Chapter 2
It is said that Feng Yao's thoughts turned, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Looking around, what he saw was a brilliant peach blossom in full bloom. He only said happily in his heart: "Unexpectedly, God will help me. In the Three Kingdoms, the three of them, Liu Guanzhang and Jinlan, did it together. A great cause, how about I, Feng Yao, follow suit today, just to use this to reassure the hearts of the two of you!"

Feng Yao was determined, he quickly helped Chen Dao and Zhou Cang to their feet, and said solemnly: "You and I are about the same age, wouldn't such a great gift be unreasonable, why don't we wait for the three of us to take advantage of this peach blossom scene, righteousness?" How about Jie Jinlan?"

"This? Your lord is serious!!" Zhou Cang said.

"My lord?" Chen Dao thought he had heard it wrong, but Chen Dao's face was secretly filled with happiness.

"Really, my surname is Feng, my name is Yao, my family, you won't understand if I tell you! If you talk about age? It's hard to say, if you follow the lunar calendar? Anyway, I am fifteen years old this year, and my birthday is on the fifth day of May. !" Feng Yao really couldn't explain his own origin, but Zhou Cang and Chen Dao didn't feel suspicious at all when they heard it. Instead, they thought Feng Yaogui was the "Son of Heaven" too clear.

Seeing Feng Yao was really serious, Zhou Cang and Chen Dao beamed with joy, and hurriedly reported their birthdays.

Zhou Cang is slightly younger than Feng Yao, also 15 years old, born on the eighth day of June.

Chen Dao: 15 years old, born on June [-]th.

The three of them lamented that they were all the same age, and believed that it was God's will. Under Feng Yao's simple proposal, they didn't bother to buy some incense candles and tributes. Yao Ju in the middle, Zhou Cang on the left, and Chen Dao on the right, knelt down on the ground.

I swore an oath: "Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, and Chen Dao are waiting for me. Although the three of us have different surnames, we are now brothers. From now on, we will share the blessings and share the burdens of misfortunes. We don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but we want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day." Live! If there is a betrayal, heaven and man will kill together!"

The three of them made an oath, according to age, Feng Yao is the eldest brother, Zhou Cang is the second brother, and Chen Dao is the third brother.

Just when the three were about to congratulate each other, they saw a woman with unkempt hair rushing out of the peach grove. The woman came straight to the place where the three were standing. Feng Yao cried loudly: "Yao'er! Is it really you! Mother is looking for you! Yao'er, Yao'er!"

"What's the situation?" Feng Yao was almost stunned, but seeing the sad expression on the mad woman's face, he couldn't bear it in his heart, so he took a slight step back, then stopped, wanting to see the woman Make plans for what you want to do next.

Seeing this, Zhou Cang and Chen Dao immediately stood in front of Feng Yao.

"Who are you!" Chen Dao shouted.

"Don't hurt my elder brother!" Zhou Cang quickly picked up his big knife and laid it across his chest.

The crazy woman didn't answer, she saw that someone was blocking her view, and she didn't know how she did it, but the next moment, Zhou Cang and Chen Dao were both thrown to the ground, the crazy woman grabbed her lovingly. Holding Feng Yao's hand, he stretched out his hand to caress Feng Yao's face, and said softly: "Yao'er, you have suffered a lot, and your face has become thinner! But, Yao'er, don't be afraid, mother Mother won't leave Yao'er behind!"

Feng Yao stood stiffly on the spot, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and Feng Yao confirmed that if he resisted, there would be no effect. With Zhou Cang and Chen Dao's martial arts skills, they couldn't do a single trick under this mad woman's hands. Yes, not to mention, fortunately this crazy woman is not hostile to her.

Although Feng Yao thought that this crazy woman would not pose any danger to him for the time being, Zhou Cang and Chen Dao didn't think so. They picked up their weapons and greeted the crazy woman with a shout.

"Wait, listen to me!" Feng Yao said loudly when he saw this, although this crazy woman was crazy, but her voice full of maternal love reminded Feng Yao of his mother who had just passed away, even if he recognized the wrong person , it is not necessary to take human life.

The mad woman comforted Feng Yao and said: "My son, don't be afraid, because the two of them can't hurt my mother, if my mother didn't see that they called you brothers and sisters just now, they would not be able to stand up now!"

"Ma'am! I think you really misunderstood the person! My surname is Feng, and I am not from the local area. I come from far away!" Feng Yao explained patiently and kindly. He really hoped that the mad woman could believe it. His words, and he himself confirmed that he can never be the so-called son of the mad woman. He is a person from the future world, how could he be the son of someone in this world.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yao didn't explain it, but when the mad woman heard it, her eyes lit up strangely, and she said happily, "Yes, mother's surname is also Feng, and mother's hometown is far away. Son, mother did not mistake you, even if you changed your name and surname, mother can know that my Yaoer is back just by hearing the voice! Yaoer, call mother quickly, so that mother is also happy,..., Yaoer? Why don't you call your mother anymore, do you think your mother didn't buy you candies! Hehe, Yao'er, as long as you call me mother, mother will go buy candy!"

