Chapter 8 Secret Recruitment
Cao Cao once massacred the people of Xuzhou. Feng Yao knew this from the history of later generations, but according to the records, Cao Cao wanted revenge because his father was killed, right?How could they massacre the people of Xuzhou for no reason?And according to Feng Yao's understanding, isn't massacre just killing anyone?Why are men and women still separated?
"Huang Yi, do you know why that thief Cao only kills men and not women?" Feng Yao asked.

Huang Yi glanced at his wife, with grief and indignation on his face, and said through gritted teeth: "That dog thief robs women to satisfy the desires of his bandit soldiers! The purpose of grabbing food is to feed those bandit soldiers! Cao bandit's men They are all yellow turban bandits who surrendered! They don’t get any food from the court at all, as long as it’s not his own territory, they will let the bandits make trouble!”

Huang Yi's words shocked Feng Yao very much, he never expected that the real Cao Cao would be so inhumane!Huang Yi said that although he couldn't see it with his own eyes, it was not unreasonable to think about it carefully.It is rumored that Cao Cao has recruited hundreds of thousands of Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, and these Yellow Turban Army have to eat and drink as a matter of course. Cao Cao is now occupying Yanzhou in name, but he has not been recognized by the court at all. There will be no payment of food and salaries. The number of these hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers, plus their family members, is estimated to be at least 100 million or more.

"It turns out that this is the capital of Cao Cao's ability to dominate the Three Kingdoms! I said why Cao Cao suffered so many defeats, but he was able to rebuild a large army in a blink of an eye!" Feng Yao understood the problem that he had been unable to figure out.

Although Cao Cao slaughtered Xuzhou, although the sky was angry and people complained, Cao Cao actually benefited more!First, settle the hearts of the surrendered Yellow Turbans, give them food and women, let these hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans live and work in peace and contentment on their own territory, have children, and firmly hold the surrendered Yellow Turbans in their hands.Second, take advantage of the trend to root out some local tyrants who are not obedient, and third, give the enemy a signal, either surrender honestly and support him with all his strength, or be slaughtered!

Feng Yao figured this out, and while secretly cursing Cao Cao's insidiousness and viciousness in his heart, he couldn't help but admire Cao Cao.

Hearing what Huang Yi and his wife said, Feng Yao gradually made up his mind that if possible, he must destroy Cao Cao first in the future. If he doesn't get rid of this person, he will be his greatest enemy in the future!As for taking refuge in Cao Cao, Feng Yao thought: "Let's forget it. With my current ability, if I go to Cao Ying, I must be a cannon fodder. The crony Cao Cao will not let Feng Yao stand out. If you want to know by yourself With that little bit of historical knowledge, the suspicious Cao Cao will definitely kill himself as if he wanted to kill Yang Xiu!"

Although this Huang Yi is impatient, he still has some brains, Feng Yao decided that he should take the opportunity to accept Huang Yi.

"Huang Yi, I wonder what your husband and wife's plans are in the future?" Feng Yao asked tentatively.

"Benefactor! I originally planned to take refuge in Jingzhou! Since I was rescued by the benefactor, I would like to stay and work like a horse to repay the benefactor!" Huang Yi knelt on the ground with one knee and clasped his fists.

"Since you have the heart, I, Feng Yao, will not treat you badly, but I can't guarantee that you will live a good life! If it is too late to repent now, I will not make things difficult for you, and I will send you some money to go to Jingzhou!" Feng Yao said .

Hearing this, Huang Yi quickly pulled his wife Yue Rong over, and the two of them knelt on the ground together, kowtowed and swore: "Benefactor! These days when he is on the run, Huang Yi has already seen the morals of the world clearly! Like a benefactor, he is considerate of civilians in danger. Huang Yi has never met a person who is not chaotic! I have met a benefactor today, and I am willing to repay it with death! Even if the benefactor wants Huang Yi to die tomorrow, Huang Yi believes that the benefactor will treat my wife and son kindly! So, wouldn’t it be better to go to Jingzhou Make your wife and children enslaved to others!"

Feng Yao couldn't help but keep shaking his head. He didn't expect that Huang Yi seemed impulsive, but he had such insights. Although what he said was a bit straightforward, it was not difficult to see that Huang Yi was a person with a lot of emotion and a brain.

"Huang Yi, if that's the case, I will accept you and your husband, but I hope you will not forget what you said today!" Feng Yao said.

Huang Yi was overjoyed, thank you again and again!
"Benefactor! Huang Yi is at your beck and call!" Huang Yi said excitedly.

"Stupid! Still calling him master!" Huang Yi's wife Tian Yuerong pinched Huang Yi's arm and whispered in Huang Yi's ear.

Huang Yi endured the pain, blushing and quickly changed his words, "Master! Huang Yi obeys orders!"

Feng Yao chuckled, helped Huang Yi up, and said, "Okay! Huang Yi, I have something to use you for, first let your wife take care of the child, and come here to find me later!"

Huang Yi was ordered to go back to the room with his wife, and Feng Yao called the accountant Hou Yuan and Chen Dao.

"Third brother, Hou Yuan, what do you think about the refugees in the city?" Feng Yao asked.

