Chapter 6 An Jia
Feng Yao knew that as soon as Chen Dao stepped out, he would make big things into small things, so he smiled slightly, and saw that the salesman's face was pale at this time.

"Hey! Your Jiangmi Tang is still delicious!" Feng Yao said to the shopkeeper with a smile.

"Oh! Mother!" The salesman yelled together, hurriedly put away his burden, turned around and ran away.

"Hey! Don't run away! You haven't paid me yet!" Feng Yao didn't expect the shopkeeper to be so timid that he ran away in fright. He shouted a few times to call back the shopkeeper, but the shopkeeper ran faster instead.

Seeing the figure of the peddler going away, and a group of officers and soldiers making fun of the peddler, Feng Yao suddenly had a whim, wanting to chase the peddler back, but after a second thought, he thought: "Let's forget it, we'll talk about it later when the time is right." !"

Under Wang Junhou's rough scolding, the crowd of onlookers scattered with laughter and went their separate ways.
Outside the city, in front of the cave, Feng Yao, Mrs. Feng, Zhou Cang, and Chen Dao sat in a row in front of the dilapidated cave gate, each holding a black and yellow pancake and gnawing on it.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Feng Yao who was eating pancakes suddenly said.

"Huh?..." Zhou Cang stopped and turned to look at Feng Yao.

Mrs. Feng was happily eating the pancakes, but she didn't seem to hear.

As soon as Chen Daowei paused, he continued to nibble on the pancake in his hand.

"This pancake is really unpalatable!" Feng Yao said.

"I don't think so? It's quite chewy!" Zhou Cang didn't take it seriously. After speaking, he tore another piece vigorously and started eating.

"Is this delicious? You know, compared to a food I've ever eaten, this is rubbish!"


"I've decided, let's sell steamed stuffed buns!" Feng Yao stood up fiercely, his eyes gleamed brightly. He observed it specially for the past two days. For some reason, steamed stuffed buns have never appeared in this era. If they make steamed stuffed buns, they will surely sell them well and earn money, and right now, what they need most is money.

"Selling buns? Brother! What are buns?" Zhou Cang asked curiously.

"Hehe! Steamed stuffed buns are..., cooking cakes with vegetables!" Feng Yao thought for a while, and had no choice but to explain it this way.

Zhou Cang was stunned for a while, and said to himself: "Cooking cakes with vegetables? There are vegetables! It sounds delicious!"

If you want to do business, you must have a shop, especially for selling buns. You can’t make buns in this cave, and sell them in the city after they’re done. Not only will it take time and effort, but the steamed buns will be cold by the time they’re brought to the city. However, Feng Yao is not willing to give up this Taolin cave. Feng Yao wants to transform this cave. Not only can people live in it, but it can also be used as a very good training ground!However, Feng Yao did not say this for the time being.

After discussing with several people, they all agreed with Feng Yao's approach and decided to open a steamed stuffed bun shop first. Chen Dao took out all the money, there were two taels of silver, plus 420 copper coins. Zhou Cang's silver was used up early. With only 150 copper coins on him, Feng Yao is penniless.

Chen Dao grew up in Pingyu City, and he knew a little about the prices in Pingyu City. The three of them roughly calculated that it would cost at least two thousand yuan to rent a shop facing the street for a year, and at least three yuan for those kitchen utensils and ingredients. A thousand copper coins.Two taels of silver can be exchanged for two hundred copper coins, so the total is only 770 cash, which is more than 2000 cash.

Zhou Cang hesitated for a moment, took out another jade pendant from his bosom, and said sadly: "This is the talisman I carried with me since I was a child, but now things are different, so why not pawn them, it's just a sight to behold! "

Feng Yao looked at it, it was a round piece of carved jade with green color, if it was pawned, it would definitely make up for the cost of opening the shop and more than enough.

"Second brother! This jade pendant must be very meaningful to you, I don't agree to do this!" Feng Yao said firmly.

"That's right, second brother, please put it away quickly. I'll figure out a way to open the store. I'm acquainted with it in Pingyu City. I guess I can still raise these few thousand copper coins!" Chen Dao said.

Zhou Cang nodded silently, and took back the jade pendant.

Chen Dao cupped his hands and said, "Big brother, second brother, I'm going back to the city to raise money!"

Feng Yao handed the more than 700 copper coins to Chen Dao, and said, "Third brother, since you are going to the city, you have full authority to deal with all the objects and shops! Let's stay and tidy up this cave first."

After the three said their goodbyes, Feng Yao looked at Mrs. Feng who was sitting on the rock and giggled, feeling sad for a while, and said in his heart: "Mrs. Feng, although you are not your mother, as long as I, Feng Yao, have a bite to eat, I will definitely eat it." Won't make you hungry!"

In the next two days, Feng Yao led Zhou Cang, and the two worked hard every day to cut down trees and dig the cave, which made the cave more and more like a home. A wooden door and two small windows were added, and four additional rooms were added to the cave. Although they were not big, each one was only more than one foot wide, it was more than enough for one person to live in.In addition, in the hall, Feng Yao also placed a stone table, a stove, and several clay pots. As long as there is food, this place is simply a sacred place for leisure.

