Chapter 5 Jiangmi Candy

He clasped his fists and said, "No!", lowering his head and leading the soldiers to retreat.

"Wait!" Chen Daomao regarded him as the first soldier.

The family soldier who had just turned around trembled slightly when he heard the words, thinking that Chen Dao was going to make them look bad, but he turned around with an ugly face and looked at Chen Dao respectfully.

"From now on, don't allow anyone to embarrass her anymore!" Chen Dao said, pointing at the mad woman.

"No!" The five soldiers let go of their worries, took a deep breath, agreed loudly, and then retreated quickly.

Seeing that Feng Yao hadn't eaten the candy in her hand, the mad woman anxiously said, "Candy, it's delicious! Sweet! Candy, it's delicious! Sweet! Candy...!", smiling with her mouth parted, He wanted to appear amiable, but his eyes were gradually aggrieved, and tears appeared.

Feng Yao looked at Chen Dao, and Chen Dao nodded his head, which clearly meant that it was useless to look at me, but you promised him yourself!What else?
He looked at Zhou Cang again, but Zhou Cang didn't notice Feng Yao, and was staring at Jiangmi Tang in a daze.

"Mom!" Feng Yao called the crazy woman "Mother" in a voice that only mosquitoes could hear!Picking up a grain of Jiangmi candy with an extremely unnatural expression, his face turned red immediately, as soon as the candy was in his mouth, a sweet smell penetrated the root of his tongue.

The crazy woman was overjoyed, she jumped and said: "Yaoer is calling my mother, Yaoer is calling my mother!"

Feng Yao could only shake his head helplessly, he could only take one step forward for such a crazy "mother" in the future, anyway, treat her as a poor mother first, try his best to take care of her life, and then find her a A better doctor treats the disease, and it is best that she can return to normal in the future and find her real son!

The idea is good, but if you want to do it, how can you do it without money!Today is only the second day that Feng Yao has just crossed over. He doesn't have a single copper coin on him. He still relies on his third brother Chen Dao for food and sleep. Now that he has this crazy "mother", he doesn't want to make money. Idea, this big brother is a bit embarrassing!

As for the crazy woman, after having fun for a while, maybe she was tired, so she stopped jumping around and sat down in a corner by herself, staring at Feng Yao with a smirk all the time.

Feng Yao was horrified by the sight, so he said to the two: "You two brothers, if you live in the city, you will definitely be teased by others, so why don't we go back to that cave!"

Chen Daodao: "That's the only way to go, big brother, second brother, let's go!"

The three of them took their crazy "mother" and left along the alley towards the north city gate.

"Brother! Are we really going to live in that cave in the future?" Zhou Cang asked.

"Yes!" Feng Yao replied affirmatively.


Chen Dao remained silent all the way, holding the spear in his hand and walking behind Feng Yao.

The four of them had just reached the city gate when a peddler carrying a load suddenly jumped out and blocked the way of the four of them.

"Brother-in-law! Let me see where you are going today!" the salesman shouted, rushing towards Mrs. Feng.

Mrs. Feng seemed to be very afraid of the shopkeeper, she hid behind Feng Yao in fear, and held on to Feng Yao's lapel.

Although Mrs. Feng is not her own mother, but Mrs. Feng is already on her side, how can she allow others to bully her at will?

Feng Yao frowned, and shouted in a deep voice, "Stop!"

The shopkeeper raised his eyes and saw that Feng Yao was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and that Zhou Cang and Chen Dao behind him were also about the same age. He grinned grimly and said, "Boy! This thief stole your uncle and me, so I will sue you." Going to the government office, it is also my uncle who is justified, get out of the way quickly, don't meddle in other people's business! Otherwise, I will clean up the three of you together!"

The shopkeeper made a lot of noise, and some passers-by surrounded him one after another, pointing at Feng Yao and the others, discussing in low voices.

"These three children seem to be very old. Why don't they learn how to steal things? I think it's probably because the beggar woman can't support the three children. Oh, what a crime!"

"The people are really bold! These people look like foreigners, and they don't even ask where Pingyu City is. This is the county seat of Runan County!"


Feng Yao was angry and funny at the same time, he never thought that he was 15 years old, yet someone would call him "baby", but looking at Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and the people around him, his face is indeed a little immature .

"Brother! What should I do!" Zhou Cang asked in a low voice.

"Don't move yet, this place is very close to the city gate, I think the officers and soldiers guarding the gate will definitely intervene in this matter!" Feng Yao said.

At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly recognized Mrs. Feng, and said loudly: "Who am I, isn't this the crazy woman who crashed into the Chen family's wedding just now!", and proudly narrated to the surrounding civilians The scene at that time caused everyone to laugh continuously.

Seeing that the situation was favorable, the peddler put down his burden, bowed to the crowd around him, and said, "I would like to thank you all for being a witness to me if you know it!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!! The Marquis of the North Gate handles the case, and the idlers back down!!"

A group of officers and soldiers separated from the crowd and appeared in front of Feng Yao and the others. The leader was a strong man, half a head taller than ordinary people, wearing armor and a bronze helmet, and his face was full of roughness. whiskers.

"Who dares to make a noise at the gate of the city!! Bring them all to me!!" the military marquis shouted.

The crowd of onlookers retreated quickly, and a small group of officers and soldiers immediately rushed out to surround Feng Yao and others! !

Seeing this, the salesman saluted the Marquis with a proud expression on his face, and said, "Marquis Wang, please be the master for me!"

"It's that thief woman! Wang Junhou! She stole my goods!! I haven't sold my goods for a long time, Junhou, please make that thief woman pay me a thousand coins!" The salesman pointed at Madam Feng angrily. shouted.

"That's right! It was stolen by the beggar woman! Someone is willing to testify!" A man dressed as a commoner stood out from the crowd and said.

Feng Yao turned his eyes away in disgust, he didn't want to look at those thorny eyes behind him again, but he didn't want to make a sound. After all, it was his own fault, but he still couldn't help but sneered a little, thinking: "Isn't it just a few pieces of Jiangmi candy?" Is it? As for getting to this point?"

The salesman seemed to be familiar with Wang Junhou, the gatekeeper, and he kept winking at Junhou.

"Hmph!" At this moment, Chen Dao snorted coldly, stood up from Feng Yao's back, walked a few steps in front of Wang Junhou, and said, "Junhou, someone is willing to pay for it!"

The light in Wang Junhou's eyes flashed, but in an instant it looked dull again, as if he knew Chen Dao, but he didn't dare to confirm it. At this time, an officer and soldier beside Wang Junhou listened to him, and Wang Junhou immediately changed his arrogant demeanor, bent down, Smiling all over his face, he said to Chen Dao: "I'm sorry! It turns out to be Young Master Chen, how offended you were just now!"

The shopkeeper's complexion changed, and he stared at Chen Dao with disbelief.

Chen Dao was expressionless, bowed lightly, and said, "Chen is willing to pay a thousand copper coins, just begging the Marquis to spare this woman! Don't send the officials to investigate!"

Wang Junhou was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed loudly and said, "How dare I disturb the county magistrate about such a trivial matter. Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I will handle it impartially!"

(End of this chapter)

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