Chapter 974 Victory
At this time, the middle-aged man had already quickly fallen into all his soldiers and horses, aiming at the place where Bai Yunfei was and killing them.

I saw a total of 3 soldiers wearing black armor, all of them walked towards Bai Yunfei's inn step by step with neat steps, and their steps brought excitement to some people around them. Some shock, because it can be seen at a glance that all of them are elite soldiers and strong generals.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and waved his hand quickly. All 1 soldiers with burning flames appeared quickly, and all 1 soldiers rushed towards the [-] soldiers.

The 1 soldiers out of 3 soldiers, no matter how you look at it, these 1 soldiers are at a disadvantage, but the result surprised everyone, because the 1 soldiers in the middle were like no one's land, and they quickly moved those soldiers. All of them were beheaded to death. These 3 soldiers had no time to resist, and they killed them all. Moreover, their bodies were all burned into flames and turned into ashes.

The man was dumbfounded, his eyes widened in disbelief, and before he could react, he turned into a ray of light and disappeared into this world.Because he didn't understand why his 3 soldiers were killed so easily when he left this world.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly prevented the 1 soldiers from stopping, and killed them in the direction of the other 6 people. Soon, those 6 people were gone. The middle-aged man's retreat all disappeared into this world. , and Bai Yunfei looked at the harvest in his hands very happily.

While Bai Yunfei was checking what he had harvested, someone obviously wanted to follow the example of the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, so they directly and quickly continued to attack Bai Yunfei's inn.

Before his soldiers approached, they were shot into hedgehogs by countless arrows.

The young man frowned slightly, waved his hand quickly, and summoned all the remaining time back, and then quickly evacuated from here, because he knew that things were no longer possible, so he fled in 10 minutes up.

Yunfei sneered, and didn't pay attention to the escaped man, but directly and quickly looked at his latest harvest. All the things he called those people just now were quickly integrated into the inn. At this time, his inn became It is more luxurious and has more complete functions.

With Bai Yunfei's inn, the level is getting higher and higher, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and because of the special bonuses he just harvested, his inn is now the veritable No. [-] inn in the world, because there is no one The forces were able to resist Bai Yunfei's attack.

Bai Yunfei rubbed his chin, and said lightly, "It's time to solve this mess. Now, most of my soldiers are at the level of Emperor Wu, and the most powerful ones have already reached the level of Emperor Wu." With the strength of the Martial Saint level, this already belongs to the pinnacle of this world, there is no need to continue playing in this world, solve it as soon as possible, devour the entire continent earlier, and provide better energy for your own space."

Bai Yunfei directly did something that shocked everyone in the world. Countless soldiers of flames were walking forward step by step.All the forces in front of them were completely wiped out by them.

All the forces have joined forces to quickly resist Bai Yunfei's attack, but what makes them very desperate is that whenever they appear a few masters who want to sneak attack, before they can act, they are directly killed by a special kind of attack. Even the masters of the martial arts level did not escape their sneak attack, and they could only collapse one by one under their various blows.

As time slowly passed, all the wars have been carried out for 10 years, and most of the forces have disappeared in the past ten years. Now there are only two forces left, and they are struggling .

And the local rulers of this world have completely given up and Bai Yunfei and the others are right, because looking at those soldiers of Bai Yunfei, he is completely desperate, and more importantly, his soldiers are dead, almost , so he didn't dare to fight with Bai Yunfei anymore, he had completely surrendered.

Xu Tian was a little old at this time, but he didn't leave Bai Yunfei, but stood beside him, frowning slightly and said, "Brother Bai, I've been playing this one for 10 years. Is there no end at all?"

Yunfei took a sip of the wine, said with a smile, "This day is coming soon, you don't have to worry so much, it won't take long, real peace will come, but this world is no longer suitable, this so-called The one who controls the world is here, so I think you are more suitable."

Xu Tian shook his head slightly and said, "I don't have such an ambition, I just hope that all people can be peaceful."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It's your own business. It's your own business to make this world peaceful."

Bai Yunfei stood up and gave the order, all the soldiers frantically rushed towards the remaining two forces.

The two forces that were able to persist have gradually all retreated, and the two of them merged into one family, but it is a pity that they still could not resist Bai Yunfei's crazy attack, because their resources were not as sufficient as Bai Yunfei's, so It can only be resisted for a while, but there is no time to resist, so they have all been killed.

At this time, Bai Yunfei had received the news that the two of them had left this world, so he smiled slightly.

"Now this world has truly ushered in peace. As for how to maintain those people's ability to watch you, I believe that your 10 years of kung fu should not be in vain, so I leave this matter to you. I want to leave this world gone."

Bai Yunfei left this world directly and quickly, and this world was completely integrated with his system, and its system became more powerful, but Bai Yunfei didn't take it seriously, because the system at this time He has been completely separated by him, and he will no longer be controlled by this system, and he is already above the chicken-eating system, so he can decide his life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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