Chapter 7 Refugees
Through the income from the store, Feng Yao and his group were able to practice martial arts in Taolinju with peace of mind. Half a year passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Feng Yao forged a fine steel long sword according to his hobby. Although it weighs only five catties, it is considered very heavy among long swords, and ordinary long swords only weigh about three catties.

Feng Yao's wrist strength is relatively strong, his arms are longer, and his body is well-proportioned. He is very suitable for using weapons such as swords. Only people with long arms can fully display the power of swords with swords!This is the experience of several people through many competitions.

Now Feng Yao is a little taller than Zhou Cang. Among the three, Chen Dao is the smaller one, only more than seven feet tall, less than eight feet tall, while Zhou Cang is just eight feet tall, and Feng Yao is eight feet one inch. The three of them looked almost like adults, but they still had childish faces and their hair was not tied up.Zhou Cang's face is still so dark, and his body is slightly fatter. In terms of strength, Zhou Cang is the biggest, Feng Yao is next, and Chen Dao is the smallest, but when Chen Dao dances with a set of 36-style Chen family guns, it is the most powerful. Coupled with the advantage of long spears, it is not easy for Feng Yao and Zhou Cang to attack at the same time.

On this day, in mid-July, it was autumn, and the weather was still hot. Hou Yuan, the accountant of the Baozi shop in the city, came to report anxiously that a large number of refugees had poured into the city, and the buns in the shop were looted by refugees.

Feng Yao felt that the situation was serious, so he ordered Zhou Cang to live in Taolin Juhao to watch Mrs. Feng, and he took Chen Dao and the tent to the bun shop in the city.

Before the few people got out of the woods, they saw a large group of refugees coming into the woods. After asking, they found out that Pingyu City had closed the gates to resist the tide of refugees. These people had nowhere to go, so they wanted to go to the forest. Find a shady place to rest.

After Feng Yao asked clearly, he rushed to the gate of the city, and sure enough, he saw that the gate was closed tightly, and there were some refugees wandering outside the city. The officers and soldiers on the top of the city wall were standing guard, shouting loudly, asking the refugees not to stay near the gate.

A few refugees were sitting on the side of the road with sallow complexions. Seeing that Feng Yao and the others were well-dressed, they crawled over, fell on the ground and licked their heads, begging: "Please, sir, give us something to eat, we have already I haven't eaten for two days, and the bandits have stolen all my clothes, my son, please do me a favor! Pity us!"

Seeing this, Feng Yao couldn't bear it, so he took out tens of pennies and asked them to share it to buy food. Several refugees cried loudly, chasing after Feng Yao and kowtowed repeatedly, thanking them non-stop.

Because of Feng Yao, Chen Dao often went in and out of the north gate, and he was usually generous with his actions. Several officers and soldiers guarding the gate saw it and rushed to report it. After a while, Wang Junhou appeared at the top of the city. Seeing that it was Feng Yao and Chen Dao, he laughed. Said: "It turns out to be two brothers! Wait for me to open the door!"

Not long after, the gate of the city opened, and Wang Junhou led a group of officers and soldiers to welcome them out, saying: "I made you laugh at me. Recently, there have been bandits and soldiers everywhere. I have been ordered to guard this gate strictly. If there were too many people just now, I am afraid I would not dare to open the gate. Now the city is full of people." The number of refugees outside the gate is much less, but you can’t be careless, brother, follow me into the city, so I can close the city gate!”

Feng Yaodao: "Wang Junhou, I think those are just refugees. If they are turned away like this, I don't know how they will survive."

Wang Junhou was silent for a while, then sighed and said: "To be honest, I am also a civilian, and I feel uncomfortable seeing these refugees, but the county magistrate ordered at the same time to control the number of refugees entering the city, and I am also not good. It's a good idea, in fact, as long as the brothers enter the city and look at it, the number of refugees in the city has almost crowded the streets. I heard that there have been several incidents of looting and murder in the city. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so nervous of."

Feng Yao was speechless, followed Wang Junhou into the city, thanked him, and went to Xinglong Baozi Shop.

Sitting or lying refugees can be seen everywhere on the streets, almost all the shops are closed, and occasionally some good people can be seen giving gruel in the city.The bustling market in the past is now full of begging sounds. Whenever pedestrians pass by, the refugees either beg in a low voice, or sit motionless, watching every passerby coldly.

The more Feng Yao watched, the more frightened he became. Most of these refugees were men, and the number of elderly people and women was very small. There was a strange aura hidden in them.

The outside of Xinglong Steamed Bun Shop was no exception. Feng Yao glanced at it, and there were more than a dozen people gathered together, and there was even a young woman holding a child. I wonder if it was because the child was not full, and the child kept moving. crying, the woman kept coaxing, "Good baby! Go to sleep, go to sleep, don't cry, mother is here! Don't cry!"

Feng Yao wanted to give the woman some money, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he realized that he had already given away all the money on his body unknowingly along the way.

"Open the door! Zhuzi's mother! The shopkeeper is back!" Hou Yuan, the accountant, slammed on the door and shouted.

