Chapter 973 Stupid People
Although Bai Yunfei didn't let those soldiers attack Jianye City, he still sent some soldiers to quickly investigate the situation there, because knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle.

In the following time, many soldiers also came to attack Bai Yunfei's inn, but they were all killed by Bai Yunfei very easily, and the forces they belonged to were also killed by Bai Yunfei He vomited cleanly, but these soldiers were all local soldiers, definitely not the soldiers they summoned by Bai Yunfei and the others. Immediately, Bai Yunfei also knew that the situation had reached an irreversible moment.

Xu Tian walked to Bai Yunfei's side, sighed slightly and said, "Brother, don't you really have any way to mediate? Now that the whole continent is fighting everywhere, can't everyone calm down and talk about it?" Why? Why does it have to be like this, constantly fighting, causing so many killings?"

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and said, "It wasn't your business at all, but looking at it now, an irreversible situation has already appeared for you, so there is no way to do it at all, you can only kill it, and there is no other way." Killing can stop anything."

"Is there really no choice? Do you have to choose this bloody road? If you really want to choose this small road, how many people will die in the whole world? Will they all die in the end? What about Erjing? What is this for? What is this for?" Xu Tian asked loudly in confusion.

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and said, "That's because all of us want to gain control of your world. Originally, this matter has nothing to do with any of you, but the people in power here, There is nothing you can do if you have to participate in this battle by yourself. In fact, you can hide at home by yourself, so that there will be no great danger, because the war is our own business. As long as we kill the last person, In your world, there will be no more wars, but the controller here does not think so, so so many innocent people died because of him, and now it has become an irreversible trend. There is nothing anyone can do to stop this from happening."

Xu Tian frowned slightly and said, "You mean that as long as you can survive and there is only one person left alive, you can gain control of this world. Then who are you? Are you the so-called gods?" ?”

Bai Yunfei nodded, smiled lightly and said, "If you look at it from your understanding, we can be called gods, but in fact we are just ordinary people, and we are also driven by a profit. People who don’t have enough interests will not cause such a big fight, it is precisely because they can gain control of this world that makes everyone so crazy.”

Just at this moment, a mistress walked over directly and quickly, and said loudly, "Seven men appeared outside the master, and we can't do any harm to them at all. They should be the same people as you, the master. They They are all here to find the master, do you want to go out and have a look at them?"

Bai Yunfei raised his eyebrows, nodded, and said with a slight smile, "It's really interesting, they actually organized a group to come to my place. Well, I'll go and see what they're doing."

Bai Yunfei arrived at the passenger station and came to the lobby, sat in front of the seven people, and smiled.

"What do you want me to do? And you are not worried that I will trap you here, let you take it, and there is no way to call your soldiers, waiting for you to leave here slowly?"

The middle-aged man in the lead said with a slight smile, "We are here today, so we definitely won't be afraid. Let me introduce myself, my name is..."

"I don't care what you ask me to do, and I don't care who you are. If you want to eat with me, I welcome you, but if you want to discuss other things, I'm very sorry. I won't make any alliance with you. .”

After the leading man introduced himself, he was interrupted by Bai Yunfei. Bai Yunfei turned around and left here, while snorting disdainfully.

"This group of guys who don't know the so-called, don't they know that this is a place where they must live alone? They are still forming an alliance. I really don't know what they are thinking."

Several people suddenly stopped in place as if struck by lightning, especially the middle-aged man who was interrupted by Bai Yunfei, whose face turned red.

After the six people looked at each other, they all stood up tacitly, saluted the man, and then walked out quickly.

The middle-aged man's face suddenly became more ugly, his red face had turned purple, he was so angry that he was about to explode, and he snorted coldly.

"You crazy guy, since that's the case, then I want to see what kind of crazy capital you have."

Bai Yunfei looked at the middle-aged man who had already left, and shook his head slightly. They wanted to join just now, but he already knew about it, and he also knew what they were thinking. They just wanted Bai Yunfei to join him. They are the first birds, Bai Yunfei is playing sand in the front, and they are picking up the benefits in the back. In the end, they are killing Bai Yunfei and the others, and one of them will win the victory. Think mentally retarded.Bai Yunfei was 10% sure that if they continued to form an alliance, then only this middle-aged man would be able to win the final victory, and he would kill everyone else.

The reason why those people left the middle-aged man quickly was because they had all woken up, so they all left very quickly, because they were afraid of being killed by the middle-aged man directly in advance, and those six people directly and quickly moved away. All his soldiers have all been recalled to his side, and they will definitely not be put together with the middle-aged man.

None of these actions escaped Bai Yunfei's eyes. Seeing them laying troops in formation, Bai Yunfei snorted slightly. Sure enough, they were all a group of mindless guys, and they even took the initiative to expose them. Out of his position, he gave Bai Yunfei a very good news, now Bai Yunfei can slowly harvest them.

(End of this chapter)

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