"This place is surrounded by peach forests, so let's call it Taolin Residence!"

After the cave had a name, Feng Yao Chengxing also gave himself a nickname, "Zimou".

Two days later, Chen came to report that everything in Pingyu City had been arranged.

After Feng Yao's instruction, and after many trial productions, the invited chefs finally made the buns that Feng Yao was satisfied with.

"Wow! So these are steamed stuffed buns! Hahaha, they are so delicious! I will never eat pancakes again,..., hey, wait, don't rush and save some for me!" Zhou Cang ate and yelled. shouted.

Anyone who has tasted the steamed stuffed buns said that it is simply a delicacy in the world. Several cooks insisted that they be allowed to take some home for their children to eat. Not much money, take it! !In the future, if you make money and have more children, you can take it home every day! !

Feng Yao was very excited, the cost of these buns was very low, the cost of three buns was only one penny, and Feng Yao's price was one penny for the vegetarian stuffing and one penny for the meat stuffing!
Two cents! !You can buy a catty of coarse grains directly, but Feng Yao has full confidence in his steamed buns, "As long as they are delicious! In such a big city, there will definitely be many people who buy them. Only when the price is high will people be amazed, and it will be more expensive." Gets the attention of rich people!"

Xinglong Baozi Shop.

This is the name of the store Feng Yao chose. Although it is a bit vulgar, it sounds auspicious.

When the auspicious time came, the steamed stuffed bun shop opened, and there were not many people who bought it at the beginning. They only bought one to try it out. After all, the price was a little expensive. After eating one, they all had big faces, and not only did they buy another three or five. They all spread the word everywhere with a smile on their faces.

Before noon, there was a long queue outside the bun shop, waiting to buy buns.

At this moment, not only the cooks were so happy that they couldn't keep their mouths shut, Feng Yao and the other three were also excited.

The lively scene outside Xinglong Steamed Bun Shop lasted until the end of the night, and when the store was closed, there were still people complaining about not getting any buns.

But Feng Yao has no choice, because all the ingredients have been used up, and he can only buy more at the morning market tomorrow.

After closing, the store received a total of 850 copper coins and sold more than 1000 buns of various types. After deducting the cost, the gross profit was more than 1000 yuan.After finishing the calculation, not only Zhou Cang, but also Chen Dao showed expressions of disbelief, and even Feng Yao was a little amazed that ancient money was so easy to earn. At this rate, all the capital can be recovered in a few days, and a month You can earn [-] copper coins, which has greatly exceeded the monthly salary of the county magistrate. The county magistrate only receives [-] shi of grain a year, which is [-] shi a month. Less than [-] Wen per month.

The next day, after sufficient preparations, the Xinglong Steamed Bun Shop opened again, and the first basket of one hundred steamed buns that had just arrived was sold out in an instant. Everyone was overjoyed.

If this momentum continues, Xinglong Baozipu will soon become a famous restaurant in Pingyu City.

As time passed, the smiles on everyone's faces in Xinglong Steamed Bun Shop became bigger and bigger.

However, one day, shortly after lunch, Feng Yao discovered that Mrs. Feng had disappeared. At first glance, it was worn by children aged six or seven, but Mrs. Feng smiled and took the clothes to Feng Yao for a competition, "Yao'er, mother bought you new clothes, come and see if they fit!"

Mrs. Feng tried Feng Yao left and right, and when she found that she couldn't put it on, she smiled in surprise: "Yao'er has grown up! He has grown so tall after not seeing each other for a day! Hehe, mother is so happy!"

Feng Yao couldn't bear it, he didn't want to hurt Mrs. Feng's heart, so he said: "Mother, these clothes are really good, baby, take them first!"

At this time, there was a noise outside the door. A few people came from nowhere and held onto Chen Dao, arguing to find Mrs. Feng. He cursed unforgivingly.

One of the elders seemed to be the shopkeeper. Seeing Feng Yao coming out, he said loudly: "Isn't that the son of the crazy woman! Pay me for my clothes!"

Feng Yao instantly understood that the set of children's clothes Mrs. Feng gave him just now must have been stolen from outside again!So he apologized again and again, and doubled the compensation to the shopkeeper.

"Hmph! This time, it is for the face of the Chen family. I must take care of it in the future. How about my business? With such a crazy woman making trouble, who would dare to come to my store to buy clothes?" The shopkeeper was angry when he left. Throw the next sentence.

Back in the room, Chen Dao and Zhou Cang were silent, half paid, Feng Yao said: "Things here have stabilized, I'd better take mother back to live in Taolinju first!"

Afterwards, Feng Yao ordered Chen Dao to hire a accountant to handle all the affairs of the store on his behalf, freeing Chen Dao from these tedious chores, and they returned to Taolin Residence again. There are no houses in the mile, which is very suitable for training and reading and practicing martial arts. Although the cave is a bit simple, it is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is very comfortable to live in.

(End of this chapter)

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