Chapter 895
Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Why are you so dumbfounded? These 8 corpses will be my greeting gift to you."

Yan Lie smiled, and quickly directed his subordinates to take the eight corpses away, and then cheerfully said to Bai Yunfei, "I'm really sorry, you gave me such a corpse when we met for the first time." Big gift, this is really a great gift, if you need any help from me in the future, just say that I think I can do it for you."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I don't have anything else I need your help with. I just have a small question, that is, why didn't you join them to deal with me just now?"

"My intuition always feels that if I go against you, there will be a fight. That's why I didn't fight you with them, and my intuition is 10% correct. If I go against you, it's really not the eight. There are nineteen corpses." Yan Lie said with lingering fear.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It's a good intuition, but now I'm curious what is the use of this matter? Can you still control them and fight for you?"

Yan Lie looked at Bai Yunfei slightly in surprise and said, "How do you know? I can indeed control them. Fighting for me is just half the strength they had before they were alive."

Bai Yunfei looked at Yan Lie thoughtfully, smiled slightly and said, "Then I'm not afraid that your mobile phone must be very powerful right now, otherwise, that guy named Hu Kun wouldn't be so humble to you. .”

Yan Lie shook his head slightly and said with a wry smile, "Don't hit me anymore, you should have figured out my situation long ago, so don't deliberately mock me here, if I really have you If you speak so powerfully, you won’t be threatened by them here.”

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a trace of curiosity, looked Yan Lie carefully, shook his head slightly and said, "I didn't feel anything strange on your body, why is there really something strange? And I feel You should be stronger than them, why are you being threatened by them?"

Yan Lie suddenly said with a wry smile, "Because some of the sentences in the corpses under my control belong to the top forces, so if they report it, then I will definitely die."

Bai Yunfei said slightly differently, "If that's the case, why are you still collecting their corpses? Don't you know the important nature of this matter after it's revealed? And they shouldn't have lost their souls, and they should be looking for their bodies. Don’t you mean that you have planted a lot of troubles for yourself? Do you have a reason to do this, or do you not know it before?”

"If I had known it before, I would never have done this, but when I knew it, it was too late and there was no other way, so I would be in the middle to collect the corpses of all the people and let each of his corpses They sent them back to their forces, and I just collected some unwanted corpses to strengthen my strength."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "But now you should be 10% at ease. These people have lost their souls and no one knows that their bodies are in your hands. You can make good use of them. That's fine." , It was a pleasure chatting with you here today, goodbye."

Seeing Bai Yunfei who left just as he said, tears suddenly became speechless, Yan Lie showed a trace of excitement, because although the corpses of these 8 people can only display half of their strength, they are still 10 points strong.

After Bai Yunfei left here, he directly returned to the chicken eating space.

Liu Xuexing said slightly curiously, "Brother, why do you value this person so much?"

"It's not fancy, but it's just a very interesting person. He is with the corpse every day, but the person has not changed at all. He can still maintain his innocence. This is very rare." Bai Yun Fei said lightly.

Lao Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Master, I'm afraid things are not that simple. Do you have other plans that you haven't revealed?"

Bai Yunfei coughed lightly, rolled his eyes and said, "You know, then why didn't you say it? It's just that there are other plans, and that is to make a plan for them to have civil strife. The existence of such a person can definitely disturb them. Yes, there will definitely be a good show to watch at that time, so that they will not have to come to me all the time when they have nothing to do all day long."

Atu said lightly, "But your current situation is really dangerous. Although you are very strong now, there is no real parallel to the river after all, so if it is found out that you are attacked, you are really Nine lives."

But Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "If I don't hurt the origin of the universe, Dao will never come to deal with me, because I have the merit of Dao, so he will never make things difficult for me."

Ah Tu frowned slightly and said, "What's the use of merit? For us, merit is of no use. How can you still believe this?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and explained, "This is very different from ordinary merit. It is obtained through victory in space wars. Merit can be said to be the most useful and powerful existence. It is Dao that dare not directly take action against those who have the merits of Dao."

Bai Xiaoxiao said curiously, "Then what would be the consequence if he did it too?"

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "The consequences are very simple. The universe collapsed, and even he himself was wiped out, so everyone came to die together."

Liu Xuexing was slightly surprised and said, "Does that big brother mean that you can run wild in this universe, and no one will dare to deal with you anymore?"

Lao Mo smiled slightly and said, "Then you are wrong. If it is true that no one dares to deal with him, what should those people say before? It's not that no one dares to deal with him, but it's all secretly Deal with him, and Dao Dao wanted to deal with him, but he didn't dare to do it, and he could pretend that he didn't know that he could only hope that your big brother would do something so that he could make a move."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Actually, this has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can be said to be unscrupulous. The disadvantage is that it is easy to attract people's hatred."

(End of this chapter)

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