Chen Dao pondered for a while, and said: "Brother, I think these refugees are suffering from hunger and thirst, but the government doesn't care about it, and our store has limited food, and it's a drop in the bucket to help the refugees. It's not easy! If my father is still there If so, he will definitely come forward and help these refugees! But..., alas, the current Chen family!"

Hou Yuandao: "Yes, if relying on the influence of the Chen family, even if the government is not in charge, as long as the Patriarch of the Chen family comes forward and joins forces with the local tycoons and wealthy gentry, these refugees will be blessed!"

At this time, Huang Yi packed up, walked out, bowed to Feng Yao, and said, "Master! Huang Yi is at the behest of the Marquis!"

Feng Yao first talked about accepting Huang Yi, and after everyone bowed to each other, Feng Yao said: "Huang Yi, we are in urgent need of manpower, and we want to find some loyal and reliable followers from the refugees. I don't know if you have suitable ones." Candidates?"

Huang Yidao: "Master, if this is the case, just leave it to me, during this journey of fleeing, Huang also saw many villains with duplicity, and also met some loyal people, but I don't know if they are still in the city now! "

Feng Yao nodded and said: "Huang Yi, it's not too late, you go out to find someone now, but you have to return here within two hours! Don't miss the hour!"

Huang Yi took orders and was about to set off when Chen Dao suddenly stood up and said, "Wait a minute!" Then he said to Feng Yao, "Brother, I am familiar with the city, why don't I go with Huang Yi, just as I I also want to go to the Chen Mansion, persuade the Patriarch of the Chen Family, and hope that he can do something commendable for our Chen Family!"

"Is that so?..." Feng Yao remained silent. The relationship between the Patriarch of the Chen Family and Chen Dao has not eased up to now. The matter of the girl was on his mind, so it was better for the two of them not to meet. If they did, Feng Yao was worried that Chen Dao would impulsively assassinate Chen Ying, which would bring him a reputation for killing his brother, and also worried that Chen Ying would be detrimental to Chen Dao.

"Brother, don't worry! Compared with the refugees all over the city, I will put aside my personal grievances for the time being!" Seeing Feng Yao's silence, Chen Dao left without saying a word, leading Huang Yi out.

Seeing Chen Dao's firm steps, Feng Yao hesitated to speak, stared for a long time, his lips moved slightly, "Third brother, you must take care!", this sentence may only be heard by Feng Yao himself.

Perhaps the refugees who gathered at the gate earlier had already left their place because of fear. Feng Yao stood by the gate and looked around. Although the sun had just set to the west and it was late in the morning, there was a cold night The coolness hit, the refugees on the street seemed to be much quieter than before, and most of the refugees chose to occupy a shady slate to lie down and rest.

"Hou Yuan, please go and inform that those cooks will be on vacation for a few days. They must be very worried about the safety of their families! Also, after they leave, you go to the blacksmith shop to buy some handy weapons and hide them well. , don’t let outsiders see the weapon, it’s best to finish it within an hour.” Feng Yao quietly instructed Hou Yuandao.

Regarding Feng Yao's words, Mr. Hou, the accountant, learned very early not to ask too many questions, and followed the habit of execution, which is one of the reasons why he was able to become the accountant.

"Okay, shopkeeper, please rest assured, Hou will definitely live up to his trust." Hou Yuan replied.

After sending Hou Yuan away, after closing the door, Feng Yao checked, and found that there were only a few hundred copper coins in loose change on the counter, so he simply took it out and put it in his arms. Anyway, if Chen Dao failed to persuade Chen Ying, the city would surely There was a mess, and the store couldn't keep going.He also checked the grain in the store. There were three stones of corn, twelve stones of flour, and some raw pork and vegetables for steamed buns.

While waiting, Feng Yao calmed down and analyzed the general trend of the world today, which is basically following the original development trend of history. The world is basically divided into eight major forces: one is also the biggest enemy in Feng Yao's mind in the future Cao Cao, occupying Yanzhou, proclaimed himself the Shepherd of Yanzhou. He was mainly assisted by advisers such as Chen Gong, Cheng Yu, Xi Zhicai, and Xun Yu. The generals included Le Jin, Li Dian, Yu Jin, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, and Cao Hong.The second is Liu Biao of Jingzhou, the third is Yuan Shu of Yangzhou, the fourth is Yuan Shao of Jizhou, the fifth is Tao Qian of Xuzhou, the sixth is Gongsun Zan of Youzhou, the seventh is Liu Yan of Yizhou, and finally there is Xiliang occupying the capital Chang'an Legions.

And the legendary parachutist Lu Bu, the benevolent Liu Bei, and the little overlord of Jiangdong Sun Ce are still living under the fence at this time.

In the fourth year of Chuping, it was still the reign title of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but at this time, Feng Yao alone probably knew that the Eastern Han Dynasty was about to perish, and the Yellow Turban Uprising in the past ten years was only the beginning of this suffering. In the past hundred years of war, there is no one in ten, and because of this century of war, there will be unspeakable pain in the future. This pain will make hundreds of thousands of Han people hundreds of thousands of years later. Enslaved, slaughtered! !
Since God has given me a chance to rewrite history, no matter how small the possibility, no matter how slim the hope, I, Feng Yao, will definitely do something!
"Master! Fortunately, Huang Yi did not disgrace his life and recruited a righteous man!"

In just an hour, Huang Yi returned with a tall and strong man who was nearly nine feet tall.

(End of this chapter)

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