Chapter 948 Family Joy
Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said softly, "Stop arguing, you two, go to the side to rest for a while, after the two of them wake up, it's fine for your family to talk to each other, there is no need now It's so embarrassing, you two just calm down and wait quietly."

Zhang Tianyi frowned slightly, looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "Who are you? How can you stay here?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I'm just a person who likes to listen to stories. I came here to appreciate your stories, so in order to prevent your stories from turning into tragedies, I can only help him. Now, the two little ones will wake up soon, and I hope I can hear a satisfactory story by then, otherwise I will rewrite a story myself."

At this moment, Gao Buci's parents had all slowly woke up and stood up, looking at him in disbelief.

Gao Buci's father said in confusion, "What's going on? How did I appear here? What happened to me? Why did I suddenly faint before? Why can't I remember anything? What the hell happened?"

Gao Buci's mother was also a little confused. The two of them had been frozen for too long, so they both had some temporary amnesia.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and nodded the heads of the two of them lightly. The two of them recalled everything before in an instant.

Zhang Tianyi looked at the two of them worriedly and said, "Daughter and son-in-law, how are you two doing? Are you feeling better now?"

Gao Bushi's father, Gao Yan, just reacted, came over and quickly saluted Zhang Tianyi and said, "I don't have anything to do now, but I'm really sorry, I didn't protect Linger well and caused her to be seriously injured, I'm really ashamed To father-in-law."

Zhang Tianyi shook his head slightly, and said happily, "You have tried your best, and now both of you are fine. This is the happiest thing for me. This is your son Gao Bushi, and now he is like this in a flash." It has been many years, and he has grown up, and he has become a talent, you two can have a good rest, and then we can talk about what happened now."

Seeing the family of four crying, looking happy and happy, Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and walked out, took out a jug of wine and drank.

She felt that this was a beautiful woman who came out, sat next to Bai Yunfei, said with a slight smile, "It's really strange, even a peerless expert like you can't bear such a happy life, it seems that I am really I am very relieved that the world will not be destroyed by you."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I said that I am just a person who likes to read stories, and I like stories with a happy ending, so why should I destroy this world and destroy this universe? Do you think I am What about the kind of person who is willing to destroy the world and destroy the universe?"

The woman giggled and said, "Of course it's not that I'm just afraid of your prestige, who doesn't know that you can easily suppress the existence of the master of the road, and everyone is 10% afraid of you now, you When I came to my universe, of course I was afraid.”

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Do you think that I am easy to bully or that I am not in any danger, so you dare to come out, but you can come out at will, which makes me very curious. The master of the Dao will only stay in his own place and will not walk around at will, but you seem to be walking around at will. If you let those masters at the level of Heaven know what kind of expression you will have? I think they must It's a 10-point breakdown."

The woman shook her head slightly, and said with a soft smile, "I'm waiting for a few years now, and I will hand over my position to the next master of the avenue, and I can go as I please. Because I am now considered to be an existence with consummated merits and virtues, all kinds of things on the Dao no longer need me to suppress or control them, so now they only need to develop freely, and I have now reached the level of detachment from myself. method, so I can act randomly."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Actually, what I want to know most is, why do you hate people who like to use knives so much? You can't even throw knives. Your rule is really awkward." , Seeing those people cutting vegetables all holding short daggers, I really feel that I am gradually not used to it."

The woman smiled slightly, and said softly, "Do you know? Before I became the master of the Dao, I had a beloved who used a knife, but she actually used the knife that he usually cherishes the most." It pierced into my heart, if it wasn't for my fate, I would have died in his hands, he just made this choice for a chance to improve his strength, so from there on, what I hate the most is the person who uses the knife , so I directly stipulated that there will no longer be anyone who uses a knife in this world, and everyone who uses a knife will be wiped out."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "You are really self-willed, but people who are hurt by love are really sad, but you are already the master of the Dao, so there is no way to get rid of it?" Do you want to kill your emotions completely? But if you kill your emotions, then there is really no need to continue to survive in this world, after all, there is no way for a person without emotions to make a real breakthrough."

The woman nodded slightly, and said in agreement, "The reason why I was able to find a way to surpass my current strength lies in my emotions. Although the past emotions made me feel back pain, seeing these happy people People make me feel very happy, so it is precisely because of this that I have found a way to break through, and it is precisely because of these emotions that I can quickly break through, so I will never let go of my emotions , because only by facing up to one's own emotions can one truly make a breakthrough."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said with a soft smile, "I'm afraid that if you want to make a real breakthrough, you must complete the real corner that this world needs, but when you complete it, you can truly breakthrough."

(End of this chapter)

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