Chapter 947 Zhang Tianyi

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled lightly and said, "I'll take you there now, in fact, I also want to know what's going on, although I've probably guessed it, but I still want to hear the story , what I like the most is listening to stories.”

The two of them quickly came to the headquarters of the Devil's Cult directly under the leadership of the woman.

Seeing them coming down from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, Gao Bushi shook his head, and said with some differences, "I really didn't expect that your place is actually in the belly of the mountain. I'm afraid no one will know where your headquarters is. You are really amazing, why was the place where I came before was your branch?"

The woman nodded slightly, smiled slightly and said, "You are right, it has always been our branch, this is the headquarters between us, you can see our leader when you come here, At that time, he will tell you all the truth, just hope you can bear such a blow."

Gao Buci was a little puzzled and said, "What's going on? How could it involve whether I can accept such a blow? Could it be that things were beyond my previous imagination, but I really want to know what it is Such a thing can actually shock me deeply.”

The woman smiled slightly and did not explain. Instead, she led him quickly through the secret path in the mountain, and gradually came to a very huge house.

The woman smiled slightly and said, "We have really arrived at the headquarters now, and I will take you to see the leader right now. The leader should not be retreating right now, so the time is right now."

But before she could make a move, Gao Bushi grabbed her neck and said coldly, "Before I see you leaving, what I want to know the most is where are my parents now? Need to see them."

After the woman struggled hard, she found that she had no way to struggle, so she could only smile weakly and say, "You will never see your parents until you meet the leader, so don't waste your money." I have strength."

Gao Buci frowned slightly, looked at the woman with cold eyes and said, "Are you really not afraid of death? Don't you worry that I will really kill you? Or are you sure I won't kill you?" will kill you?"

The woman shook her head slightly, and said with some fanaticism, "For the sake of the leader, I will not hesitate to die, so you don't need to spend any more time with me, you can choose the road of going to see the leader with me now. "

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said to Gao Bushi, "Let her go, I can take you to find your parents without her leading the way, because I already know where they are now, but their current situation is indeed true. It's a bad 10."

Gao Bushi directly threw the woman aside, quickly left with Bai Yunfei, and rushed towards the place where his parents were being held.

Because of their continuous walking, they gradually felt a bit of coldness, Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "You will soon be at your parents' place, but you have to be mentally prepared, because they don't have their own consciousness right now, they all have their own consciousness. They are frozen there, but you shouldn't be angry, you should be very thankful that all of them were seriously injured, and because of the ice, they saved their lives."

Gradually they came to a frozen gate, Gao Bushi couldn't wait to smash the gate into pieces, and ran in quickly, seeing his parents staring there, with a sad face, he turned his head He said to Bai Yunfei, "Brother Bai, can you save my parents, get them out of the frozen state, and save their injuries? I know you can, but I said With such a serious injury, you gave me the ability to treat my injury without being at home, you should be able to save them, I beg you."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said with a soft smile, "I still want to wait to hear the story, so you don't have to. I can just meet your parents for you now. I'm really curious now, you guys How exciting the story is, so you can just watch it from the sidelines."

Bai Yunfei tapped lightly on the two ice cubes, and saw that all the ringworm on their bodies quickly fell off. Bai Yunfei took out two pills and put them in their mouths. Sitting aside, quietly waiting for them to wake up.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside, and a middle-aged man walked over quickly. Seeing the mysterious ice falling off, he suddenly said frantically, "You are so brave to break the mysterious ice, don't you Don’t you know that if you destroy them casually, they will die? Gao Bushi, you unfilial son, are you so willing to let your parents die?”

Gao Bushi frowned slightly, looked at the middle-aged man, snorted and said, "I'm saving my parents, it's none of your business, and who are you, why are you able to come and go here freely? Who are my parents? Who was injured?"

The middle-aged man snorted and said coldly, "I am your grandfather and you are Tianyi, the leader of the Demon Cult."

Gao Buci took a few steps back immediately, then shook his head slightly and said coldly, "It's impossible, if you really want to be my office, why didn't my grandpa never tell me such a thing? And why did you Grabbing my parents, what did they offend you? How dare you treat them so hard and freeze them all here!"

Zhang Tianyi shook his head slightly and said coldly, "I didn't injure your parents at all. If it wasn't me, your parents would have been killed in time, making your grandfather just an ordinary It's just a person who doesn't know all these things at all. That's why we dare to put you with him. If your grandpa really knew about the world, I'm afraid you'd be dead by now. Do you know that from the moment you were born, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks have been used on you, and your parents were seriously injured to protect you."

Gao Buci's eyes widened suddenly as if he couldn't accept it and said, "This is impossible, how is this possible?"

Zhang Tianyi shook his head slightly, and said with some disdain, "I'm really disappointed in you. Your parents were seriously injured in order to protect you, so they can only live in this ice, and you still destroy them like this. You really disappointed me."

(End of this chapter)

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