss, what are we doing here? Can we really wait until the real murderer behind the scenes arrives?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "What do you think?"

Zhuge Tianming smiled slightly and said, "Brother Guo, Brother Bai is already here waiting for the indication that they will definitely show up in this camp, because there is definitely something they want in this camp, otherwise they will never Kill and silence."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, they will show up later, they are also 10 points cunning, but they still showed some clues."

As time slowly waited, as expected by Bai Yunfei and the others, in the evening, a man in black appeared directly and quickly in the camp.

After a quick search, the man in black found no danger, so he blew his whistle, and more men in black came here quickly.

A middle-aged man in armor swaggered over and said with a laugh, "It really didn't take much effort. This is really great. I have to thank those damn guys. If it weren't for them, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to do anything." Easy to find here."

One of the men in black said angrily, "I don't know what kind of identity they are, and their strength is so high that they killed all of our people. We must find a way to avenge them. I really can't swallow it, leader."

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "It's their honor that they died carelessly. It's nothing, but this head should indeed be reported, otherwise the other party will definitely underestimate us. When we find here Hidden peerless treasure, when the time comes, we will avenge them."

All the men in black around quickly searched the entire camp, apparently they all wanted to quickly find the legendary treasures.And each of them is very serious, without the slightest slack, obviously all of them have entered a state of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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