Chapter 4 The Mad Woman

At this time, I saw a warm red sedan chair slowly approaching amidst the lively sound of gongs, drums and suona. The first person was riding a tall maroon horse, dressed in red silk and gold-rimmed gifted groom's attire, surrounded by a group of followers. Next, accompanied by countless envious eyes, he leisurely clasped his fists and saluted to the crowd on both sides.

Just when he was having a good time, a crazy woman broke in suddenly, accompanied by the sudden burst of laughter from the surrounding crowd, the groom couldn't help but his expression changed, his brows were slightly frowned, and before he could speak, he saw a retainer who was following the horse startled Fainted, he hurriedly knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy: "My lord, calm down!"

The groom didn't make a sound, just nodded, glanced at the crazy woman, then continued to raise his smiling face, saluting to the crowd on both sides of the street.

The retainer obviously understood what to do next. He quickly jumped up from the ground and shouted at the guards behind him, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and act! Dozens, ten!" If you still let me see this crazy woman after the sound, see how I will deal with you bastards!!"

The guards didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately stood up and led four men to run straight towards the mad woman.

The crazy woman seemed to know that something was wrong, and started to run forward, but the five soldiers didn't intend to stop there, and chased after her.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over like this, there was another commotion in the crowd. A salesman who was carrying a burden broke through the blockade of the crowd and happened to see the running mad woman. Shouting "Catch the thief! Catch the thief!" and chased after the mad woman.

The Patriarch of the Chen family who was riding on the horse was already livid with anger, but he was not easy to attack.

on a street in the city
Feng Yao, Zhou Cang, and Chen Dao were talking and walking towards the iron shop.

Zhou Cang suddenly shouted anxiously, "Brother, third brother, it's not good, it's that crazy woman, that crazy woman is here!!"

Feng Yao was startled, looked up, and saw a mad woman running towards him, after a closer look, it was indeed the mad woman he met in the woods.

The moment Feng Yao raised his face, the crazy woman seemed to see Feng Yao's face clearly, and she was overjoyed.

How to do?Feng Yao couldn't imagine what would happen if he was entangled by this crazy woman again.

"Brother!" Chen Dao also noticed the abnormality.

"I..., we...."

"Go! 36, it's better to go!"


But just because of this mistake, the crazy woman's footsteps were surprisingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, she ran closer to tens of feet, and shouted loudly: "Yao'er! Mother is back!"

And behind the mad woman, several Chen family soldiers who were out of breath suddenly appeared, the leader saw the mad woman, raised the simple knife in his hand, and shouted angrily: "This way, hurry up!"

"Hold the grass! Five big men bully a crazy woman!" Feng Yao cursed secretly.

Seeing the mad woman running closer and closer, Zhou Cang swung his saber across to block Feng Yao's face. Not to be outdone, Chen Dao pulled out his long spear, shook the tip of the spear, and pointed it straight ahead.

Seeing someone blocking the crazy woman's way, the Chen family soldiers who were chasing after him shouted loudly: "Young hero in front, quickly capture that thief woman! Thank you for everything!!"

The crazy woman took out Jiangmi Tang from her bosom while running, and shouted with joy: "Mother bought the candy back! Mother bought the candy back!!!...!" Unaware of the hostility between Zhou Cangchen and the two, He hit directly at Chen Dao's spear point! !

"Step aside!!"

Feng Yao shouted, grabbed the collars of Zhou Cang and Chen Dao with both hands, and pulled Zhou Cang and Chen Dao aside.

"Second brother! Third brother! Don't be reckless!" Feng Yao said.

The crazy woman stopped less than three feet away from Feng Yao, stretched her right hand in front of Feng Yao, and gently spread her five fingers. In the palm of her hand, there lay five grains wrapped in hoarfrost. Jiangmi Tang!

"Yao'er! Eat it quickly! This glutinous rice candy must be very delicious! Mom can tell it's delicious just by smelling it!" The crazy woman looked at Feng Yao's face with a soft look in her eyes.

At this moment, Feng Yao really wished he could take a brick and shoot himself to death, start over again, just like playing a game, die and start again, as long as he doesn't run into this crazy woman at the beginning of the game ! !The next best thing to do is, if there is a hole in the ground right now, Feng Yao will go in and run away without saying a word!Anyway, no matter what, he didn't want to face this crazy woman who forced him to admit his mother! !
"Brother! Why did you hit yourself on the head with your fist?" Zhou Cang asked in puzzlement with staring eyes.

"Oh? Did I hit myself on the head?" Feng Yao looked at his right hand, wasn't his right hand beating his own head!

"No! Second brother, you read it wrong! Just now there was a lice crawling around in the hair, it was almost itching to death, brother, I was beating the lice, understand! A man should beat the lice like this, not Catch lice lightly!!" Feng Yao said with a serious face.

The crazy woman still raised her hands and said with a smile: "Yao'er! You are my Yao'er! Mother is here to buy candy! Yao'er will call mother!"

The five soldiers from the Chen family in the back had already chased after them, and stood three feet away from Feng Yao and others. For some reason, the leading soldier stopped the soldiers under him and prevented them from coming forward. The soldier couldn't hold back the saber ahead of time, as soon as he took a step, he saw the leading man stretch out his hand and slashed the saber. The soldier was startled for a moment, but fortunately, it was only the back of the saber, and the soldier retreated quickly.

"Don't be presumptuous! The young master is here!"

Feng Yao's eyes lit up, and he said in his heart: "It seems that the third brother's character is not bad, and he is still recognized by some family soldiers!" He didn't say much, just curious to see Chen Dao's reaction.

Chen Dao didn't seem to appreciate that soldier's behavior, and after a cold snort, he said, "Since you still know me, why don't you go back quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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