Chapter 945
Gao Buci was slightly stunned for a moment, and began to meditate there thoughtfully.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, he was 10% satisfied with his effect, because it can transform a person's character, he can see that Gao Buci's character is like this, indecisive but there is a trace of Vicious, but now his nature has not been lost, so after the good nature is lost, it will become the greatest evil in the world.

"Practice your martial arts well, remember that the greater your ability, the more things you will encounter, and the more responsibilities you need to take on, but you can't go astray because of these pressures. "

Gao Buci nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely not go on the wrong path, to help justice, anyway, I can just use my immortal body to do more welfare for all the people."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "You should practice your own martial arts well first, and then you can practice these martial arts for at least a few months. You should hurry up and practice here. I'll go outside Go find some food."

Gao Buci nodded his head slightly, and quickly went there, practicing the martial arts on the wall again, while Bai Yunfei went outside quickly and found a place to lie down.

When noon came, Bai Yunfei directly took out some food, then returned to the cave and said with a smile, "Come and eat some food, the fresh food here is definitely 10 points delicious, and they are all delicious." It’s hot, eat it quickly, and continue practicing after eating.”

Gao Buci immediately started eating happily, and like this, the two of them stayed in the cave for a full three months.

Gao Buci finally succeeded in practicing martial arts in three months, and he said happily, "We can finally leave here. I have now thoroughly integrated the martial arts here. There should not be many people in the world now. People are my opponents, which is really good news."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Now I can take you to see interesting things, and you should go to the Devil's Cult to save your parents before now, so I will go with you."

Gao Buci nodded slightly, and recently said seriously, "Brother, are you really planning to go with me? This will be dangerous, even now I don't have much confidence, you really plan to go with me Is it? You still don't want to take this muddy water."

Bai Yun Feifei shook his head, smiled faintly and said, "Can you bear my finger? If you can bear it, then I won't go."

Gao Buci smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Bai, you really underestimate me, how do you know that I can't bear your fingers? You must not regret it, if I go to hold on One finger of yours, then you must not be able to go on adventures with me."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said softly, "Then you have to be ready, I'm going to launch an attack."

Bai Yunfei stretched out his index finger, and gently pointed towards Gao Bushi.

Gao Buci, although he didn't relax in any way, he still didn't exercise his whole body's power to the extreme, because he didn't believe in himself, and he couldn't even bear it all the time, so he still had some carelessness.

But when Bai Yunfei's finger was on his body, he only defecated twice, because suddenly he felt a very powerful force, enriched to his four weeks, and suddenly his body unconsciously flew upside down, and went out. It hit the wall hard.

And those martial arts cheats behind him were all smashed into pieces and disappeared without a trace.

Gao Bushi stood up slowly, coughed in disbelief and said, "Brother Bai, why are you so strong? I can't even catch a single move from you. This is too incredible. How far has your strength reached?" to what extent?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said softly, "My current strength is simply beyond what you can imagine, but your current strength at the level of a Martial King can make a difference in this world, so go and do it yourself first." After saving your parents, the choice is up to you."

Gao Bushi nodded slightly and led Bai Yunfei to find the Demon Cult sub-helm quickly.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, looked at the brothel in front of him and said with a slight frown, "Could this be what you call the Devil's Sect branch? It's too casual, isn't there any master in this?"

Gao Bushi smiled softly and said, "Brother Bai, you must not underestimate them, all the people here are 10 points powerful, and if you are not careful, you will be deceived by them so that you have nothing on your body. So generally people who come here are very careful people, but in the end they still go out naked and crying."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled faintly and said, "Then how do you plan to destroy this place?"

Gao Bushi took out a black elixir, smiled and said, "It's very simple, let them all go to the toilet obediently, and if they can't get out, it's fine."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's really interesting, I really didn't expect you to have such an idea, but I really want to know if you will make everyone in the brothel collapse or not. "

Gao Buci smiled slightly and said, "I will definitely make them cry, I will let them know what real hell is, and I will let them experience the pain I have suffered a hundred times."

Bai Yunfei sat directly on the roof, quietly watching Gao Bushi's performance, because now he really wants to know what it's like for all the people to run naked.

As time slowly passed, when the sky slowly darkened, the brothel was very lively at first, but it became even more lively at this time, and all the people ran quickly into the toilet. The people in front of them kept standing there, making the people in front slow down. It can be said that the brothel is no longer a place for anyone to stay in, because now all the people are rushing back and forth with their shit and urine in their hands. run.

All of a sudden, the whole brothel was full of stench, and almost all the people next door couldn't bear it anymore, and went to hide in other places, and what was even more interesting at this time was that many people were all sitting in a state of exhaustion. on the ground.

Gao Buci smiled slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei next to him, holding his nose, "Brother Bai, let's get out of here quickly, this place really stinks."

(End of this chapter)

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