Chapter 1 Ancient Books
If there is an afterlife, Feng Yao vows to be filial to his parents!
When sorting out his parents' belongings, an old red sandalwood box caught Feng Yao's attention. It was a wooden box about one foot square. When he opened it, there was nothing inside except a thread-bound silk book with a yellowish skin. Things, the title of the book Sun Tzu's Art of War, the title is written in old font.

"Isn't it just a copy of Sun Tzu's Art of War? Why is it packed in such a good book box?" Out of curiosity, Feng Yao opened it casually, and a faint scent of books came to his face. Although the pages of the book were very yellow and old, they were basically Complete, the font is actually vertical, and there are some handwritten teeny lowercase letters on the margins of many blank pages!

"Just look at the font, it must be written with a brush! This shows that the owner of this book was a famous person in ancient times, and he also left his experience in the book! Oh yeah!..." Feng Yao was so excited that he held the ancient book tightly with both hands, almost kissing it.

"If this ancient book is put up for auction, I will have the money to read it with peace of mind! Hahahaha! Thank God! Thank you to the ancestors of the Feng family! Thank you to my parents for leaving me this book!! I must study hard , we must honor our ancestors, so that we can be worthy of my name, Feng Yao's Yao!"

Feng Yao wept with joy, and the tears flowed joyfully!

At this moment, an unexpected thing happened, I saw a drop of tears just fell on the ancient book with a patter, and then quickly penetrated into the book. In the blink of an eye, the book suddenly burst into a dazzling light , completely submerged Feng Yao's whole body! !

Feng Yao was stunned by this sudden change, but before he had time to react, he felt the surrounding space distorted, and his body was sucked away by an irresistible force. ...


This is a small hill that is neither big nor small. It is not even a mountain at all. It is a hill at most. The top of the hill is covered with dense trees. Looking at it, it is full of vitality, and the birds are jumping and flying happily on the branches.

Not long after, the little bird suddenly started up and flew away in all directions. At this moment, an angry shout came from the woods: "You little thief!"

A young man in green was holding a big knife bigger than his head, and desperately chopped off the head of another young man in purple. The young man in purple was holding a spear in his hand, and retreated into the depths of the woods while blocking.

The purple-clothed boy retreated and came to a peach grove. The escape route was just blocked by a cliff. No need to look carefully, the purple-clothed boy knew that there was no way out, so he couldn't help being furious: "You black servant, don't force me!" It’s too much, if I hadn’t pitied you for your background, my iron spear would have killed you several times already! If you really have the ability, go to the Chen family in the city!” Then, the iron spear rolled up a gun flower, suddenly The young man in Tsing Yi went straight to the door.

The young man in Tsing Yi was startled, jumped back to dodge, and said angrily: "You think I'm stupid! The city is full of soldiers from the Chen family, so I won't be fooled to die. I will wait for you Chen family one by one. The order is placed, and then kill all the Chen family members one by one!"

The purple-clothed boy sneered and said: "If you want revenge, just go to the Chen family. Although I used to be from the Chen family, but now I have broken away from the Chen family. If you don't believe me, you can go to the market to inquire about it! If there is half a word Lie to you, I will behead this master myself and give it to you!"

The young man in Tsing Yi was stunned, his anger lessened a little, but he still rounded his eyes and said loudly: "I swear who wouldn't! But if I want to believe you, unless God comes down from the sky now!!...!"

At this moment, the space between the boy in green and the boy in purple fluctuated for a while, and then a dazzling golden light lit up. The boy in Tsing Yi and the boy in purple were startled and retreated a few steps, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.



When the golden light gradually dissipated, a strangely dressed young man appeared. This young man was Feng Yao.

"Who are you? Did you come down from the sky?" The young man in Tsing Yi asked tremblingly while holding up his knife.

"Hahaha! Didn't you say that God came down! This time he really came down to earth, that black guy, don't bother me again in the future!" The purple-clothed boy said happily.

Feng Yao heard the strange words of the two people, and was a little confused about the situation, but from the left to the right, a big knife gleaming with cold light, and a sharp spear pointed directly at him, he was really startled, but he immediately calmed down Coming down, he knew that the two young men were afraid of him, so his face straightened.

"I said you black and white boys, do you want to turn the world upside down? How dare you point a knife at me in broad daylight?"

Feng Yao opened his mouth to speak fiercely. The young man in Tsing Yi was startled when he heard the words. He pointed to the sky and asked cautiously, "You? Did you really come from the sky?"

"Not from the sky, do you mean that I got out of the ground? Hmph!" Feng Yao's face turned cold.

"Then you are...?"

"But what?" Feng Yao snorted coldly.

"...Old, God, Lord?" The young man in Tsing Yi asked cautiously in a low voice, his legs were already a little weak, and when Feng Yao answered yes, those legs were guaranteed to kneel on the ground in the next moment, and then threw himself on the ground,... …

"Am I that old?" Feng Yao resisted the feeling of wanting to laugh, and said pretending to be angry.