After a while, the door creaked and opened a crack, and the person who opened the door was the Zhuzi mother that Hou Yuan was talking about!That is, Hou Yuan's wife.

At this time, Feng Yao suddenly felt that the back of the robe was being pulled by someone. Looking back, it was the woman who was coaxing the child just now. Pulling Feng Yao's robe, his eyes were full of begging, and he begged: "Please do me a favor! For the sake of the baby, give us something to eat and drink! Please, as long as I can If the baby can survive, I am willing to be a cow or a horse!"

Hou Yuan was about to yell at the woman, but Feng Yao quickly stopped him, and said to the woman, "It's not safe outside, if you trust me, come inside!"

The woman wondered if she heard it wrong. After seeing Feng Yao's affirmative gaze, she was overjoyed and said repeatedly: "Thank you benefactor! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you benefactor!" Just then she got up from the ground, hugged the child tightly, His body trembled slightly with excitement.

A man stood up suddenly, grabbed the woman, and shouted: "You can't go in! You can't go in!" While pulling, the man stared at Feng Yao with resentment, as if he wanted to eat Feng Yao Only then can the hatred in his heart be dispelled.

The woman was anxious not to enter, and cried, "Husband! Let me in! The baby is starving and thin! Husband! Let me in!"

Feng Yao was taken aback at first, thinking that the man wanted to enter the shop to loot the moment the door opened, but when he saw the two of them arguing and crying, he immediately understood that they were a couple, and the man's kindness towards him was aroused. There was a misunderstanding, so he said with a smile: "It's okay! It's okay, one more person is not too many, if you don't worry, you can come in together!"

The man was taken aback by Feng Yao's words, but he didn't act immediately, but looked at the woman and asked, "Is it okay?"

The woman looked at Feng Yao, Feng Yao waved and said again: "Come in together."

Chen Dao and Hou Yuan hurriedly pulled the couple into the store, and were about to close the door, when the refugees who were sitting outside suddenly rushed to the door one after another, shouting: "Shopkeeper, we are all together, Let us come in too!" While talking, he pushed forward hard, trying to squeeze through the door.

When Feng Yao saw that there was going to be a mess, he shouted loudly: "Don't mess around!", but the refugees outside didn't care what Feng Yao said, seeing that the store was about to close, they were even more anxious to come in, and even one refugee tried hard Beat the door.

If this pedestrian rushes into the store at this time, it will definitely be uncontrollable. Although Feng Yao also sympathizes with their experience, he must not be soft-hearted at this time.

"Benefactor! We are not very familiar with them! Benefactor be careful!" The woman hurriedly explained.

Chen Dao didn't know when, he took a kitchen knife from inside and came over, pounced on the door, and shouted at the refugees who wanted to squeeze in: "Come!! Come in if you want to die! See if the young master is alive or not!" Chop it off!" While speaking, he actually raised the kitchen knife and slashed at a hand that was holding on to the door, the owner of that hand withdrew his hand in fright and looked at Chen Dao with horror.

Feng Yao pulled Hou Yuan, and the two took advantage of the opportunity when the refugees retreated a little, slammed the door shut and bolted it.

"Hush! It's dangerous!" Chen Daojian whispered after the door was closed, and then looked at Feng Yao, "Brother!"

"Third brother, you and Hou Yuan are guarding here. If anyone dares to trespass, they will be hacked to death immediately!" Feng Yao deliberately raised his voice and roared angrily.

If this group of refugees were a little negligent, the consequences would be unimaginable. Feng Yao had to guard against this. He could help one or two refugees, but he couldn't help all the refugees. This matter must be done by the government.

"I don't know what the county magistrate and county prefect are planning. If there are so many refugees in and out of the city, if they don't deal with them properly, once they become chaotic, I'm afraid it will arouse the refugees' rebellion. If the government doesn't show up at night Relief for refugees will cause chaos in the city, I'd better make preparations and get out of the city sooner!" Feng Yao was thinking about the next move in his mind.

After dragging the couple to the back room, Feng Yao ordered his servant to bring a plate of steamed buns and a pot of tea to the two, signaling that the two should eat their fill first, take care of the child, don't worry, and then ordered the servant to call to clean up hot water, let the two and the children wash their hands and faces, and prepared a set of clean coarse clothes for the two.

Not long after, the husband and wife ate and rested for a while, and the child also ate and fell asleep. Then the husband and wife came out to meet Feng Yao and thank Feng Yao and others for their life-saving grace!
The two were originally civilians from Pengcheng, Xuzhou. The male's surname is Huang Mingyi, and the female's surname is Tian, ​​and her name is Yuerong.

"Everyone in Xuzhou hates Cao thief now! Everyone wants to peel Cao thief's skin and eat Cao thief's meat! I hate that Cao thief, who indulged his soldiers to burn, kill and loot everywhere! Not only did they rob us of our food and property, They snatch women even more, and when they meet men, they kill each other, even children of a few years old!! I heard that almost all the counties in the front were killed except for women, and many people died! We Pengcheng is relatively far away, and most people started fleeing overnight after hearing the news!" said Huang Yi and his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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