Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 10 The Missing Mother Feng

Chapter 10 The Missing Mother Feng
"Kill!! I kill!!!"

The bandit soldier pierced by Feng Yao's sword fell in front of Huang Yi, but Huang Yi seemed to be red-eyed. Seeing that there were no other bandit soldiers nearby, he frantically raised his knife and slashed at the dying bandit soldier. go.

"Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Behind the knife, the screams suddenly stopped, Feng Yao saw that the bandit soldier's head had been cut off by Huang Yi, and rolled aside.

"Kill!" At this time, Dai Ling's shout came again.

"Go back, go back!"

Someone among the enemy soldiers yelled in horror, and then, the surviving bandit soldiers were terrified and fled in all directions screaming, while the wounded bandit soldiers who were still alive lay on the ground moaning.

"Hack you to death! I'll hack you to death!! Let me hack you to death!!!" Zhou Cang screamed again and again, chasing after the fleeing bandits.

"Come back! Second brother, come back quickly!!" Seeing this, Feng Yao was in a hurry, and hurriedly yelled to stop.

Chen Dao rushed over and dragged Zhou Cang back!
Quiet, surprisingly quiet all around! !

It was so quiet that only the panting of the crowd could be heard!

It was so quiet that only the low and dying groans of the bandits on the ground could be heard! !
Feng Yao looked left and right, and the viscera of some thieves flowed out, exuding a disgusting smell! !
The young bandit soldier who Feng Yao wounded Feng Yao on the head was already dead at this moment, his eyes were wide open, his hands were tightly covering the wound on his abdomen, the blood was still slowly flowing from the wound, spreading on the ground. There was a pool of blood.

"I killed someone?"

Feng Yao didn't dare to look into the boy's eyes anymore, turned his body around, but happened to see the head cut off by Huang Yi, and the body that had been hacked to death. What is it? After the outflowing intestines ruptured, colorful fetid feces flowed out, mixed with dirty blood and traces of heat.

"Ouch!" Feng Yao felt his stomach churning, and almost vomited out, but resisted not to vomit out.

"I'm the boss! I can't behave so poorly!! I can't let them look down on me! I can't vomit! Don't vomit!!" Feng Yao clenched his teeth.

"Wow! Wow!..." I don't know who was the first to vomit, followed by a series of vomiting sounds.

Feng Yao looked at it, and even Dai Ling knelt on the side and vomited non-stop! !
An unpleasant sour smell of vomit came, Feng Yao couldn't control it anymore, his stomach contracted violently, and he vomited.

This spit, so straight that Feng Yao almost spit out bile, only to feel a little better.

"Brother! You vomited too! Hahahaha!!!" Zhou Cang held his stomach in pain and laughed endlessly.

"Yeah, didn't you throw up too! Hehe!"


Several people laughed out loud, and after a few laughs, tears slowly overflowed, and gradually, the laughter slowly turned into silence.How many people can understand the taste of this?Perhaps the only way to understand the meaning is to experience it yourself!

"Help someone, Huang Yi is injured!!"

"Brother, your head is bleeding too!!"

"It's okay, bandage Huang Yi's wound first, leave this place quickly, and go home as soon as possible to treat Huang Yi's wound!"

Half an hour later, it was finally dark, and the group finally arrived at the cave in Taoyuanju.

"Second brother! Where is my mother? Where is my mother?" Feng Yao returned to the cave and found that Mrs. Feng was missing!

Zhou Cang lowered his head in shame, "Brother, a large group of refugees came at that time. Seeing that there were peaches in the peach tree, they picked and ate them one after another. I saw that the refugees were pitiful, so I didn't stop talking too much. I just asked them not to eat peaches." The Taolin was damaged, but those refugees turned out to be ruthless and wanted to grab the food in the cave. I fought with those refugees. After I drove the refugees away, I found out that Mrs. Feng was gone! Brother, it’s all my fault !It is my fault!"

"Then have you looked around?" Feng Yao asked anxiously.

"I've searched, and I've searched all over the place for several miles. I met you halfway just now, and I met you because I was looking for Mrs. Feng!" Zhou Cang said.

"Second brother, I don't blame you for this matter. How about this? I'll look around and find some herbs to treat Huang Yi's injuries. You and the third brother will take care of Huang Yi first."

Zhou Cang nodded, seeing that Chen Dao was cleaning Huang Yi's wound, he started to carry the grain brought from the city by himself.

Dai Ling said: "Master, Dai Ling is willing to accompany and protect Master's safety!"

"This is the best!" Feng Yao said, took out a leather-covered wooden shield from the weapon, and threw it to Dai Ling.

"Hold this, and take another handy weapon to defend yourself!"

"Yes, master!" Dai Ling took the order to choose a short halberd, tried it, and said, "It's too light! It's too short!" After looking at it, there was no better one, so he hung the short halberd At the waist, I found the previous tree trunk again and carried it on my shoulders.

"Master! This tree trunk is still handy!"

Feng Yao was originally in a heavy heart, but when he saw Dai Ling's bastard, he almost didn't laugh out loud, and said, "Let's use it first!"