At this time, the purple-clothed boy suddenly seemed to have an epiphany, and shouted excitedly: "I know!", with an expression that seemed to be afraid that the green-clothed boy would steal his head, or as if he had just obtained a treasure in the world , eager to show off.


Feng Yao looked at the boy in purple.

The young man in Tsing Yi also stared at the purple boy's mouth suspiciously, for fear of mishearing any word. All he knew was that this boy who fell from the sky, glistened with gold, and dressed strangely was definitely not a mortal, so he must not mishear a word. , And let yourself regret for life!

"I know! Your honor came from the sky, and you are not very old, it must be...? Hmm! It must be the son of God, the Son of Heaven!"

"Ah? God... God, God—— son—!???" The young man in Tsing Yi opened his mouth wide in surprise, and even started to stutter.

"Huh?" Feng Yao was also surprised by the reasoning of the purple-clothed boy, and was about to say no, but then he thought, "This identity is indeed not bad, it seems that these two young people are in awe of the identity of the emperor, and I am not sure yet. What's the situation now, why don't you talk about it first!" Then, his face relaxed, and he nodded with a smile on his face.

"You are really smart! But, you don't have to be too scared. My divine power is temporarily sealed, and I am similar to a mortal. If you don't believe me, try stabbing me with a gun?" Feng Yao said with a smile.

Only then did the two teenagers notice that both the sword and the long spear were still facing the "Son of Heaven", and they quickly retracted them in fright. The purple-clothed youth retracted the spear with embarrassment, while the green-clothed youth hurriedly threw the broadsword in his hand, saying repeatedly: "No, no need, I believe it, I believe it!"

Seeing that the two put away their weapons, Feng Yao let out a deep breath in his heart, and said in his heart: "Oh, I was scared to death!"

"Boy, what is this place?" Feng Yao asked.

"North of Pingyu City!" This time it was the young man in green who rushed to answer, and when he was done, he glanced proudly at the young man in purple.

Feng Yao's heart skipped a beat. The two teenagers were wearing long robes and their speech was difficult to understand. Feng Yao already had a bad intuition. Hearing the word "Pingyu" again made him even more unfamiliar. A steel needle pierced straight into the spine from behind.

"What time is it?"

"Late first month of the fourth year of Chuping." The boy in purple answered first.

"Isn't it based on the AD? Why... oh, you mean, the emperor?" Feng Yao was secretly startled.

"That's right, it's the fourth year of Chuping of the Great Han Dynasty."

Although it was a little strange that Feng Yao didn't even understand the most basic common sense, but after thinking about it, isn't the emperor always in the sky, how can he have time to care about the geometry of the world?Not only did the two teenagers not doubt Feng Yao's identity, but they even believed that Feng Yao was the "Son of Heaven" from the sky.

However, at this time, Feng Yao fell directly to the ground, "Oh, my god! This is the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty! How did I end up in this chaotic world of cannibalism! Did I really time travel? Oh! No, no No, this must be lying to me! This is simply impossible!..."

right! !It must be the ghost of that ancient book!
Feng Yao suddenly sat up from the ground again, regardless of the surprised gazes of the two teenagers, he began to fumble his clothes up and down, and then searched the ground around him resolutely! "I must find the damn Sun Tzu's Art of War, I want to go back, I want my good high school life, I want my bright future! I don't want to live in this troubled world with no electricity, no internet, no cars!"

"It's over, it's over, I'm dead now, I can't go back!" Feng Yao stood up in a daze.

"My lord, are you alright?" The two teenagers did not know when they had reconciled, and stood carefully on both sides, one on the left and the other on the right.

"My lord? Are you calling me?" Feng Yao thought he heard it wrong.

"Yes, my lord, my lord has an extraordinary background, and in the future I will definitely become the supreme being above tens of thousands of people. We are willing to follow my lord, and I hope my lord will not give up!" The boy in green and the boy in purple hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

"Who are you all? If you want to recognize me as the lord, you have to let me know the identities and backgrounds of both of you, right?" The corners of Feng Yao's mouth began to rise a little, and he said in his heart: "It turns out that it feels really good to be called the lord!"

"My surname is Zhou Mingcang, my character is Yuanfu, and I'm from Wufang County!" said the young man in Tsing Yi.

"I, Chen Dao, named Shuzhi, a native of Pingyu County!" said the purple-clothed boy.

Zhou Cang?Chen arrived?Feng Yao was taken aback, and thought to himself: "Aren't these two famous Shu generals in the Three Kingdoms, who actually want to recognize me as the lord? Did I really find the treasure? If it is true, I must treat it well and not neglect With these two, with the help of these two famous generals, maybe I can really make some achievements in this troubled world!"

 Favorite it if you like it!Friends who read books on the client terminal, pay attention, there are some changes in the first few dozen chapters, and the changed parts can only be seen at the starting point, so if it is convenient, come to the starting point!

(End of this chapter)

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