Chapter 3 Pingyu Chen Family
The three of them got together and talked, and they didn't go to sleep until the sky was about to dawn.

But Feng Yao was tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep, the fact that he suddenly crossed was a bit too sudden, until now, Feng Yao still finds it hard to believe all this, but all this is obviously true, and when he thinks of Zhou Cang and Chen Dao's misery With his background, it was even more difficult for Feng Yao to calm down!

Zhou Cang, originally a son of an official family, his father Zhou Zhi used to be the county magistrate of Wufang in Runan County. Because of the rebellion by the bandits in Funiu Mountain, Zhou Zhi recruited troops widely. Zhong has the ability to protect himself, but who would have thought that Chen Gong of Yang'an County and Li Tonghui, the county captain of Langling County, who had sworn to take care of each other at the beginning, would kill Zhou Zhi during the banquet, and lead their troops to kill all of Zhou Zhi. The clansmen and powerful generals annexed Zhou Zhi's trilogy. Zhou Cang escaped by chance and fled all the way east to Pingyu County. The whole family's thoughts of revenge.

And Chen Wen and the Chen family were indeed wronged. Although they belonged to the same family, they did not know about the Zhou family's extermination, and not long after the incident, Langling Lieutenant Li Tong instigated Yang Anwei Chen Gong's younger brother Chen Jai to kill his elder brother. He seized his elder brother Chen Gong's army, and then Li Tong used the excuse of avenging Chen Gong, beheaded Chen Jai, and annexed all the men and women of the Chen family.

Yang'an, Wufang, and Langling counties are adjacent to each other, and they are close to Funiu Mountain. The local people are aggressive and practice martial arts.Li Tong held the soldiers of the three counties in his hands, and his momentum was so great that even the county magistrate was afraid of his power and did not dare to disagree with him.

In fact, Zhou Cang's real enemy is Li Tong, not the Chen family! !

"If one day I can gain power!" Feng Yao secretly vowed in his heart, "I will definitely help Brother Zhou Cang to avenge the death of the family!!"

Although Chen Daogui was the son of Chen Wen, the former governor of Yangzhou, he was born of a concubine. His mother died of illness in early years, and his father, Zhen Wen, also died of depression after resigning from office not long ago. When he was forced out of the house by his brother Chen Ying and wandered outside, he ran into Zhou Cang who was looking for revenge from the Chen family.

"Ah!" Feng Yao sighed, seeing the sky outside the window, he got dressed and was about to find Zhou and Chen to discuss their plans for the next day. As soon as they opened the door, they found Zhou and Chen respectfully waiting. outside the door.

Seeing Feng Yao going out, the two respectfully called out to Big Brother in unison.

"Brothers, why are you so respectful? Didn't I say that since we have become brothers with different surnames, we shouldn't serve me as the lord?" Feng Yao said.

"Brother, etiquette cannot be abandoned!" Chen Dao said.

Feng Yao shook his head, patted Chen Dao on the shoulder, and said in Chen Dao's ear: "We are not in a position yet, if we call me my lord in front of people like this in the future, if someone who cares sees this, do you think I will still be safe? "

When Chen Dao heard it, he thought about it, his face turned pale, and he lowered his head: "Brother taught you a lesson! It's my younger brother, I didn't think carefully!"

Zhou Cang saw that Chen Dao's expression changed drastically, and he said anxiously, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Feng Yao spoke again in Zhou Cang's ear, and Zhou Cang was also secretly startled, but Zhou Cang's face was already dark, and he didn't see much change, but his voice changed, "Brother , I know I was wrong!"

"Okay, you two brothers don't have to worry too much, but since the two of you stood by my door early in the morning, there must be something wrong?"

"That's right. I discussed it with my second brother just now. My elder brother doesn't have any weapons to defend himself. I'm familiar with Pingyu City. I plan to accompany my elder brother to forge a weapon. Is it possible?" Chen Dao said.

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean!" Feng Yao said with a smile. To have a weapon of his own is really exciting.

The three of them were about to leave the store, when an old man about 50 years old hurried over, Feng Yao thought: "Isn't this the shopkeeper Uncle Chen who personally received the three of us yesterday?"

Uncle Chen approached, glanced at Feng Yao, then respectfully bowed to Chen Dao and said, "Young Master, listen to what this old slave has to say!"

Chen Dao stopped reluctantly: "Uncle Chen, please tell me quickly if you have something to do, but don't call me young master again in the future, I, Chen Dao, have nothing to do with the Chen family, and now I am just an ordinary civilian!"

Uncle Chen still lowered his head respectfully, and said, "Young master, haven't you heard the saying that one day is the main thing and life is the main thing? Although I, Chen Bo, am old and hard of hearing, my eyes are not blind! Who The old slave can clearly see who is a good person and who is a bad person, but the poor master died of illness, but I have suffered so much for you, young master, the old slave can't stand it!"

Although Chen Dao's face was tense, he could see that he was slightly moved, but he still insisted on saying: "Uncle Chen, let's not mention this matter for now!"

At the same time, in a market in the city, a familiar figure walked through the pedestrians ghostly in the market. If Feng Yao saw this scene at this time, he would turn around and run away in fright!This person is none other than the crazy woman who caused Feng Yao and the others a lot of headaches.

At some point, the mad woman found a piece of floral cloth and wrapped her hair up. Although her hair didn't look so messy, she behaved strangely and her crazy expression attracted passers-by to avoid her. It's just enjoying it, not knowing it.

I don't know what she found, the crazy woman's eyes lit up suddenly, the cat got down, and sneaked behind a peddler with a load of loads. He opened his voice and yelled: "Jiangmi Tang! Jiangmi Tang is on sale! Fragrant and sweet Jiangmi Tang!"

At this moment, the crazy woman suddenly reached out her hand quickly, took a few grains of Jiangmi candy from the burden, turned around and ran away.

The peddler who sold the candy didn't notice it, but many passers-by had already seen it clearly. Seeing the mad woman's success, they shouted: "Someone stole the candy, someone stole the candy!"

The shopkeeper came to his senses, turned around and saw that someone had indeed stolen his Jiangmi Tang, and shouted angrily: "Catch the thief, catch the thief!", and without letting go of the burden, he carried it on his shoulders and quickly chased him from behind. crazy woman.

Along the way, many unknown people also joined the chasing team amid the shouts of the sugar sellers, and some even shouted to cut off the thief's hand.

The crazy woman was also frightened when she saw the anger of the crowd behind her, and ran wildly in the alleys. Fortunately, the crazy woman has a foundation in martial arts, although she is insane, it is not something ordinary people can catch up with.

After throwing off the chasing crowd, the mad woman proudly looked at the Jiangmi candy in her hand, turned around with a smile and came to a street. On this street, there were many more people than usual, and they were all arranged in an orderly manner. On both sides of the street, there were discussions about something.

In front of the street, nearly a hundred soldiers in armor and holding knives were opening the way. From time to time, pedestrians who were slow to dodge were roughly dragged away by the soldiers, and then thrown to both sides of the street.

"This is a family soldier of the Chen family. I heard that today is the day when the head of the Chen family gets married. Alas, I don't know which girl it is. This time, she really climbed the big tree of the Chen family!" one of the crowd said. The old man said.

"That's right, I'll follow the excitement of the show later, maybe I can join the banquet of the Chen family and have a free meal later!"

"Stop talking, it's not good for people to hear!"

"Hey! Look, the Chen family's welcoming team is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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