Chapter 11
After a while, all the items Feng Yao requested were ready.

Blood-activating grass, boiling water, a pair of scissors sterilized in boiling water, a few thin needles that have been threaded and sterilized in boiling water, a pair of bamboo chopsticks that were also boiled in boiling water, and a piece of rag , a few small balls of sterile cotton.These things are neatly placed on a white cloth.

How to use these things?
Chen Dao, Tian Yuerong stared nervously at Feng Yao's every move, trying to judge the specific functions of these things from Feng Yao's next action. As a modern person, Feng Yao didn't find it strange at all to treat injuries like this , although he has never studied medicine, Feng Yao has seen many similar wound healing scenes in modern film and television works.

Before starting, Feng Yao closed his eyes again, carefully recalling the scenes of those wounds being healed, and at the same time secretly praying in his heart that his first unlicensed medical practice must be successful!

"Third brother, hold Huang Yi's body, Tian Yuerong, hold your husband's head, and start healing!"

The two responded, pressing the corresponding parts respectively to prevent Huang Yi from struggling. At this time, Huang Yi could only close his eyes tightly with a mournful face, not daring to look at Feng Yao.

"Husband! The master will definitely heal your injury! You must hold back, our baby is still waiting for us to raise it!" Tian Yuerong comforted Huang Yi carefully.

Feng Yaoshen picked up the fragment and said: "Huang Yi, open your mouth and bite this piece of cloth! Remember, you must hold on, it will be finished soon!" After speaking, he rolled up the fragment of cloth and stuffed it into the cloth. In Huang Yi's mouth, put it between Huang Yi's upper and lower teeth to prevent Huang Yi from biting his own teeth due to pain.

Then he picked up the pair of chopsticks, picked up a ball of cotton, dipped it in the boiling water that had become no longer hot, and cleaned the blood from the wound on Huang Yi's face.

"Ahhhhh! Ugh!" Huang Yi couldn't help shouting because there was no anesthetic.

"Hold it! Don't move!"

After Feng Yao cleaned Huang Yi's wound, he quickly picked up a needle and thread, and stabbed it!

"Hmm—" The flesh on Huang Yi's face trembled slightly, and he tightly bit the fragments in his mouth.

Feng Yao quickly sewed up the wound on Huang Yi's face from left to right. Thin threads were neatly arranged on both sides of the wound like pairs of thin legs of a centipede.

It's slow to say, but the process is actually very fast. After the stitches were finished, the wound on Huang Yi's face was no longer open, but tightly attached. Feng Yao carefully tied the knots on the threads, and then applied After pounding the herbal medicine in advance, Huang Yi's wound was bound up with a piece of dry white cloth.

"Okay!" Feng Yao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the operation went smoothly. Although it was the first time to sew up the wound, Feng Yao was very satisfied with his results as a fake doctor. The rest is to be careful not to let Huang Yi's wound become infected. It will be cured smoothly!
"Master! Thank you!" Huang Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead, raised his mouth slightly, and made an awkward smile. After a while, he closed his eyes tiredly and fell asleep.

Tian Yuerong gave a blessing lightly, and said gratefully: "This servant will never forget the kindness of the master today!"

Chen Dao looked at Feng Yao in amazement, and looked at Feng Yao's hand in disbelief, and finally said: "Brother! I never imagined that there is such a wonderful healing method in the world! I admire you so much!"

Zhou Cang said in admiration: "This healing method must be learned from that world! Brother, can you tell us the story of your world?"

"Brother Zhou, what do you mean by Master's world?" Dai Ling asked in confusion.

Feng Yao smiled. Regarding this misunderstanding, Feng Yao didn't want to explain it, and he didn't know how to explain it. Anyway, this mysterious identity is not harmful to him at present, so let it go.

Seeing that Dai Ling was interested, Zhou Cang clung to Dai Ling's ear, gesticulating and bragging about the scene at that time, and Dai Ling did not disappoint Zhou Cang, and looked at Feng Yao more and more reverently from time to time, Of course, Zhou Cang looked more and more pleasing to Dai Ling's eyes, and soon recognized the big brother's new stupid follower.

Seeing the weird expressions of the people, Feng Yao also felt a little embarrassed, so he went back to his room to rest with a straight face. Regarding the chaos in Pingyu City, Feng Yao could only secretly worry about Hou Yuan who stayed in the city.

In order to prevent bandits from attacking at night, Zhou Cang, Chen Dao, and Dai Ling volunteered to take turns keeping vigil.

The next day, at dawn, Feng Yao ordered Zhou Cang, Chen Dao and the two to cut down trees to build a fence to defend against possible bandit attacks, and he took Dai Ling out again to look for Mrs. Feng. After the entire forest was still fruitless, Feng Yao led Dai Ling straight to the direction of the North City Gate, "I hope Pingyu City is not occupied by the rebels." Feng Yao prayed in his heart.

As soon as he came out of the woods, a bad smell rushed over. The source of the bad smell was the place where he fought with the bandits last night.

There were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground, and flies were flying in the air. To Feng Yao's surprise, a group of ten-year-old teenagers were rummaging through the corpses for usable things. Some of them took off their clothes and put them on happily, while others picked up some broken weapons, either holding them in their hands or hanging them around their waists.

There were 13 teenagers in this group, and the leader was the oldest one, who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old and was tall and thin, but even so, the leader still looked much stronger than the rest of the teenagers.


Feng Yao stepped out slowly, and greeted the leader orphan.

Seeing someone coming, the teenagers ran away from the scene with a cry, but then they found that there were only two of them. They became more courageous and returned to the scene under the leadership of the leader boy. fist.

"We discovered this place first! You can't snatch our spoils! Otherwise—" the leader boy shouted.

"Otherwise, what about otherwise?" Feng Yao couldn't help laughing. These boys thought they were grabbing a few broken weapons. There were so many people, they even threatened to come, and they didn't even look at the opponent. Can you still get along?

"Otherwise, we will fight with you!!" The leader boy shouted angrily.

Feng Yao waved his hand and said, "Dai Ling, show them a hand!"

Dai Ling moved in response to the sound, lifted the trunk of the tree more than two feet away, shouted loudly, and swung it down towards a tree several feet high by the side of the road, only to hear a rattling sound, the branches and leaves of the tree were swung by Dai Ling. A lot of them came down, and the momentum was frightening.

"Ah?——" All the teenagers exclaimed, retreating in fright and taking a few steps back. The leader of the teenager still forced himself to be calm, and raised the short gun in his hand and said loudly: "If you want to grab our spoils, you can't do it unless you come from me, Li Xi." Step on the corpse!! Hehehe! Death—what is there to be afraid of, he will be a hero again in 20 years!!”

(End of this chapter)

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