Although Feng Yao had a sore nose, but when he thought about it, there are many poor people like this crazy woman in this troubled world.But he couldn't bear to throw the crazy woman away, so he said, "Then go buy candy, I'll call you mother when I eat candy!"

Feng Yao thought in his heart: "Wait until you come to buy candy, we have already hid far away, so we won't be able to eat your candy, and it's not a breach of promise!"

"Really! Will you recognize your mother after buying candy?" The crazy woman said happily, but she still held Feng Yao tightly with one hand and refused to let go.

"It's true!" Feng Yao nodded.

Zhou Cang also stood up at this time: "Ma'am, my elder brother is not a child anymore, he won't get lost, and isn't there two brothers to take care of him?"

Chen Dao understood and nodded, "Ma'am, I won't let big brother get hurt!"

The mad woman reluctantly let go of Feng Yao's hand, turned her head every three steps, and ran away happily.

Seeing that the mad woman had really gone far away, the three breathed a sigh of relief. Chen Dao said, "Elder brother, second brother, and younger brother still have some scattered money. Today, Sansheng is lucky to be able to worship second brother. Why don't we go together?" Go to the city and have a drink!"

When Zhou Cang heard that there was wine to drink, his mouth almost drooled, he smacked his lips, and said, "It's like, birds are almost fading out of my mouth these days!"

Feng Yao looked at the direction where the crazy woman disappeared from afar, and said sadly: "That crazy woman is really pitiful, I hope you and my three brothers can make a great cause in the future, completely change the world, so that there will be no more people in the world. Such poor people!"

"Brother can have such a heart, I, Chen Dao, swear here that even if I put a knife on my neck in the future, I will never do anything to embarrass my brother!" Chen Dao looked serious, as if he had grown up ten years in an instant .

Zhou Cang also sighed and said: "I, Zhou Cang, am not a poor person. I am the only one left in my family who is still alive. At least she has a son who can be found! Brother, I, Zhou Cang, also want to support my brother's ambition Change this evil world! Even if you die for it! Hehehe! In such a world, how can life be happy? Why should death be bothered?!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat depressed, Feng Yao pointed to the direction where the mad woman disappeared, and said, "Second brother, third brother, the town you are talking about is not in that direction, is it?"

Seeing this, Zhou Cang was immediately amused, and said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, the crazy woman is going in the opposite direction to Pingyu City, she might not be able to buy candy!"

The three were chatting and laughing, and were about to leave. Feng Yao was sharp, and suddenly discovered that there was a cave behind a peach tree not far away, and it seemed that someone had lived there.

"Look, there's a cave over there!" Feng Yao pointed behind the peach tree.

Go forward a few steps, pass the peach tree, and a cliff several feet high stands in front of you. On the rock wall of the cliff, there is a cave that is not too big, and the cave is not deep. It was less than three feet deep and two feet high. There was a simple wooden bed and a few pieces of worn-out furniture inside, and the hole was only slightly covered with some hay.

Feng Yao nodded, and thought to himself: "I said, why are there so many peach trees here, presumably they were planted by the people who live here!"

The three of them searched and found nothing special, and it can be concluded that this cave seems to have been deserted for several months. Fearing that the mad woman would come back at any time, Feng Yao and the three left the place soon.

Chen Dao led the two of them to the city, and the three of them exchanged glasses in a hotel, talking about anecdotes and anecdotes, which gave Feng Yao a little understanding of the period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the beginning of the Three Kingdoms.

The three talked loudly, and the more they talked, the more excited they became. They only felt that it was too late to meet each other. They chatted until the evening. Feng Yao spent most of his time listening to the discussions between the two brothers Zhou Cang and Chen Dao, absorbing the messy information with hunger and thirst. .

Some major events are really as recorded in history, for example, Lu Bu really killed Dong Zhuo, but what Feng Yao didn't expect was that Diao Chan didn't follow Lu Bu to escape after the incident, it is said that she still lived in Chang'an City, and this time At that time, Lu Bu was fleeing, and many states and counties posted notices offering rewards.

Another thing that makes Feng Yao feel imminent is that Feng Yao does not yet have his own name. At this period, those who do not have a name are some Jimin, or children who have not yet had the time to pick up words, so Feng Yao will go out in the future , If you want not to be underestimated, you must have a font size.

After Zhou Cang finished telling the story of Lu Bu, he sighed for a while, and finally said after a long time: "Thinking of Lu Bu, who is known as the parachutist, the title of Marquis Wen, has made great contributions to the world, and was once an extremely human minister. end!"

Chen Dao was also silent and sentimental, and said: "When my father was alive, he also praised the parachutist! It's just..., people are not as good as heaven!"

Although Feng Yao is not a master of history, he still knows a thing or two about this kind of major event, so he said: "Two brothers, brother Yu, just say a little bit, Lu Bu will never end up like this, and he will dominate the party in the future!"

Chen Dao seemed to believe it but not believed it, "I hope it's as big brother said!"

(End of this chapter)

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