Although it was already night, but fortunately the weather was clear, a round of bright moon rose from the treetops, and through the gaps between the leaves, the type of herbal medicine could still be discerned vaguely. Dai Ling held a shield in one hand and waved the trunk in the other. Looking ahead, Feng Yao used his long sword to dig out the living blood grass he found from time to time, and put it into a cloth bag.

"Master, those little thieves must be afraid of being killed by us, and they dare not stay around here. It's almost two circles, and I haven't seen a single person!"

After walking around Taolinju Forest for nearly an hour, Dai Ling finally couldn't help but speak.

Feng Yao looked around, this is already the outskirts of the forest, and there is still no sign of Mrs. Feng, could it be that he has entered the city?But after thinking about it, he denied this possibility. Because of the refugees, the gates of the city had been closed long ago, and Mrs. Feng could not enter the city!

Feng Yao weighed the bag of herbal medicine in his hand, it was almost full, and said: "Dai Ling, let's go back, Huang Yi's injury is serious, and he is still waiting for herbal medicine to heal his injury! My mother has martial arts, I miss her For those who can take care of themselves, we will look for them tomorrow when the sun rises."

Dai Ling didn't respond, he was staring into the distance in surprise, and shouted: "Master! Quickly look, quickly see if there is a fire in the city!"

Feng Yao couldn't see clearly, there happened to be a tree in front of him blocking his view, and he quickly climbed up to a tree next to him, only then could he see clearly that there was a lot of thick smoke above Pingyu City, with dark red flames blowing up with the wind from time to time .

"It's bad! It's not a fire, it's a refugee rebellion attacking Pingyu City! Let's go back to Taolin and prepare for defense!"

"Yes! Master!"

The two quickly returned to Taolin by the same route, but they only said that Feng Yao had just arrived at Taolin Residence, and Chen Dao came out to welcome him.

"Brother! The refugees are rebelling!" Chen Dao said worriedly when he saw Feng Yao.

"Brother still has a strategy! I had predicted that the refugees would rebel! Huang Yi, you see, I told you a long time ago that my elder brother is destined to be a real dragon, not a mortal!!" Zhou Cang laughed loudly. laugh.

"Oh..., master, master!..." Huang Yi gritted his teeth in pain, wanting to get up and salute Feng Yao.

"Huang Yi! You are injured, so you don't need to be polite, lie down quickly! Let me see the injury!" Feng Yao hurriedly held Huang Yi down to prevent Huang Yi from saluting.

Huang Yi lay down well according to his words. The long wound on his face was already swollen, like an upturned gully, lying obliquely on the left side of his face. Deep in the wound, some blood had congealed and became blackened.

Feng Yao stretched out his hand to touch Huang Yi's neck again. Huang Yi had already started to have a fever. If the wound is not treated as soon as possible, the wound may become life-threatening if it gets worse!
"Second brother, you and Dai Ling stay outside to prevent any sneak attacks by rioters!" Feng Yao ordered.

"Third brother, you have learned some herbal medicine, you can take some blood-activating grass, wash it and smash it into mud!" Feng Yao handed the freshly picked herbal medicine to Chen Dao.

"Tian Yuerong." Feng Yao glanced at Huang Yi's wife and shouted.

"Master! The servant is here!"

Tian Yuerong, who was staring at Huang Yi anxiously, didn't expect Feng Yao to call her, and hurriedly knelt down, with a nervous expression, waiting for Feng Yao's order.

"You can sew clothes?" Feng Yao asked.

"Yes! I don't know why the master asked?" Tian Rong whispered.

"Go and get it for me!"

Tian Yuerong took her package, and after a while, she dug out a set of needlework and handed it to Feng Yao.

"Why are you looking at me?" Feng Yao looked at Tian Yuerong, Chen Dao, and Huang Yi who was lying on the bed, and asked in confusion.

Tian Yuerong lowered her head shyly upon hearing this.

Chen Dao put down the medicine hammer he was pounding, and clasped his fists solemnly and said, "Brother, I'm just curious what you want these needles and threads for?"

Duo "Hi! I was shocked, I thought there was something weird on my face! This needle and thread is for Huang Yi to heal wounds!" Feng Yao said.

Huang Yi, who was lying on the ground, suddenly changed his face when he heard the words, and asked in horror: "Master, master! Are you going to prick me with a needle?"

"Yeah! You are so old and afraid of needles, right?" Feng Yao smiled and teased Huang Yidao.

If Huang Yi was afraid of needles, Feng Yao would not believe it even if he killed him. Huang Yi was slashed in the face, and he never cried out in pain, did he?This needle is only a little bit smaller, can it be compared with a big knife? A man who is not afraid of a knife is definitely not afraid of a needle! !Look at the wound where the knife slashed, the bones are deep, is Huang Yi afraid?He wasn't afraid, and he didn't cry out in pain. At most, he frowned, right?
"Master, man! Can--can't you get a... needle? Take... medicine, okay? I, I will... take medicine, no matter how hard it is, I'm not afraid!" Huang Yi was terrified, and because With a wound on his face, he didn't dare to speak forcefully, so he could only beg intermittently.

"No! It's necessary!!" Feng Yao's face was serious, and his tone was beyond doubt!
"Tian Yuerong! Boil a pot of boiling water and fetch a piece of rag! Let me heal your husband!" Feng Yao said, and said to Huang Yi, "Lie down properly and don't move around!"

(End of this chapter)

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