Chapter 9 Murder

"Only found one person?" Feng Yao was slightly disappointed.

"Hugh underestimated me! One of me is worth more than ten people!" the big man said angrily.

Huang also saw that the big man was angry, and he was so nervous that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He was afraid that he would anger Feng Yao, "Master! Although this man has a violent temper, he has saved Huang from danger and is extremely powerful. Please give it a try, my lord. What you say is false, willing to be punished by the master!"

This strong man must think that he is young and has no abilities, so he is unwilling to submit. This just proves that this person must have abilities that exceed ordinary people. Such talents generally do not surrender easily, but once surrendered, they must be Most faithful!

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Instead of being angry, Feng Yao smiled, showing an expression that he didn't care about the nine-foot burly man.

Sure enough, the strong man's eyes showed surprise, and his arrogance was much less.

"Okay!!" Feng Yao stopped laughing abruptly, his face straightened, "He is indeed a hero with courage!!"

The brawny man breathed a sigh of relief. To recognize the master, one must first recognize what kind of person the master is. Although Huang Yi was full of praise, the brawny man didn't really believe it, so he made an excuse, but now the brawny man started Some believed Huang Yi's words, and even looked forward to it, and there was a faint smile on his face that was hard to detect.

Feng Yao didn't wait for the two to speak, then changed his tone, and said righteously: "It's a pity! It's a pity! It's a pity that I have a lot of ambition and want to save the world, but there is no hero who can help me!!"

Hearing Feng Yao's words, the strong man's face was startled, staring at Feng Yao, his expression gradually became more and more ashamed. Now, the strong man has fully confirmed that Feng Yao is the master he wanted to vote for, so he bent down, He bowed respectfully: "Dai Ling from Danyang is willing to serve Mingjun and assist Mingjun to achieve great things!"

Feng Yao's heart was already full of joy at this time, he guessed right from the beginning that this strong man must be a person who called himself chivalrous, so he intentionally used words to provoke him, but he didn't expect it to really work.

At this time, Chen Dao came back with a dejected look on his face, Feng Yao didn't ask any more questions, knowing that Chen Dao must have failed, it's better to retreat first in Pingyu City.

"Huang Yi, go and get some wine, let us brothers eat and drink enough before talking!" Feng Yao said.

Both Huang Yi and Dai Ling are new recruits. If you want to quickly increase the relationship between them, the fastest and best way is to eat and drink together. This is the method Feng Yao has always believed in.

Sure enough, after a few big bowls of wine, everyone's morale was high, and Dai Ling fell down at his desk and cried after drinking too much.

"Master! You will be the master of my Dai Ling from now on!! No one in this world has ever treated me Dai Ling so well, never! All people, as long as they have a certain status! They have never bothered to sit at the same table with me Dai Ling They look down on me when eating, my parents died early, and everyone in the village said that I exhausted my parents by eating too much! They don’t want to associate with me. I practice martial arts secretly by myself, hoping to gain their respect. But later even if I can beat ten people by myself, I still don’t want to associate with me!! They either look down on me, or they are afraid of me!! Master! Only you, only you think I am a hero, only you are not afraid of me, give it back I have so much delicious food and drink! Master, I am not a hero, I am just a wandering orphan!!"

"Dai Ling, don't worry, from now on, as long as I have a mouthful, you will also have a mouthful, I, Feng Yao, swear here!" Feng Yao said.

Huang Yi helped Dai Ling up, and said emotionally: "Brother Dai! From now on, you and I must help the master well! To repay the master for his kindness!"

Chen Daomeng drank a bowl of wine, cupped his fists at Feng Yao and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, but my younger brother failed to complete the task, please punish me!"

"Third brother, it's not your fault. Don't worry about such a trivial matter. You and I should work together as brothers to deal with the difficulties in front of us!" Feng Yao said.

"Brother said yes!"

"We'll wait for Hou Yuan to come back in a while. Let's take all the food in the store and go out of the city and go back to Taoyuan residence together before dark!"

Without going into detail about the rest of the trivial matters, everything went smoothly according to Feng Yao's plan. With Wang Junhou's care, a few people easily drove the carriage full of food and weapons out of the city gate. Yao brought the newly adopted Huang Yi and Dai Ling, as well as Huang Yi's wife Tian Yuerong and their baby girl who was less than a week old, and came to Ben Taoyuan with Chen.

The accountant Mr. Hou Yuan was a native of the city, so he didn’t want to follow Feng Yao to live outside the city, and Feng Yao didn’t force it. Before he left, he told Hou Yuan to be careful, take care of his family, and not to go out easily at night.

From the north gate of the city to Taolinju, there is also a journey of more than five miles. Usually, you can walk empty-handed, and you can get there in a maximum of two sticks of incense, but now because you can't find any more carriages, Feng Yao packed all the goods in one The carriage got on, and the horse pulling the carriage was also an old horse. It was very difficult to pull, and some uneven roads had to be helped to push and pull the carriage, so after leaving the city gate, it took two sticks of incense to walk halfway. The journey came to the edge of the woods.

At this time, the sky was slowly getting dark.

"The horse is a bit tired, I think it's better to rest for a while before moving forward!" Chen Dao suggested.

"Yeah, I think this horse will get tired if it has to go again, why don't you stop for a while! And the little baby is crying non-stop, he must be hungry!"

"Okay! Anyway, it's almost here, so it's good to take a rest, and you'll be home in one breath!" Feng Yao said.

