Chapter 946 Different News
Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and left here directly and quickly. After all, this place is indeed 10 points stinky, and it should be said that it stinks to the sky. I am afraid that no one will come here for 10 days and a half months. .

Bai Yunfei quickly found a tavern, sat down, and Gao Bushi smiled slightly and said, "I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I don't think their brothel can be opened. I'll see how they deal with business, but we Now it's time to go to their headquarters and make trouble, their headquarters is more interesting."

But at this moment, dozens of men in black suddenly appeared, all of them holding daggers, and they rushed towards Gao Bushi without saying a word.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and patted the table, only to see that all the peanuts on the table flew out and hit the men in black, and immediately all the men in black fell to the ground , died.

Gao Bushi looked at the corpses of those men in black with some differences and said, "Brother Bai, you don't want to kill them all directly, and they seem to be targeting me, why are you so angry?" ?”

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Do you really think they are coming towards you? Didn't you notice that although they seemed to be rushing towards you, they were actually coming towards you?" Me, so what I hate the most is beating around the bush like this, only this is the easiest and most damned person."

Just then a woman jumped down quickly, and said to Gao Bushi coldly, "I advise you not to fight against us, otherwise, you, me, and everyone are 10 points bad, and some things It's not what you imagined, so if you are making trouble on purpose, we will really be rude to you."

Gao Buci stood up with slight disdain, patted the table, pointed at the woman and said, "How many lives have you almost killed me? Don't you know it yourself? Do you really think my life is so bad?" Is it worth it? And I believe everything I see with my own eyes, but not everything you say, so we are not in the same way at all, so just use any tricks, and I can follow them all."

The woman snorted coldly, and a lot of darts quickly appeared in her hands and threw them towards Bai Yunfei and the others.

However, Bai Yunfei didn't show any signs of making a move, but sat by the side quietly drinking some wine.

Gao Buci felt a little helpless, he quickly clapped his palms together and slapped forward, a very huge palm quickly appeared on the spot, immediately blocked all those darts, and the woman also Flew out.

Gao Bushi walked up to the woman slowly, and said coldly, "Where are my parents imprisoned in the Devil's Cult, are they still healthy?"

The woman was weak, and snorted and said, "If you want to know, go there and ask yourself. The result you get in the end will definitely disappoint you, and even make you 10 points angry, so I advise you not to Go, otherwise, you will definitely not have any good times, this is your advice, if you don’t believe it, you can kill me and go there to see for yourself.”

Gao Buci sneered and said, "You asked me to kill you in such a hurry, but I didn't kill you anyway, and I hung you up here. I'll see if anyone comes to rescue you."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and walked over, said lightly, "Don't embarrass him, he didn't mean anything to you, it was just a warning, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to make things so easy. He was injured, but this is really interesting. You said that the people of the Demon Cult have killed you many, many times, but judging by his appearance just now, it doesn’t seem like he wants to kill you. Understand, but wants to protect you even more. There must be some misunderstanding, if you talk to the side yourself, you should be able to know the truth of all this."

The woman was a little shocked and said, "What do you mean by what you said just now? What do you mean? I killed you so many times. It's impossible that we didn't kill you at all. We just put You were seriously injured, and I never thought of killing you, unless someone else wanted to kill you in our name."

Gao Buci looked at the woman with some puzzlement and said, "What do you mean? Why are you protecting me and seriously injuring me? What kind of conspiracy are you playing? Or what relationship do I have with you? What exactly do you want to do?"

The woman sighed slightly and stood up, saying, "It seems that things have exceeded our expectations, so I will take you to the headquarters right now, and you will know all about it after you meet our leader." It’s the truth, but before that, you stop any of your actions, because we are not your enemies, and we may be your relatives in the future, so you must not do such a thing again. "

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said to Gao Bushi, "It seems that there is no real unity in this Demon Cult. It is estimated that the power on the other side wants to kill you, because they are afraid that you will inherit the position of leader, but What is even more curious is that your leader can't manage it, which is really interesting, it seems that your leader is seriously injured, or is in retreat, and there is no way to deal with traffic matters at all?"

The woman immediately took a few steps back, looked at Bai Yunfei with some horror and said, "How did you know? Who are you? Why have you been following him? What kind of conspiracy do you have? Or do you plan to Use him to do something? Let me tell you, he is the most important person in our Demon Cult. If you have any plans, cancel them immediately, otherwise, you will definitely die without a place to die."

Bai Yunfei snorted disdainfully, and then said with a faint smile, "The Demon Cult you are talking about is nothing more than ants to me. I can completely destroy them as long as I save some effort. Can you believe it?" ?”

The woman was about to speak, but was stopped by Gao Buci.

"Brother Bai, I want to know the truth now, so let's go directly to his headquarters to have a look. I really want to know what kind of truth it is, which makes it difficult for me to choose."

(End of this chapter)

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