Chapter 896 Play
Lao Mo shook his head slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Actually, I feel that the benefits are relatively greater, because you can use these great merits to improve your strength. Although some are not stable, they are stronger than the same as before."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and looked at Lao Mo and said, "Why didn't you tell me before that the great virtues can be used to improve strength?"

Lao Mo smiled slightly and said, "But from you, it is because if I want to tell you, I am afraid that if you accidentally increase your strength directly, it will be too late to cry, but now your strength is almost the same, you can use Come to improve, because as long as you improve a little bit, you will be able to be parallel to the Dao, so what do you care about at that time?"

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "Do you have other things to hide from me? Tell me, if there is anything else you haven't told me, tell me now."

Lao Mo shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "There is really nothing to hide from you now, and I have told you everything that should be told to you, but you also need to take your time in the future." If you leave, no one can help you."

Old Zhan said slightly silently, "Master, what are you going to do next?"

Bai Yunfei rubbed his head, and after careful consideration, he shook his head and said, "I really haven't figured out what to do now, but I believe I can definitely figure it out, and I'll tell you guys when I figure it out." Bar."

Bai Xiaoxiao suggested, "Otherwise, let's go to another world to play. Anyway, there is a lot of time here. We can find a time to have a good time. It should be very interesting, and you haven't eaten for a long time, brother." It’s something from the world below, we can just go and eat it.”

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, he nodded and agreed to Bai Xiaoxiao's proposal.

Bai Xiaoxiao, Bai Yunfei, Liu Xuexing, and Atu came to a new world directly and quickly.

Ah Tu looked at the world with some differences, and said slightly curiously, "The people in this world are really weak, even the heaven here can be destroyed even if I want to, it's really too weak .”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "This is just an ordinary incident, how can it withstand your attack, so you have to restrain your aura, don't cause unnecessary influence, cause some Unnecessary trouble is a headache."

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled slightly and said, "Brother, there is good wine and good meat ahead, let's go over and eat it, I can already smell its aroma."

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a soft smile, "I also smelled it and haven't eaten for a long time, so I'm really hungry, so let's go."

Bai Yunfei and the others came to the tavern directly and quickly, and walked in directly and quickly.

But when they entered, they couldn't help frowning, because there were already many people in this tavern, but they didn't want to be here anyway, eating and drinking seemed to be making trouble here.

"If you don't give us an explanation today, you will forget about your business today." A big yellow-faced man said directly and loudly.

The shopkeeper of the tavern ran out quickly, and said to the yellow-faced man in a low voice, "You are a regular customer here, why do we sell fake wine here, you should know in your heart, someone must be setting you up We, you can't fall into their trap."

The big man with a painted face snorted coldly and said, "You mean that we have all wronged you, right? You clearly remember that I only took it out behind you and drank it in front of you, but he is fake wine. It’s possible to frame you in a tavern, let’s say, let’s check your wine cellar, if your wine cellar is full of real wine, I will believe you.”

The shopkeeper said with a look of embarrassment, "It's impossible to hand in the inspection, but our roots must not let outsiders go in, because if you let them in, the secret recipe of my wine will be exposed, so my family will never again. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to buy these. You’re making unreasonable words. You are definitely not allowed to enter my house for an effective inspection, but we can guarantee that our wine is definitely the purest and good wine. Trust us."

Some people around nodded slightly, and they all agreed. The shopkeeper said that because they often drink here at the exhibition, the economy is cheap and the drink is really delicious, and they will definitely not participate in any fake, but today it is indeed Something is too right.

The yellow-faced man looked at the people who were discussing around him, frowned slightly, and shouted loudly, "You are the one who speaks out loud, what is the secret recipe? You can know it just by looking at it. You think too highly of us, don't you?" , we don’t know how to make wine, but just go into your wine cellar to taste the wine in your wine cellar, how can we steal your secret recipe?”

The shopkeeper was also a little annoyed immediately, and he patted the table and said loudly, "Don't make trouble here, although it is indeed a tutor who drank it at my place, but you have to look carefully at the packaging on this wine. It’s not from our place, some of them just want to seize my family’s secret recipe, and you’re thinking that even if this store doesn’t open, I will definitely not let you enter my wine cellar to check it out.”

The yellow-faced man sneered and said, "I see that you are showing your true colors. What is the different packaging? What is the difference? They are all in the same wine bottle packaging. You are just making unreasonable words. You want to be here if you can't do it. , and then do you really think that everyone will follow you? Even if your store is smashed today, you, the boss who sells fake wine, will be found out, so that everyone can see your true colors. "

Bai Yunfei left the crowd quickly and came to the boss, he laughed and said, "Actually, there is no need to be so troublesome, you just need to go into the wine cellar in front of us and take out a jug of wine for us to drink." That’s fine, just go in and check, I don’t think it’s necessary.”

The yellow-faced man saw someone come out to disrupt the situation, and immediately said angrily, "Who are you? You are not with the boss, are you? If you want to deceive us, you will treat us as fools and you must enter the wine cellar .”

(End of this chapter)

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