Everyone sat around the carriage and took time to drink water. Feng Yao also found a piece of grass and sat down. Just as he was about to take out a water bag to drink, he suddenly felt a figure moving in the bushes not far away, and his heart ached. Be vigilant, look at the surrounding environment again, there are overgrown weeds, it is obviously a good place to ambush.

Passing here during the day, Feng Yao remembered meeting many refugees, but the journey was surprisingly quiet just now, not a single refugee was encountered!
"Not good! There are bandit soldiers! Everyone be careful!" Feng Yao suddenly woke up and shouted.


Darkness didn't know who it was, and he yelled to kill, and then the figure shook, and dozens of black figures rushed out from the bushes!

"Kill! Kill!" The enemy shouted loudly.

The bandits and the carriage were not far apart, only more than ten feet away, and within a few breaths they rushed to less than three feet in front of the carriage. With the last ray of light in the sky that hadn't completely dissipated, Feng Yao could see the group of bandits clearly. The appearance of the soldiers was indeed composed of some refugees, holding various weapons in their hands.

"Dai Ling! Didn't you boast that one was against ten? Can you show your bravery today!" Feng Yao shouted.

Dai Ling had already taken out a big knife at this time, and shouted at the sound: "Master! There are dozens of small thieves in the district, and Dai Ling doesn't pay attention to them. Master stand back and watch me take the life of the thief!" The thief rushed forward.

Feng Yao was afraid that Dai Ling would be difficult to deal with alone, so he ordered Chen Dao to meet Dai Ling, and Chen Dao came out with a gun.

"Huang Yi, you also take a weapon, so you can take care of your wife, but don't leave the carriage!" Feng Yao shouted. At this time, Huang Yi was a little frightened and didn't know what to do. After waking up, he quickly pulled out a simple knife and put it in front of Tian Yuerong.

Feng Yao's weapons were not brought into the city, and he was still living in Taoyuan, so he had to pick a long sword from the weapons Hou Yuan bought, and leaned against the carriage to prepare to meet the enemy.

The enemy soldiers fought head-on with Feng Yao and the others in an instant. Fortunately, it was just a mob, and no one used long-range bows and arrows. If there were bows and arrows, Feng Yao really couldn't imagine what would happen. The enemy just had to hide in the dark and shoot A few cold arrows can kill one's side!
"Kill!" Feng Yao kicked a bandit soldier with a wooden stick to the ground, raised his knife, looked at the bandit soldier's face, and found that it was just a boy who was slightly older than himself. He couldn't bear to strike, and shouted Said: "Get out!"

At this time, a bandit with a knife slashed at Huang Yi, and Huang Yi desperately waved the simple knife in his hand. Although the bandit didn't dare to attack rashly for the time being, as long as the bandit understood that Huang Yi didn't know how to use a knife, Huang Yi It's dangerous.

Feng Yao stabbed at the bandit with his sword, relieved Huang Yi's danger, and fought with the bandit wielding the sword. A little farther away, Chen Dao's spear made it invulnerable, and attracted several bandits to besiege. There will be no danger for the time being, and further ahead, Dai Ling is extremely brave. I don't know where he found a tree trunk that is a little thicker than the mouth of a bowl. Pimi, the wounded bandit soldiers were lying on the ground screaming from time to time!
At this moment, Feng Yao suddenly felt a stuffy head, as if a heavy object had hit his head, and the stars were popping up in front of his eyes, only to hear Huang Yi yell: "Master, be careful behind you!" The thieves hacked up.

Feng Yao endured the pain, and hastily stepped aside, turned to look, and saw the young bandit soldier he let go just now was holding the wooden club in his hand with a smirk.

"I hate you!" Feng Yao suddenly felt a wave of anger rushing towards Tianling, he raised his sword and went straight to the boy, the boy swung his stick to block Feng Yao's sword, Feng Yao immediately kicked In his crotch, the young man was in so much pain that he couldn't move, but Feng Yao would not be merciful at this time, his heart softened just now, and he almost lost his life here!
Feng Yao turned his heart, gritted his teeth fiercely, and sent the long sword in his hand forward. With a puff, the long sword pierced into the young man's body, and with another puff, the long sword fell from the young man's body. Wear it out from behind!

The boy opened his mouth and stared at Feng Yao in horror, wanting to say something, but couldn't speak!
At this time, Feng Yao couldn't allow Feng Yao to think too much, Huang Yi's wife's crying came from behind him, and the child in his arms was also frightened and kept crying, Huang Yi snorted, as if he had been injured.

Feng Yao stopped looking at the young man, and stretched out his hand to draw back the long sword. The blood spurted out with the sword in an instant, and the young man fell to the ground convulsing all over, still making an indistinct sound, struggling on the ground, I don't want to close my eyes.

Ignoring these things, Feng Yao quickly returned to Huang Yi's side. Huang Yi's face was bloody and bloody, a deep bony scar stretched from his brow to his cheek, and his yellow and red flesh turned up. It was so miserable, but Huang Yi still brandished a knife and resisted desperately, and was in danger of dying at any time!
Feng Yao straightened his sword and stabbed straight from behind. The bandit soldier didn't dodge, and the long sword pierced through his chest. The knife in his hand stopped in mid-air, unable to cut any further!
"Brother, third brother, don't panic! I, Zhou Cang, are here too!"

On the periphery of the thieves, I saw a black-faced boy with a big knife in his hand, flying up and down, slashing at anyone he saw, and roaring angrily.

"I'll hack you to death! Hack you to death! Let me hack you to death!!"

 This chapter was posted a little late, and I was lying on the bed only to realize that I forgot to post it in the afternoon. I apologize, and tomorrow's two updates will still be posted as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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